World Building : Forum : Hello Little Draken

Introduce yourselves(DRAKEN)

15 Years Ago

I think Draken are newly born dragons, or if they are not, I now say that they are. Draken symbolizes all new members of this group. Don't be shy. Introduce yourself so that we'll get to know you better.

I myself am an avid reader and a writer. I enjoy a good book, especially if I'm sitting in a nice plush couch with freezing coffee at my side.'s one of my vices. There, see, you now know one of my weaknesses. What's yours?

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hi!  I'm relatively new to writerscafe in general.  My weakness is definately fantasy and science fiction, but it's also joined with me being very critical of fantasy and sci-fi authors, and I therefore don't think there are very many good ones out there.

I've written a short story called The Black Waltz set in a world that I'm creating.  I run a D&D campaign in that world and I'm working on a novel set there.  The biggest roadblock I've run into is how to make the world unique and not just another Middle Earth or Forgotten Realms.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Yeah...I think I've read your story. It was actually one of the first stories I've reviewed here. The Blighted and the Flawless. I liked the story line a lot. I do get what you mean about SF and F authors. Let me just say that I liked definitely a lot more authors four years ago than I do now.

Haha...either I've become pickier on what I like...or writers have become less imaginative in general.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hello, i'm very new to writer's cafe.  Just signed up and wanted to network with more people.  I like a bunch of different genre's but i really like fantasy and science fiction so I thought I'd join up with this group.

unfortunately my reading lists is really shallow, i've always liked the genre but haven't taken the initiative to really look into many books until recently. any suggestions on some must reads for these genres?

anyways, hope to chat with ya guys(or gals)

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

For a reading list in SF, I suggest
Frank Herbert (Dune)
Orson Scott Card (Ender Saga)
Joan Slonczewski
Larry Niven(Ringworld)
Anne McCaffrey(Pern, but only if you like dragons)
Anne Bishop
Tolkien(pretty old, pretty famous, no doubt you've read it, but i had to put it there)

There are a couple of others, but this is my personal reading list. I used to like a lot more, but my list has been scaled down ever since I got older.

Welcome to Worldbuilding. Feel free to submit your writing.

btw...I'm Jam.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I'm Kyari Hasutto, and I've been on WC for about four months now. Fantasy and science fiction are definitely my favorite genres to write and read.

I go by pretty much anything...Shorty (yes, I'm only 5 foot)...and pretty much any name you see in my signature...I'm 14, and currently working on a book entitled "Immortal Foe". I have finished writing what I believe will be Part One of the aforementioned book, or else it will be the first book in a trilogy. I'm taking a break from the book right now until Thanksgiving, after which I will start content editing it. I found a friend of mine that's willing to edit for grammar, etc., and so that's good news for me. Anyway, I have my rough draft posted on here, so if you could review it and check it out, that would be great!

I have at least ten other book ideas sitting in a binder, plus a great idea for a screenplay, but I've promised myself that I wouldn't touch them until I finished my current book. It's a lot harder than I thought. The screenplay is actually a short story I wrote called "Rearth", a sci-fi piece. It seems it would do good as a movie, and I'd like your opinion of it...

I like reading Tamora Pierce, Orson Scott Card, Stephanie Meyer, J.R.R. Tolkien, Eoin Colfer...and a lot more...(See my profile for more details)

Hope I enjoy this group!

-Kyari Hasutto

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Welcome to World Building Kyari Hasutto. I think we've all got permanent dragons and aliens in our heads, so you should fit right in.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago in my short story "In My Head", all my characters have taken spots...

In answer to your question, no, it is not leading to romance. They are already

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hey, I'm Shade. Recently writing is pretty much my life. Currently I'm working on "Echo of  Shade", post-apoclaytic sci-fi. It's still in the first draft stage, and I would love any reviews on it. I'm willing to  review others' writing in exchange for quality reviews.

Re: Hello Little Draken

13 Years Ago

My name is Weaver.  I'm new to WritersCafe.  (I am also new to trying to type while a four-month-old kitten walks across my keyboard.  Please excuse any typos - baby Ashley did it.)  I've written (and had published, although I didn't get any money out of it) several short stories and a novella, and have been working, on and off (mostly off, I have to admit), on a novel that links with some of my previous stories and expands that setting.  Aside from science fiction and fantasy novels, I also read contemporary thrillers (I'll read anything by Douglas Preston and/or Lincoln Child), and I read a fair amount of nonfiction.  Poetry I only read as research.  (A major character from some of my stories told me one day that he really liked the poetry of Robert Frost - and NOT the stuff that gets taught in schools.  So of course I had to acquire a copy of Frost's collected works and read the whole thing.  Several times.  I shall have my revenge in veiled referrences to lines from "Mending Wall"...)  I have been reading a lot of books about science fiction and fantasy lately - gods help me - and much of what I've read makes me even more determined than ever to just write the kinds of stories I want to read and forget about what the market currently says is "in," because it'll all change soon enough.  Hmm.  What else?  I have a clone-sibling (twin) who is also a writer.  He leans more toward hard sci-fi and thrillers than I do, but we still manage to collaborate (translation: bounce ideas off each other's half of the shared brain) without difficulty.  I've loaned him one of my characters to be supporting cast in his current novel-in-progress, with the understanding that said character shall be returned, undamaged, whenever I need him again.