Our Pens Bring Hell : Forum : Hell-o


11 Years Ago

Sorry, had to put that pun in there... Anyhoo, the forum looked lonely, so I thought we should start a thread about ourselves to get to know one another. ^_^ Begin! I'm InsanityWriter, 16, love horror movies and such. I like to write short horror stories and am currently writing a book (Absent Mind) with dark themes.

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

Originally posted by InsanityWriter
Sorry, had to put that pun in there... Anyhoo, the forum looked lonely, so I thought we should start a thread about ourselves to get to know one another. ^_^ Begin! I'm InsanityWriter, 16, love horror movies and such. I like to write short horror stories.

Hello I am Xerclipse, 17, enjoy great action, dark elements (tim burton) sometimes scary or horror movies, etc. I love to write books on action/horror. And you were right, the forum is lonely. Let's give it some occupation or action. 

Right now I am making a book called Ghost Runner. You are welcome to check it out if you wish. If you got any feedback for it or any new ideas about the story, I would gladly consider them. 

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

I'm Katlynn, but my friends call me katie. I'm sixteen,I'm extremely shy,  I'm gothic,i  love rock/screamo/ metal/and ocasionally, dubstep. i got into writing when i was thirteen. I've always been into the darker, twisted side of stories and poetry, i think it makes the story more interesting. I have a group on writers cafe aswell, but its directed towards more random stories, its called the challengers and its open membership so feel free to join us. Also feel free to add me (chaotic katie) to check out some of my peices and read request for feedback on your work. Anyways, since i can't think of anymore to say about myself, I would like to put into words how much i enjoy groups like these, where people with common interests can bounce ideas off of one another and recive support.                                                                                                              -chaotic katie

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

cute pun!
I'm J, I like action but with a dark twist.
I love sinister stuff and I love it when the fate of the protagonist isn't certain.

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

Alexander Rodgers is my pen name, not my real one. I chose this name because I liked the ring it had, and if I'm ever published it's the one I'm going to use. With that aside, I absolutely live, breath, and enjoy reading and writing. I've always been attracted to the dark side of things, so most of my work is on that side. I've written a novella, ''The Invaders'' Feel free to check it out and tell me what you think :). I have written many short stories as well, most of them are on here, and when I finish revising others I'll put them here as well. I don't write too many poems, but occasionally one will pop into my head and I have to write it down. I'm open to reading what everybody wants me too, and I'm open to review. I'm glad to be a part of this group and I hope it grows! Welcome all!

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

Hi I'm Aaron. I love writing stories from a wide variety of genres but I always tend to get drawn to the darker sides of stories and characters, I can't think of a anything more fun than thinking up new ways for a character to scare or disgust others!

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

Name's Kent, the moderator and creater of the group Our Pens Bring Hell. I'm 17, darkest member of my family, and trying to become a novelist, so anything you have to say helps.By the way, nice pun, Insanity writer, and thanks for starting this forum for me.

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

Hey I am heather and I am 17. I know the moderator of this group. Hey Kent whats up! You know Black Veilo Brides's drummer has a horses a*s. LOL

Re: Hell-o

11 Years Ago

HI all. I'm Phil. I'm 31 I recently became unemployed and before finding another dead end retail job I decided to network online to see if my writing is any good. Networking is difficult for me because I suffer from Narcolepsy which can make me a bit self conscious in public though i'm apparently good at hiding it. I've written a lot over the years but I don't have much writing saved since I doubted my abilities up until recently. I do have a few short stories and one full length horror fiction novel. I love Horror and I extend the invitation for anyone to test my knowledge or trivia on the subject. I might learn something new. 

I've posted 15 chapters of my novel so far. Anyone who gives me honest feedback I will gladly return the favor. I'm critical so if you hate my work then please say so. If it is compelling or boring id like to hear about it. If you want me to go easy on your work or focus on a specific aspect please let me know in advance. :p

Re: Hell-o

10 Years Ago

I realize nobody has posted in this for a while, but whatever :P

My name is Phill. I'm eighteen and absolutely love horror movies and books. Usually the goriest and most bizarre ones I can find. I'm currently working on a drug-themed horror-esque novel (Katie's Bleeding) which i'll probably post very soon. I also love to write short horror based stories and am practicing my poetry.

So yeah. Good to be a part of all of this! Thanks!