Paramore Lovers
Fave song
Fave song14 Years AgoWhat is your favorite Paramore song and why?
I like Brick by Boring Brick because of the beautiful meaning and lyrics.
Also Misguided Ghosts for its meaning and it gets you thinking.
Re: Fave song14 Years AgoBrickByBoringBrick wooohooo love it!!!!!!!! and thats what you get because both lyrics are meanigful and beautiful
Re: Fave song14 Years Agofrom paramore of course its the only exception
Re: Fave song14 Years AgoI love "Franklin". <3
Re: Fave song14 Years AgoMisguided Ghost :) i love the song in general. I can play it on my guitar and i love the message it gets across.
Re: Fave song14 Years AgoI love brick by boring brick and playing god, cant explain why I just love them all and all their lyrics and meanings, thats why I LVOE PARAMORE
Re: Fave song13 Years AgoLet The Flames Begin. ♥