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Edwin and Edmound

12 Years Ago

Edwin was wondering round the halls when he noticed a blond tom boy. He sensed something coming from her. "hey! you who  or what the heck are you," demanded Edwin. she was a little over a year older than him since he is a bout to turn 15 on the coming up weekend. Before she could answer he backed up against the lockers. you some kind of demon hunter you reek of elemental powers. only demon slayers smell like that." 
"I'm no demon hunter you jerk! my names   Edmound Slater!"
" Edmound Slater? aren't you supposed to be a girl?"
"yeah what of it?"
Edwin fell to the floor and broke out in to the laughter while slamming his fist in to the ground.  she then through anger conjured a wind that knocked him into a wall on the other side of the hallway. "okay... maybe i went to far?"  he walked up to her," wait wait Edmound, I...I...I'm sorry... his face grew hot since living around demons has toughened up. he was just not sure how to be nice.


Me, Edmound, In Class With The Half-Demon

12 Years Ago

I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”
“But I am –
I ignore him and keep going down.
I can feel darkness around him - he is half demon and half human. I can feel my hands glowing again of the light because of it. Luckily, I am wearing fingerless black gloves so no one can see it - no one can know my secret.
“Hello class,” said the professor. “I am Mr. Dickinson. Welcome to the History of Powers. Sorry that I didn't come for the first three days, but I was ill. Today, we are starting chapter one section one.”

“Aw,” the students growl.
I look over to my left to see that stupid half demon and half human thing - laughing at my name, my grandfather's name. I can feel the darkness even more now that he is almost right next to me and I can feel my hands glowing again of the symbols of the elements with even more light. I feel so different here - With my long thick wavy medium golden blonde hair and blunt bangs, bluish green eyes, full pink lips, medium size nose, porcelain skin, and no wearing the uniform (first day for me, but it sucks that I have to wear a skirt - darn it! I like wearing my long baggy t-shirt, flare blue jeans, cowboy boots, black fingerless gloves, and pearl necklace), I stand out like a sore thumb basically.
“Open your books to page ten,” order Mr. Dickinson. “Today we are going to learn about the Light Elder God, the Light Gods, and the Light Goddess.”
Hmmmm, they are going to talk about me - well my old me from my previous life.

“First,” said Mr. D. “We'll discuss the Elder God – he was made from pure light. He created the Light Gods and Light Goddess to protect our light observable universe – Siren, the Supreme God and God of Kindness, the
Animal God and God of Intelligence, Austen, the Wizard God and God of Muse, Woodruff, the Knight God and God of Courage, Kellen, and the Light Goddess of the Elements and Beauty, Elena or better known as Ella.”

Re: Mystic Academy

12 Years Ago

if you guys ever want to see want mystery looks like in my brain go here: 

Re: Mystic Academy

12 Years Ago

After Juno had passed her archery test and got her schedule, she followed some people to her first class. Hm, archery? Why am I doing it today? I don't feel like it. And what! Juno thought as she looked closer at the schedule, First level! I'm gonna die of boredom unless... Juno started to smiled wickedly as an idea popped into her head.  

The trouble begins :DD

12 Years Ago

Juno walked into her class, acting all nice and like she wasn't up to no good, when she was
Juno waited for the teacher to come in and he introduced himself. "Hello, I am Mr. Evans, am I am your archery teacher. Please watch this demonstration of archery."
He went up to the wall that was covered with bows and arrows, and grabbed one bow, a couple of arrows and an arm guard. 
"You first take the arm guard and put it on the hand that it holding the bow steady, you you can try it without the arm guard, but it is not my fault if you get injured from whip-lash. Then You draw back and-" Mr. Evans said as the string snapped in his face. 
"Ouch.." He muttered, and grabbed another bow, to try again. 
He drew back and when he was halfway, Juno made his bowstring's shadow snap, thus breaking the bowstring. This happened multiple times, until he decided to let the students have a turn. While the students were got, there was no problem at all. Mr. Evans tried again, and the same thing happened. As time flew by and class was done, The mystery of why the bowstrings only broke when Mr. Evans broke was never found... And Juno got moved up three levels. :D

I, Edmound With The Headmistress

12 Years Ago

“Sorry I couldn't see you earlier,” apologize the headmistress. “But I was extremely busy with another new student. Now Ms. Slater, I am putting you on level one so students won't be as suspicious of you and if anyone asks, you did take tests and you transferred.”
“No problem,” I said. “Scholar already told me everything.”

“Yes, he told me to tell you that he will see you in a hour – and to not use your power against the others because if they find out, jealously and trouble will emerge,” said the headmistress.

I sigh. That is what Scholar always says.
“He also says to not tell any of your new friends that you will make either – in fact, I am the only one that knows that you are the reincarnation of our great Light Goddess, Ella. Not even your teachers,” add the headmistress.

“Okay,” I said.

“Now do you have any more questions?”

“Actually yes,” I said, remembering that boy. “There is this kid - I think he is like fourteen or fifteen – he has spiky silver hair, black sideburns, red eyes, and bronze skin.”

