A Christmas outing

A Christmas outing

A Chapter by Arsenic Nemesis

Bob-bee is out delivering gifts to her friends, but there's something else she has to do to on this cold Christmas Eve...


“Eh? What’s this say?” Bob-bee questioned, jabbing her finger at the sheet of paper in hand. The being before her sighed and adjusted his blue sunglasses. Wrapped around his head of short, brown hair was a plain bandanna; and with his shirt and shorts, he looked ready for the summer. Perched in a director’s chair, he pointed a bony digit at her.

“You’ve just gotta wish everyone a merry Christmas! It’s not hard!” he declared, passion in his voice as he hugged himself, “The fans will go wild!”

Bob-bee arched a brow and lowered the sheet. “What are you talking about?” she drawled, only to set the man off in a lengthy rant about ratings and such. She rose from her seat amongst the snowy backdrop and approached the man hidden behind the camera.

This was meant to be an audition to be in the advert for the latest alcoholic beverage, Frostbite or something along those line; nothing else. But, ever since she came here she knew that something was out of order. Fans? What was he talking about? It was obvious that he didn’t know he wasn’t even the real director! The real one had been rushed out for one reason or another earlier.

Plus, she didn’t even want to audition! A group of men just ran up to her, blabbered about the “audition” for an intolerable amount of time, and then the next thing she knew they’d stuck her in a white hoodie, stripy tights, burgundy, glittery boots and a black Santa hat. Then they gave her the poorly written script

With her hands on her hips, she smirked and planted her foot firmly on the cameraman, shoving him back. With a cry he fell into a heap with his equipment. The teen leant into the camera and grinned broadly. “Here’s your Christmas, punks!” she yelled, stamping her foot into the lens. All went black.


Bob-bee howled as she kicked her sheets off her, makeup stained her face and her hair was a mess; it was Christmas Eve! Bounding out of bed, she gathered together some clothes at random and then bolted out of her room. Her piercing in her lip glinted as she pelted down the stairs, stopping just before the front door and looking in the mirror. Last night she had a weird dream of sorts... something about an audition? Heck, it didn’t matter, but it was bizarre �" and it was even stranger that she’d found herself wearing the same gear from it; heck she put on the same boots too, and she hadn’t worn them in years. It was amazing what could still fit even after so long.

From the kitchen came the mouth-watering fragrance of sweet, delectable bacon. Bob-bee suppressed herself from drooling as Justin raced past her. He darted through the hall, almost slipping on the laminate flooring and into the opened door at the end; the kitchen. Across his back and creasing the band t-shirt he slept in, as well as his stripy shorts, was his guitar.

“Morning Justin,” Catlin Tearaway greeted her son as he fell into a seat on the table. Dusting her hands off the apron she wore, the blonde woman poked her head round the door, wrinkles deepening as she grinned at her daughter. “Off out already, Bobs?” she asked.

Bob-bee returned the grin and picked up a red sack that sat by the door, swinging it over her shoulder. “Yeah, I’m on a delivery spree today!” she saluted her mother, “Wish me luck!”

Just as her hand went to rest on the door handle, her mother had run up to her with a glass in her hand. Questionably, Bob-bee turned to her and then grinned, taking the item from her. “If you don’t keep drinking milk you won’t get any stronger now, will you? Plus you’ve been getting marks on your nails again, haven’t you?” Catlin queried, examining the teen’s nails as she passed the now empty glass back to her.

Then, thrusting the door open, Bob-bee hopped out into the blissfully cold atmosphere. “Nothing a bit o’ cheese can’t handle,” she declared, almost losing her footing on the ice, “In a bit, mam~”

The teenaged Tearaway then took off into the freezing land, shoulder already aching from the amount of gifts on her back. Merrily, she bobbed along as she sung Christmas songs to herself. She’d stop every now and then to hop over someone’s gate, knock at their door or catch them on their way out �" all in the name of giving out her presents. Fortunately, majority of her friends lived nearby; but she knew she’d be out all day regardless, for there was something else she had to do as well. Something very important...


