kinetrix : Writing

In Exile

In Exile

A Poem by kinetrix

How I felt at the time
Clawed My Way Home

Clawed My Way Home

A Poem by kinetrix

Haiku No. 1

Haiku No. 1

A Poem by kinetrix

This is a line that came to me, fully formed as written down here, one soft wet August evening as I looked out my kitchen window.


A Poem by kinetrix

A poem written during a difficult time in my life.
Sonnet on a Dream

Sonnet on a Dream

A Poem by kinetrix

This is a poem written after a dream I had shortly after breaking-up with my girlfriend.
Bittersweet Night

Bittersweet Night

A Poem by kinetrix

This is a poem I wrote attempting to create a style and atmosphere of the genre of Film Noir