MehZombified : Forum : Zombeh Armeh Rule #1

Re: Zombeh Armeh Rule #1

14 Years Ago

Rule #1: Why yes, there's always a rule...
Almost everything ending in a 'y' is changed to ending in an 'eh'. But only if it makes sense...
Example: I know you're gonna need one sooner or later...
Hello best buddeh! Have you joined our zombeh armeh yet?
NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE: Don't deneh it... [deny can stay the same]

Why: Always asking questions, huh?
Because I have no life, and I made this rule up... [>,.,> shut up]

Re: Zombeh Armeh Rule #1

14 Years Ago

Lol, this is a funneh rule. I'm already getting used to it :D Keep the rules coming! that sounds stupid...

P.S.- You shouldn't be holding a banana while your parents surprisingleh call you in for the 'Birds and the Bees' talk. ;) [refer to rule #2]