Eventually, she came up to the park and wondered inside, feet already numb from the snow seeping into her boots. But she didn’t care in the least! Today was going to be a good day and so she didn’t care how she looked. That was why she didn’t bother fixing her makeup or her hair, and stuffed whatever she found lying around on. It wasn’t the looks that made her day but the people! She was going to see everyone today and give them what they deserved at this festive time of year.

As she came up to the stretch of field, she could see them out and about already. Keanna was busy demonstrating punches to Mitch, who was copying them with a great amount of nerves. Beside them was the King of the Trolls, still dressed in a variety of rags and segments of tree, his hair was thin and greasy as ever. His skin crawled as he embraced his own tall frame, protecting it against the cold. He snarled something at Mitch and then did a quick mimic of Keanna’s punch, the sporty girl congratulating his effort.

“See? See? That’s how it’s done Mitch, he knows what he’s doing,” she remarked, holding her fist up, “You hold it at this angle, see? That way you won’t break your own wrist”

The Minotaur glanced down at his hand and nodded. “I get it now, like...” he threw his fist forward, “This!?”

The King and girl looked at each other and shook their heads. “No,” they sighed in unison. 

Bob-bee yelled over to them, waving her free hand madly. “Hi, hi, hi! Minions, giant Smurfs and athletes alike!” she beamed. The King and Mitch glanced at each other, shrugging as Keanna pulled the sleeves of her green hoodie over her knuckles, marching up to her friend. “Hey, Bobs, what’s all this about?” she asked, nodding her head at the sack.

Bob-bee dropped it to the ground and pulled the opening apart, rummaging inside and, one by one, pulling out three wrapped boxes, all of them varying in size. Then, with a grin that none could challenge, she passed out the gifts to each of them. “You can’t open them till tomorrow!” she snapped, eyeing them all carefully.

Mitch laughed and glanced at the girl. “Thank you so much!” he cheered, moving the box in between his hands, “I wonder what it is...”

The King nodded his thanks, examining his box also. Keanna smirked at her present and grabbed Bob-bee’s shoulder, pulling her into a tight hug. “Cheers, babe,” she whispered and Bob-bee waved her off, returning the hug. Then, she pulled back and jumped to her sack, closing it and hefting it up again. “Well, I’ll be off now kids!” she called as she began to make her way from them, “Got places to go, people to see; until them, have a nice Christmas!”

Again, the three thanked her and waved as she jogged through the deep white, heading towards the edge of the park, where she would be led into their territory. Into Darkwood. And of course, she was only going for one reason; Steph.

After a brisk walk through the uppity neighbourhood, she came to the young vampieress’s door. She knew that she’d probably be sound asleep right now; they only ever came out during the day from time to time.

Still, Bob-bee purposefully banged her fist against the wood, ignoring the doorbell.

“I knew you’d be here!” Steph screamed, the door being thrown open and Bob-bee’s fist still held up from where she hit the wood. For a moment, the human was in shock, and then she smiled and held out a box she retrieved earlier from the depths of her sack.

Steph seemed cautious, but snatched it off her anyway. She pouted her blood-red lips and her perfectly shaped brows rose. Then, giving Bob-bee a fleeting look, she tucked the present under her arm and bent down. Bob-bee leant to one side, trying to look in, when Steph straightened up and held out a box to her. “M-Merry Christmas... I guess,” the vampire mumbled with embarrassment.

Bob-bee had to admit she was shocked, but with a grateful grin, she took the gift from the vampire and placed it in her sack. “Thanks,” she chuckled. The two then glanced up and down the street and Bob-bee held her hand out. “Merry Christmas, then, I suppose,” she grumbled awkwardly.

Steph nodded and took her hand, the two sharing a brief, light handshake before quickly recoiling from one another. “Oh,” Bob-bee muttered, eyes located on the snow by her feet, “and don’t worry... It’s not toenails this time or anything gross like that”

At this, Steph gave a tiny �" genuine �" smile. “I know,” she whispered, hand on the door as she began to close it slowly, “thank you”


After this, Bob-bee had begun to make her way towards the town, which was only just across the main road that passed both of the estates and the park separating them. It wasn’t too busy at the moment, but later on she knew that almost everyone will be out for one reason or another. Maybe last minute shopping? Or perhaps visiting someone in town? Possibly they were going for the same reason as she...

