I have a need to be happy,an unfulfilled need.No. It's a fluctuant need, for sometimes the glass is full and sometimes it thirsts the liquor.Like a ne..
When it just ignites this fire in mewho’s longing for such touchsince you pushed me awayShould I tell you again how you pulled me inCountless ki..
Those tears were my abominations. Your confessions, I had no
My foolishness for missing the lips, love I can never
harvest. Knowing it all ..
This dark dreary drowsy dusk, the
pupils stand in the corner gazing the knob with fire and dire. Still looking
and waiting, anxiously for the turnin..
This was originally posted on the blog, but moved here for a perfect reason: wiping the spills.
because it's different.
You remembered yours with him. I know you'd forget ours so I'm keeping it here because I have to remember.
It has always been the wrong person to fall for, especially you. But this love is never wrong.
It's a word play, baby...
I'm reaching my sky, I won't wait my fall...you're there