Banana Theory

Banana Theory

A Story by Beau-dee-loot


Let it be said, I’m as mentally ill as the next man and I can prove it in a million different ways, and what they say about the mentally ill not knowing they are mentally ill, and if you’re mentally ill you can’t see it, is nonsense because we’re all bananas in the banana system. Yeah, who’s listening now? This is a suicide note. It’s a mass murder notice. It’s a call to arms, a cause for alarm. It’s a clarion call from the rooftops of my mind. I’m speaking for everyone when I say I’m screaming out in letters but soon I’m going to blow. I can see it coming and who’ll be there, who’ll listen, who’ll see this and respond, see this and know it’s not a story but a fact waiting to happen, a fact just itching to get out and make an honest thing of itself? Which upstanding saint will say: ‘Hey, I think this guy’s for real; he ain’t a fiction. I think he might just do it?’, because catharsis doesn’t last forever. Fantasy can only take you so far, because over the years it builds into something angrier and live; because that guy who listens and takes note and sends his own murder notice to the bollocks with badges has got some balls, some weight on his shoulders, some hot meat between his ears, because this is me loading a banana at the banana system, and this system of bananas is more than just a bunch of bananas, it’s a mad swinging banana tree. You better believe it guys, hear me, this is me aiming a loaded banana at myself and describing a situation before I peel this freak and pull the trigger on every living f****r who can’t smell the pain between their ears, and I’m taking us out of banana town with a bigger bunch swinging a head full of hot meat to mince and some weight on my shoulders.

© 2012 Beau-dee-loot

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you appear to have explored all the alternative usages of bananas very proflifically, nicely penned

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is a quirky little tale that I enjoyed very much. Nice job! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 24, 2012
Last Updated on December 24, 2012



Manchester, North West, United Kingdom

Hello, if anyone really wants me to read something send me a message - need only be brief, like READ THIS!' - cos these read requests pile up insurmountably. more..

Broken Broken

A Poem by Beau-dee-loot