Ellis was born into this world five minutes after me. My mother says she never cried, while I wailed endlessly. Our eyes matched, cornflower blue, wi..
Oscar was my father’s younger, more personable brother. A graphic designer who wore trousers with pockets in. He liked Radio One. He wore emba..
The story of Edward and Ellis, twins moving from childhood into adulthood.
Once the first week of the summer holidays was over, and I was tired of sitting in the window getting acquainted with Virginia Woolf, Mum decided sh..
Little Lillian. She slept so soundly. Perhaps it was the spin of her mobile, with its little plastic clouds and pink elephants pirouetting round in th..
The doomed love story in a future where age affects no one and beauty is God.
It's just past 7 am.The bone-rattling jingle of the phoneHas melted through my sleep.Mum picks it up after 3 rings, from somewhere deep in the house.T..
I found him in a draughty houseReading a book by Stephen King,One I'd actually lent him a few years ago.He looked like an accidental moirologist.I squ..
Had to write something about her at some point.
The opening of a novella about twin sisters.