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paul : Writing

interstellar love affairs

interstellar love affairs

A Poem by paul

and now for the real purpose of the museto stand with mefor againstwallsand vast open spacesto standlike loveat the placewhere the sun mingleswith the..


A Poem by paul

this crazy museinvisible like lightupon a dumb wallwhat strange giftswhat generous oceanshave you broughtto lay at the feetof this oldbrokenwretchconf..
mad Viking.

mad Viking.

A Poem by paul

this gladiatorinside meis old and tiredsword grown heavythis mad Vikingold and tiredand yet there are stillplaces to go, things to dosky's to flyin th..


A Poem by paul

how strange to thinkthat there are angels waitingin that heavenand to thinkthe rain will stopone storm followed by anotherand to thinkthat my skinis t..
doesn t make any sense

doesn t make any sense

A Poem by paul

nowhere to go

nowhere to go

A Poem by paul

and this wet blanket is morecomfortthan many have everknownlike a bird who didn t make iton its first flightand this strange musefoolingus allinto bel..


A Poem by paul

worse. and worse.
this sea. or at the mercy of the wind

this sea. or at the mercy of the wind

A Poem by paul

this seais like writing a poemor having a fist fight becausein the just doesn t matterfalse lovefake hopethe lying skydoesn t matterall the lov..