“Mr. Warlock.”

“Yeah – Can I change my schedule so I absolutely don't have any classes with him?”

“Why? Is he bothering you?”
I didn't want to tell her he is half-demon since I can sense that he has good intentions though he is probably still going to be a enemy of mine.
“He noticed that I have elemental powers – smelled it on me. I don't want to take any chances on him discovering me and telling anyone,” I said.

“Well I can ask Mr. Dickinson to make sure you sit far away from him and in your other classes with him since I believe if you just have a new schedule without him, he will be suspicious then if you are that worry,” said the headmistress.

“Thank you,” I said.


I turn around and the girl stops talking. She has long curly black hair, purple eyes, light tan skin, and wearing the school uniform with silver cat ears – are they real?
“Mystery,” said the headmistress. “This is Edmound Belle Slater.”

“You can just call me Edmound or Eddie,” I said, standing up with my hand out.

Before she can shake my hand, the headmistress stands up.

“You're dismissed Edmound,” said the headmistress.

I sigh and walk out of her office.
I know that she wanted to protect me – or maybe Scholar told her to make sure I probably don't make any friends here, but that girl looks nice. It would be nice to have someone to talk to.

Me, Edmound, Sitting With Scholar

12 Years Ago

I sit on the benches by the woods near Mystic Academy, waiting and waiting for -
I turn around. “You need to stop doing that to me.” 
Scholar rolls his eyes.
“How was your first day?”
Fine. I don't think I can consider myself a new student exactly because I take only two classes.”
“That is because you must only train with me privately,” remind Scholar.
“I know – except there is this one boy that already annoys me. He made fun of my name already like most morons since I have a boy's name instead of a girl's name,” I said.
“Just ignore him,” said Scholar. “And DON'T use your powers outside of training.”

I say nothing
“If you do, someone sided with darkness might see you and go after you.”

“I know. It's just that this boy is right next to me in History of Power and he is in my other class behind me to the left and -

“Don't focus on him, Edmound,” said Scholar. “As long as you keep your mouth shut and your powers inside you, you will be fine.”

I open my mouth but shut it again.
“Exactly,” said Scholar.
“Sorry – I just forget how you can look inside someone's soul and find out everything since you're the Earth's Guardian and stuff.”

“You will also know that I know about how he is half-demon, but you are right – in your mind, I see that he is not a threat. Keep your mind on your schoolwork and our training.”

I sigh.
I'll try.
Scholar sighs too.
I know he actually hates my dry sense of humor and prefers my old goofy sense of humor and my joking happy tone over my serious dark tone.... But I can't go back to who I was before everything happened........

Device Character: Scholar

12 Years Ago

If you ever want to use Scholar as a device for your character, here is the information about him.

Name: Scholar
Powers: Teleport, make people forget or remember what they heard, seen, touched, smelled, and tasted, and can see into one's soul that is on Earth and/or was born on Earth.
Species: Unknown - but he was created by the Light Gods - Siren, Austen, Woodruff, and Kellen - after the Elder God left into the after life to watch over Earth and to notify them when Ella is reincarnated.
Scholar is assigned by the Light Gods to train Edmound until she regains her light goddess form.
He looks to be in his mid-thirties, but has been alive since Ancient Rome (which explains why he looks to be from Ancient Rome.) He has short silver hair, silver eyes with no pupil, tan skin, and is muscular and seven feet tall. He wears a giant sedge hat, silk silver tunic with dark silver sleeves, long iron boots, iron gauntlets, and is nine feet tall. He looks to be from Ancient Rome.

Re: Mystic Academy

12 Years Ago

An energetic girl suddenly burst through the doors, screaming "WHAT'S UP MY PEEPS!!"


12 Years Ago

Mystery and Zak  came flying in behind the girl.  "guys, you never believe  what just happened!!!"Mystery blurted. "it was amazing. she was just standing there staring at the  archery target and all of a sudden, a huge fireball came out Mystery's hand and blew up the target. it was unbelievable!!" Zak shouted. 

Re: Mystic Academy

12 Years Ago

b.t.w. mystery's powers make her more emotional.

Me, Edmound, See Mystery, A Boy, And Energetic Girl

12 Years Ago

I look over while playing with my football to see Mystery again with a.... Elf? Those are real too - well then again, why should I be so surprised? I am the reincarnation of the one and only goddess. He's not short though - he actually tall! The energetic girl is well.... Energetic!
I wish I can tell people who I am almost, but of course, Scholar says no because it is too dangerous and the headmistress mentioned earlier that the students will be jealous of me since I am THE goddess, though I am technically human.... For now.
Just need to regain my goddess form - even though I remember nothing of my previous life.
I still remember the day I found out......

Re: Mystic Academy

12 Years Ago

Juno had came out of archery completely satisfied, and then went in the direction of someone shouting "HELLO MY PEEPS!" for that must be the most interesting place to kill time until her next class. 
Juno walked in the classroom, seeing another elf, the cat-girl from earlier, the shouter, a tomboy and the half-demon. What an interesting group of people. What type of things will I be seeing here I wonder? 

