Venting To Others
Vent Session #1
Vent Session #112 Years AgoSo today I was at the market. Just picking up some things for my home-made vegtable soup. Minding my own buisness when this little kid about four comes running down the asile and straiinto my cart. I then proceeded to knock into a display and had a total FML moment. The mother of the child then comes walking up behind me and tells me that i was in her son's way. I was so blown away by the matter that I still cannot get over it. Why? Why? Ever had anyhting like this happen to you? let me know. :)
Re: Vent Session #112 Years Agoi used to be a cart pusher at walmart and one day at work at around 3 in the after noon i am coming down the rows with 12 cart wearing my yellow vest and bright orange hat and mind you the 12 carts i was pushing was not ouite when out of nowhere a old lady hits me with her pt cruzer i could understand if it wasnt a convertiable and is hill got in troble and got worte up