That awkward moment when... : Forum : Your most awkward moment to da..

Your most awkward moment to date?

11 Years Ago

What's the most awkward moment you've had recently?                                                                                                                               I shouted out the Reading Writing hotline song really loud in the middle of English class and everyone started staring at me...

Re: Your most awkward moment to date?

11 Years Ago

haha, mine would probably be today at lunch when my friend was eating a banana, and i started singing the 'stick a banana in your ear' song from charlie the unicorn... the guys gave me some really messed up looks..... XD

Re: Your most awkward moment to date?

11 Years Ago

i was at work and i was serving a customer. we were near the storeroom so i went in there to get the product she wanted. while getting in there i banged my knee against one of the display shelves in there and shouted "F**K SAKE!" i forgot to close the storeroom door and the whole shopfloor heard. needless to say the b***h complained. :(

Re: Your most awkward moment to date?

11 Years Ago

Hi, I'm new. I'm gonna chip in with an awkward moment.

I'm as straight as a zigzag. Anyway, there was this really hot secretary whose office was right across where I used to work. It's two offices per floor. I'd steal glances through the glass door every single time I had to wait for the lift. 

My coworkers teased me and dared me to admit I had a crush on the secretary before I resigned. On my last day, I succumbed to their pressure and wrote a note (the kind you pass around in high school) which read:

"Hi, I'm Hazim. I've got a crush on you. I work across the hall as a researcher. I think you're really hot and you should know that. I don't care what you think because today is my last day!

P.S Here's my number-just in case"

I wasn't going to give it, but one of my coworkers grabbed it and ran off to hand it over to the secretary. I ran off after her and the lift doors were about to close. I rushed in and grabbed her (we're very playful) and shook her shoulders while yelling 'YOU'D BETTER HAVE NOT DONE WHAT I THINK YOU DID!'

Only t wasn't her. It was the secretary I had the hots for. The lift doors closed and we were the only two in the lift. Turns out my coworker went off to the staircase for a cigarette break. Well...awkward.