Group Activity

12 Years Ago

I look over to a girl with crimson hair with silver steaks, and gray eyes, Mystery, the elf, a girl with light silver hair, red blood eyes and lips with glasses, and the energetic girl again - and the half-demon again. Jeez, he just has to be in this class too.
"Class," began a substitute. "Since your professor isn't here today, it is pretty much a free day - but you have to keep your voices to a minimum and not shout across the room!"
I guess that is good news.

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12 Years Ago

Then a thin, blonde with fired eyes came crashing through the doors to the hallways. Mystery, Crona and everyone else in the class heard and jumped and then the girl had screamed a shrill:  "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" and knocked the door down flying in with her tired sprite wings and seemed to have crashed down to a girl who was left interrupted on something. "Uh- oh" she thought. She scrambled to her feet to help the girl up but she seemed a little dazed. Aurum felt real bad she looked around and her and everyone looked at her. There eyes were frozen and Aurum blushed. Actually everything turned red except for her burns. The girl who was speaking got up and was alright, thank god then asked "What was that?" Aurum looked upon her shyly and said "Hurricane Aurum" then dashed out to the room trying to find the nearest bathroom. She was scrambling all over the place leaving the hallways in a streak of blaze. "What was that? I just ran to the room without going to the office and now I don't where I'm going!" Aurum kept running but ran into her own fire and burned her cheek. She fell down and bumped into the girl she had seen in the class. Her hair was black and she looked an awful like the headmistress. Crap! thought Aurum I'm so getting my face fired out today. Aurum was still of the floor when Mystery out reached her hand and Aurum was picked up swiftly (you know- she's a sprite she's light on her feet.)


12 Years Ago

I raise my eyebrows after seeing the..... Fairy? And turn around.
Jeez, this school really does have everything!

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Introduction to Aurum

12 Years Ago

Aurum got to her feet as the girl helped herup. I just blazed in a circle! That's nice... "I'm Mystery." the girl with the cat ears said. "Hi I'm Aurum, a sprite my parents are dryads"  said shyly. She led me to the class where I saw a vampire, demone hunter, a warlock, and the energetic girl. "Hi I'm Aurum" i said feeling a bit more confident. Crona said hi adn a few others too, then I sat down to a desk. Then Mystery asked "Did you take your test?" she asked.  "Test? Oh yeah the TEST! Sure did odd wasn't it, but I did fine my twin  brother asked permission to do it yesterday since i'm very talkative to people i would just talk to everyone today intead of doing the test." I turned to see the Demon Hunter who had turned around looking surprised. I turned to her then smiled "Hi I'm Aurum? What's your name?"


12 Years Ago

"Edmound or you can call me Eddie," I said.
The elf looks at me funny.
"May I ask -
"Don't," butt in the half demon. "She has a temper."
"Shut up kid," I said.
"See?" he continue.
"I said shut up!"
"I said I was sorry!" he remind.
"Am I missing something here?" ask Aurum.
"Long story short, he accused me of being a demon hunter and then laughed when I told him my name," I answer.
"Well why do you have a boy's name?" question the half demon. "Are your -
"You will never know now," I remark.
"HEY!" said the energetic girl, trying to cheer us up. "How about we go around in a circle and introduce ourselves and tell us what species your are and what powers you have?"
"That sounds good," said Mystery.
Suddenly, the girl with crimson hair and silver steaks, gray eyes, and bangs jumps in with a troublemaker grin and another with light silver purple hair, blood red eyes and lips, and large glasses sits down shyly next to Mystery.
"Can I join you guys?" ask the one with crimson hair.
The energetic girls smiles.
"Sure. Who wants to start?"
She looks over to Mystery.
"How about you?"

Re: Mystic Academy

12 Years Ago

"hey, i'm Mystery, i'm an animus, i'm in the 3rd year, now 2nd level like all of you, don't know all my powers yet and i know about the secret Halloween dance the teachers are planning, that's why we have a sub. next." she pointed at Zak before anyone could ask about the dance. ""hi, i'm Zakerieh but you can call me Zak, i'm an elf, i can heal and control plants, 3rd year, 2nd level, and am planning to ask Mystery to the dance" "no" "but why?" Zak whined. "because if i said yes, even as a friend, you'd get ideas"
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Next in line I guess

12 Years Ago

"I'll go, then!" said Aurum cheerfully. "Hi I'm Aurum I'm a sprite, I'm very clumsy I know I use leaves and flower petals for clothes but I can sport them out." "Anyway, I'm clumsy and I like to pull fun pranks and do ballet and ice-skate sometimes." Aurum blushed and looked around. Then Edmound asked "What happened to your cheek?" Aurum smiled sheepishly. "I burned myself with my own powers I'm a Phoenix you know- fire but I don't do much I guess nothing has happened yet." "Yeah any questions just ask. Who's next?"