Team StarKid : Forum : Welcome

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11 Years Ago

This is a place to bask in the sheer awesomeness given off by those perfect people who call themselves Team StarKid. So tell me what you think? Share your stories with me. We're all just Super Friends here :D Hugs and butterfly kisses, Your Draco xxxxx
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Re: Welcome

11 Years Ago

hey! my name's abbie! you know, moments before I joined, I was thinking about if there was a starkid group! Thank dead god you made one! I would have gone crazy without one! I feel like nobody knows they exist! the horror! any who, just wanted to say hi! so...HOLA!
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Re: Welcome

11 Years Ago

Yay! So happy more people are joining. IKR Abbie. My friend got me onto RC because it was a site we could use that wasn't blocked at school (RIP Figment :/) and I spent a whole day just searching for anything remotely StarKid. I couldn't FIND anything!!!!! So I made this group. Tell more people to join. We can all be one big happy StarKid family :D
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Re: Welcome

11 Years Ago

My friend got me onto WC because I enjoy writing, but I did search it for all things starkid. I and I couldn't FIND anything either! and I think without this group the G.L.E.E. would have taken over and made a twisted abomanation of this site! I will tell anybody that I know on WC who likes starkid abot this group! :D