scatterbrains, unite! : Forum : scatterbrains, unite!

scatterbrains, unite!

13 Years Ago

THIS is the official thread for all of us scatterbrains (my pupils), where we will discuss lessons (a new lesson every Friday afternoon) and organize the circumstances of this class. i'll also be updating a calendar of our progress, and planned activities and what not. so keep an eye on this thread whenever you log in. I update a lot :P oh, and let's keep the chit-chat to the Anything Goes thread in this group, and save this thread for the mechanics/updates of the group.

Important Links:
the thread to join:

the course itself:

My Students
Angel's Lady
Yours Truly
Poetry Girl
Anne Martin
the in between
Willow B. Coldfeather

August 21st, 2010:
The first lesson will take place on Friday, September 3rd. It will be titled 'The Suspension of Belief'. As a hint of what the lesson might entail, here is a video:

August 25th, 2010:
The Process of Scatterbrains, Unite!

For a lesson plan, I will write out an essay of sorts on the week's topic. Images, videos, songs, whatever fits the content can be used. I'll try to stay weary of your guys' time, so i'll aim for 10 minutes of my voice in all.
I will then set up a new post in the forum where I will post an assignment of sorts, not only to get a grasp on everyone's use of the topic, but also to help improve according to my own standards (AHAHAHAH i just had to laugh while writing that).

If you turn in the assignment, that'd be nice. So i'm not soapboxing for nothing. It'll be brief, asking for less words and more effective word-choice. everyone will e-mail their assignment to an e-mail address of mine. I will edit and critique every submission, and send it back. those whose caught my eye will be posted onto this group (along with my own, since i'm the teacher! nah nah nah nah nah!). it won't be required to read mine, but i just want to prove that i'm doing whatever work i assign.

okay. that took enough of your guys' time. seeya in a few days!

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