The town consisted of two housing estates on each side with the shops in the middle, most of them being ancient and battered; having said that they did sell up-to-date items.

Bob-bee walked to the centre of the square of shops, sitting on the circle of bricks where a pond once was, a bare, skeletal tree now standing in the middle instead. There was a gap in between the shops where a hotel used to be, giving a view of the blue sea and sandy beach over the road. A couple walked hand-in-hand along the coast, accompanied by a dog, as they watched the sea gently rock back and forth.   

Around her people wondered in and out of shops, all in groups and conversing merrily, some making attempts at Christmas songs. Bob-bee smirked. She always loved the atmosphere that came about at this time of year, so warm and comforting against the harshness of winter. The girl leant back and opened her mouth, finishing the tune that had been in her head for a long time now. “And the bells are ringing out for Christmas day~”she sang, rather loudly, as she gazed at the white sky above.

“Has anyone ever told you...” came a male voice. She smirked and brought her head back, staring at Blonde Darren as he stood before her, hands in his pockets. “... That you can’t sing?”

She grinned and leapt from her seat, promptly punching his arm. “Yes and my brother can’t play guitar, but it doesn’t stop him!” she announced, before mumbling something inaudible afterward. Her lower lip stuck out and she glanced at Darren and then away. He was dressed all in black, except for the red scarf about his neck. Frosty clouds escaped his lips and his cheeks were pink from the cold.

Setting her sack on the wall she was recently sat on, she searched through the amount of boxes in there and, eventually, found what she was looking for. The box was small and slim, wrapped in silver with a blue ribbon on top. Grasping it in two hands, she held it out to him, eyes squeezed shut. “Just take it, alright!?” she snapped.

He grinned and took the present from her, placing the box he held into her waiting hands. She blinked and looked up, obviously not expecting anything. Her eyes met his and he gave her a knowing smile. Frowning, the girl crammed the gift into her sack, not meeting his gaze. “Yeah... well, I bet your stupid present is going to be stupid anyway. Know why? Because you’re stupid!” she yelled, holding onto the sack tightly with two, red hands.

Darren slipped his gift into his coat pocket and regarded her. “Oh yeah?”

At this, Bob-bee scoffed. “Of course! I mean, this time last year you let yourself get hit by one of the troll’s snowballs, so you’re stupid!” she angled her head away from him, “Seriously... I thought you were smarter”

Just as he opened his mouth to reply, Bob-bee snatched him by the arm and towed him over to a group of kids she noticed, lingering by a shop window. Behind them she halted, grinning madly. “Yo, kiddies!” she beamed and they all turned to her. She passed her sack over to Darren who, with a roll of his eyes, accepted it and began to look inside it. Bob-bee crouched down to their height, meeting each of their eyes before she spoke again, her tone soft and kind; not boisterous and cocky as normal.

“So,” she purred, holding her index finger in the air, “someone has told me that you kids have all been good this year”

At this, they all became excited, each pumping their fists and calling out, saying what they did that was good. It was then that a young woman came out of the shop and stopped, wondering what two teenagers were doing with her kids. She was about to speak, when the two of them handed out gifts to them. A smile crossed the woman’s lips and the girl sat in front of them rose to her feet, bidding them farewell.

Then, she noticed the mother-figure and mouthed the word, “toys” to her and then walked off.

That had been Bob-bee’s real plan all day; to go out into town and just give out presents, not just to kids but to anyone. She and Darren stopped a variety of people that day. The couple they saw wondering on the beach. The group of boys who bullied Mitch �" though they did receive a death-glare from Bob-bee, too. A blonde woman with puncture wounds in her neck. Loads and loads of people. It actually surprised Bob-bee that she had that many gifts with her; let alone fitting them all in the sack.

