Parted Waters: New Fantasy Novel by Natasha Ashwe Forum
Parted Waters Quotes
Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'What he is seeking amonsgt the dead he will find for himself!'
Helva, Wolfkin, Portent Seeker of Shagorra. |
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'There are things you do not know. Things you will never believe. But then there are things you must never doubt.'
- S'Karen Al Erideus, warrior prince |
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'Yet I am not a man that would bite nails like a woman afraid of a sharp word or two and perhaps a slap on the bottom by court elders.'
- Lord Nial of Quesia |
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'We do not need hope. We have destiny!'
- Lisba Moren |
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'Alas, his tongue has melted away into his mouth again!'
- Akei, war-monk in training, Vaene Citadel |
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'The heart lies behind the face. It is why the people of the Citadel guard the face so.'
- Fal'Enai, island girl |
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years Ago'Oh, I am very aware that you have not lost your mind, though you seem to wish for it.'
- Omrhi |
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'Everything is truly like a dream.'- Princess Yalipha, Spire to the Seat of Power.
Re: Parted Waters Quotes12 Years AgoParted Waters Quote: 'Fal'Enai is a mirror. Place her underneath these stars and she will reflect the cosmos.'- Nikalez'Ajah, High Lord, The Vaene Citadel.