REAL reviews
DescriptionYeah, a good reviewer should never make the writer feel bad about their work, put it down or give negative feedback without offering suggestions of improvement, but a good reviewer should never lie to a writer, not give them complete honest feedback, not do everything they can to make a writers work the best it can possibly be, and absolutely should never be afraid to give some suggestions if they should have any.
This group is for those of you who WANT/GIVE honest, insightful and beneficial feedback on reviews by including more then: "Hmm..", "Interesting" or "Nice work!" we don't give feedback to be mean, we do it because thats the purpose of this site- to share our work with each other and improve it! So if you share this mentality then join and lets get started on making our work go from average to AMAZING! If you want to join then you'll need to be approved. I'll look at your work and the reviews that you've given other people. I won't accept you based on your skill as a writer, but rather your desire to improve your own work and to help others as well. :) happy writing! New Writing
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