Blinded By Our SkinWe believe in fairy tales till our coffins have nailsAnd we can't make sense of our world until it failsWe are being divided instea..
Paranoid, Closing in!Walls surround, Peal your skin!Creeping death, Pace the stalls!Silence moves, through these halls!Take a breath, hold your tongue..
A song about being broken down, picking up the pieces that are left and moving on triumphant, but...
The phony, the fake, you made a mistakeNow it's all right there on the pageYour white canvas, covered in blackA brush stroke you can never take backB..
To take in slowly a fine work of artA poem, a glass of winePenmanship on the pageTo feast on the flaws with unclothed eyesCause their demiseMake bett..
Of course, the particular poet I was channeling in this one should be obvious.
A heart as dark and stark as nightIn search of fear and dread and frightTo find a love of all things deathTo take away her vapid breath A blackened s..
Twenty-Fifteen, the year to be seenDoing what you wish you had doneIn the years passed by, our lives gone awryWe started wars that couldn't be wonIn t..
In that direction, just north of lost
Past the point of forgetting the cost
He walks alone, into the fire, to burn away, his only desire
He stood..
Just something different.