Pay It Forward : Forum : Pay It Forward!

Pay It Forward!

16 Years Ago

Welcome to the official Pay It Forward thread! Here's the format we're aiming for when you make a post:

Reviewed: (title of someone else's work that you have reviewed)

To review: (title of your work here)
I'll get it started I suppose =P

Review'd: n/a

To review: "Memory Of" (one chapter, all of them, your choice =] )




[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Reviewed: "Memory Of" (More specifically the Prologue)

To Review: "The Screw"

And I must say I LOVE the concept of this group and I hope it all works the way it's supposed to!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Moving it along. [:
Reviewed: "The Screw", "Memory of"
To Review: "Favole"

Well, I had already reviewed "The Screw", and I read through "Memory Of", and just had to critique all of it, amazing jobs. :)

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Reviewed: "Favole"

To Be Reviewed: "Fortress"

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Reviewed: "Fortress"

To review: "Shattertrail"

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Reviewed: "Shattertrail"

To Be Reviewed: "Final Moments"


How come it's only three out of twenty four participating in the forums? Lol, isn't that the point of the group? ^_^

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Reviewed: Final Moments
To Be Reviewed: Willow Tree

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Reviewed: Willow Tree
To Review: Why Are You Crying (The Biography of a Teardrop)

One of my poems. ;O
Dhanke. C:

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

reviewed: biography of a tear drop (good s**t)
please review: deceiver & believer

thanks : ]

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Reviewed-"deciever & believer"
To Be Reviewed-"The Window to My Soul" or "Versions of "The Window To My Soul""

The second is just 3 versions of the first poem-I am trying to figure out which I like best!

Great group idea! :)

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Reviewed - "Versions of "The Window To My Soul"
To Be Reviewed- "Why Me?"

There are a couple parts in this that seem kind of 'unflowy' >_> Is that just me being perfectionist or am I right? And how should I attempt to fix it?
I think I might just kill my whole attempt at having 10 syllables for each line to make it flow better. Input?

Thanks! :D