Vagabond Writers Society
Sound Off
Sound Off17 Years AgoOkay - new running thread.....
Since the idea here is to gain perspectives of others through the exploration of ideas, I thought it would be interesting to find out a bit about each other. Don't put anything up that should not be up on the Internet - just a general idea of the lens you see the world through. I'll go first: I am located somewhere deep in the heart of nowhere (sorry bob g.) North Carolina. I work in computer security for a living, a huge football fan (even volunteer coach), and a family man. I love storytelling in all its forms - novels, short stories, movies, music, oral tradition, etc, etc, etc. I just love a good story. I love music - mostly classical, classic rock, old metal, hard rock, and the blues. And my dog is not dumb - he is just simple. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI'm currently located almost in the smack dab center of North Carolina, but next week I'm moving to the coast to finish my senior year of college. After that I'm either going into teaching, publishing (my main choice), or to work in nyc on a tv show that my buddy's brother owns. I love movies, strangely even some chic flics, but mostly horror and have even written most of a script. I love art; I do charcoal drawing, a little bit of painting, obviously writing, and i'm trying to learn pottery for some reason. I don't like watching sports, but I do like playing basketball, soccer, baseball, and swimming. So okay I'm a hands on kind of guy.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI am a mother, a wife and employee (I work to live, not live to work or it's what I do, not who I am). I love movies but don't watch TV (how unamerican of me). I read a lot. I journal, a lot. I sing in the shower and the car. I dance in the living room. I have a BA in Theatre. I can't spell (thank god for googles spell check). Grammar, what's that? I've taught my son to sing to the broadway show Chicago though he would die of utter embarrassment if any of his friends found out. I'm a Leo but have more meow than roar. I have a dry sense of humor. My cat talks at 2am and though I love her at 2am I want to throw her.
[no subject]17 Years AgoI live just inside North-Derbyshire (England) and will be moving just north of that border if my exam results are how I hope to study English Lit at University of Sheffield.
I love books, music and sports. I read lots of Stephen King and Hemingway. Musically I'll listen to just about anything - indie-rock, metal, reggae, blues, trip-hop, classical... I just don't like dance too much. I play football/soccer *cringes* alot and watch whenever I can - my passion lying with Chesterfield FC and Tottenham Hotspur. |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI live in, what I used to think to be the dead center of nowhere, North Carolina. But have since traveled to many other places and have actually seen the real nowhere's. So I have learned to accept my quite place of residence and appreciate the short car ride to civilization.
I am just another kid wanting the world to see the real side of me and take notice that I do have a brain and know how to use it. I am not just another teen who writes "emo" poetry to tell others how miserable my life is. A few years ago I wouldn't be able to say that, but I have since learned that only I can make my life be truly miserable. I have stopped caring what other people think about me, so I act like a complete dork in public, and most people like who I am. I live by the quote of, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind", meaning if someone doesn't like me for who I really am, I don't need them anyways. I love reading [anything]. I often find myself reading ingredients on the back of boxes, Not because I care what is in something, just because I can. I write [way too much]. Most of what I have written will never see another human's eyes, but then again, lately I have been finding myself putting more and more stuff on the Internet longing for them to be read and understood. I like [more like live by] music, any kind of music. I don't listen to a certain genre, if I like the beat and the lyrics, I'll listen to it. I do Colourguard, and play Soccer [I usually call it Football, but so as to not confuse anyone] for my high school. I love solving Sudoku's, they make me feel intelligent. I am really into Photography, I would really [more then anything] like to work for National Geographic, I think that would be more then awesome. When I get out of high school, I plan to go to school to get a business degree, and take a few Photography classes. Then actually open my own Photography studio for a while, then when I get bored of that lifestyle [I can hardly stay in one place too long] I plan on opening a little bookstore/cafe. I know things probably won't turn out this way, life has a way of changing plans, but for the time being it starts a nice conversation. So that's me, ::biggrin:: |