Union Of The Unique : Forum : what do you look for in a good..

what do you look for in a good group

17 Years Ago

i want this to be a cooperative group, a concensus, a think tank, not just my brainchild, my baby. what doyou guys like about other groups. im not really into the whole" everyone write about this" thing, i think that goes against the spirit of the "unique" but i think we should do something. any ideas?

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I am new.. but here is an idea.. maybe have a contest on your fav writing.. (just the pple in the group).. break it down to poem, story. submit your own fav writing and then pick winner.. i dont know just putting things out there.. dont have to like it..

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I like a group where the people participate, throw questions and comments out there to get the mind flowing, rather than standing stagnat like misquito infested sesspool. Allow the mind to wander and find out more about others; peoples thoughts, feelings, peceptions. We are more than just our writings, though be pour our heart and soul into our writings, the best way to find the true being behind the writing is to question.