Soon enough, the morning turned to late afternoon and the sun had set, leaving the town nearly empty and lit by the colourful glow of decorations. Bob-bee and Darren sat beside one another on the wall in the middle of town. The girl had her knees tucked up close to her chest, face buried behind them as she shivered against the cold. Several times Darren had offered his coat and each time she declined; she even threw a tantrum when he tried to put it on her shoulders too.

“You’re so stubborn,” he murmured after a long silence and she grunted in reply. He sent her a look and then stared out to sea, mirroring the dark sky and shining stars above.

Bob-bee let out a breath and then muttered something, though it was muffled. Darren felt his ears twitch and he tilted his chin down at her, face puzzled. “You say something?” he questioned and she shuffled away, face red though he doubted that it was just the icy temperatures. “Aw, come on,” he taunted with a grin, prodding her in the side and making her squeak, “tell me”

“I... I...” she trailed off and shook her head. Darren frowned and then, slowly, lifted his finger to jab her again, when she sprung to her feet. She whirled around to him, arms out as she stood on the wall. “I just don’t want to be the one responsible for you being ill on Christmas!” she bellowed. His lips parted though no words came out. Bob-bee then flustered and folded her arms, her shoulders raised and chin against her chest. “T-That’s what’ll happen if you give me your coat...” she said, her voice much lower.

Darren smirked and leapt onto his feet as well, hands on his hips as he stared at her. “You’re just stubborn, stop using an excuse,” he teased.

Bob-bee threw her arms down by her sides, brows knitted together. “I’m not being stubborn!” she shot back, pointing an accusing finger at him, “You’re just saying that because you don’t really want to give me your coat. B-Because you’re stupid like that!”

Darren twisted his lips. “Why do you keep saying that? I haven't done anything, stop saying I'm stupid”

Bob-bee rammed her fists onto her hips, standing defiant. “Because you are and you can’t deny it!” she retorted. Darren then began to protest, but Bob-bee stuck her fingers in her ears and began to sing loudly; a clever song that consisted of the words “Darren is a stupid, stupid mong!” She closed her eyes and turned around, taking a couple of steps along the wall, stopping when she ending up standing on the empty sack.

Every time the boy tried to get a word in she’d only sing louder. He frowned and marched forward, grabbing her shoulder and spinning her round. She opened her eyes and scowled at him, her singing silenced a second later. “Stop singing,” he said flatly, “you suck at it”

Then, time around them seemed to freeze. Bob-bee’s hands fell limp by her sides and eyes wide, her cheeks suddenly getting hotter and hotter. Meanwhile, Darren had each of his hands on the girl’s face and his lips pressed onto her’s. Their piercings clashed, but thankfully didn’t catch.

As soon as he was kissing her he stopped, jumping off the wall and lifting the sack. Flushed, Bob-bee pounced off and joined him, throwing her arms about in the air, face filled with both mortification and confusion.

Darren pinched her nose. “Ah, shut it. It’s only ‘cause of the mistletoe” he commented, nodding his head back. Bob-bee glanced back over her shoulder and sure enough there, on the branch of the crooked tree, was the offender! In fact there were several of them there, all waiting to cause turmoil in someone’s life; and today it was her life.

“Well,” Bob-bee stated after a moment of silence, “I feel sorry for the next lass you end up catching under it”

Darren snickered. “Oh?”

“Yeah,” Bob-bee barked, hitting him hard on the shoulder, “because, like you, that kiss was stupid”

Darren complained in pain and rubbed his shoulder gingerly. Then, he looked down his nose at Bob-bee, finding her staring up at him, green eyes twinkling. His lips tilted up. “Right,” he remarked, “I’ll remember that”      




From the cast of "Tearaway" Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~





© 2010 Arsenic Nemesis

Author's Note

Arsenic Nemesis
I need to check this through properly later... Was listening to good ol' Fairy tale of New York whilst writing this. If I'm feeling nice, tomorrow I'll post up a list of what Bob-bee got for everyone~
Until then, have a Merry Christmas everyone and a happy New Year too~

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Added on December 24, 2010
Last Updated on December 24, 2010


Arsenic Nemesis
Arsenic Nemesis

Redcar, United Kingdom

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