Nocturnicon De Shadow : Forum : Spiritual Protection

Spiritual Protection

17 Years Ago

These spells should place a guard against spiritual attacks, use with caution because they may be slightly draining. Enjoy.

Before you attempt to protect yourself you must first purify yourself psychically, make sure your aura or astral body is free of any etheric "impurities". these impurities may represent links to the vampires or psychic attackers. mind you you can use either a shower or a bath, bath preferred.

Get into the bath/shower as you normally do, try either to see what feels right. close your eyes and really feel the water on your skin. (shower) concentrate on the tingling sensation the water leaves (bath) focus on the feeling of being surrounded by liquid.

After about aminute of silent meditation on these sensations you should be ready to imagine that there is more than just liquid pulsing against you or surrounding you. (shower) imagine that the prickling water is a static field of energy surrounding you (bath) pretend the liquid sensation is an aura of energy. keep your eyes closed and try to "astrally see" or visualize what the energy field may look like.

when you feel that you can somewhat imagine your astral body (aura) begin to look for dark spots in it, if you are having trouble visualizing or dont see any just assure yourself that you ARE aware of your aura and any impurities it may have.

visualize the impurities leaving your aura and either being washed away (shower) or being absorbed by the bath, when you feel cleansed you should exit the water as quickly as possible. you are now free of impurities

~~~Banishing Ritual~~~

you must not only purify yourself but your astral atmosphere as well. all impurities and negativities must be banished. this not only clears the area but it also creates a safe place where vamps cannot enter or manifest.

glass of water
dish of salt
white candle
sitck of incense (frankincense preferred but any works)

have these items set up on a small table in the center of the room before you do the purification so that you may go right to it. place the items in the direction that corresponds with that element. after the bath enter the room, dim the lights, and begin.

stand to the west, facing the east. close your eyes, take 3 slow deep breaths, feel the body of energy around you again.

Open your eyes (duh, lol) pick up the matches and light the incense. carry it around the room clockwise forming a circle of smoke, say "I purify this space with air." return the incense to the table where they were

light the candle. walk around the room clockwise carrying the candle and say "I purify this space with fire." then return to the table, leaving the candle lit, and place it back in its holder.

take the glass of water and walk clockwise around the room sprinkling drops of water with your fingers say "I purify this space with water." return to the table, replacing the water.

take the salt and walk clockwise around the circle (room), this time dropping pinches of salt (not much needed seeing as this is just symbolic) while saying " I purify this space with Earth." once again return to the table.

this next part requires concentration-
close your eyes, take 3 more deep breaths and turn your face up "see" in your minds eye that there is a flowing ball of light above you, visualize it as strongly as possible.

imagine that with each breath the ball gets closer. soon it comes down through the top of your head and moves to the center of your chest. try to see it and sense it as much as possible. it should make you feel as if there is warm energy pulsing within.

when you are aware that the light is within you, and convinced it exists, begin to imagine that it gets bigger with each breath. in about a minute it should be a sphere of light that is large enough to surround you and the table. keep the sphere expanding in your mind until it fills the entire circle you just made with the elements. you are not surrounded but a cirlce/sphere made of all five of the ancient magickal elements.

you now need to select a symbol of protection (cross, star of david, pentagram, etc) once that symbol is in your mind, visualize it (eyes close) it being about the size of your hand and floating inside your chest where the ball of energy was, imagine it having a soft golden color.

when you can "see" the symbol open your eyes. now visualize the symbol floating to the east of your circle. this time see it as being about 2 ft tall and glowing blue

once you can see it to the east turn to the south and imagin it there. do the same for the west and north quarters of your circle

seal the sphere around you by visualizing the symbol flat below the ground, visualize it above you as well

concentrate on the circle and symbols around you and say "I stand now in sacred space. only light may enter this purified area."

Breaking the Ties next...