This piece hit home for me,I have felt these feelig more often than sometimes...I loved how you lined it and expressed yourself so well also you can hear the douhgt towards the end which is real coz life is all about dought and questions.
I know this feeling well, being old myself & quite disillusioned with the direction our world is going. Sometimes it does feel like I've been "wandering for centuries" . . . & I love the way some of your lines have double & triple meanings. Almost daily I think the thoughts in your last stanza (well-expressed) . . . *sigh!* (((HUGS))) fondly, Margie
This is quite a beautiful and moving piece, Lovecraft. I liked every line of this as there is so much truth in this write. You have used some very beautiful words and presented some honest facts about humanity. We see many things good and bad but only some get that thought of identifying and presenting that through words and you are sure one of them.
Contemplation, realisation, journey along with bundle of emotions, I could feel everything of it. Thought provoking poem! I really liked the thought, content and presentation of this write.
Well done. A fine writing.
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 2 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Thank you very much, Gorthi. I just imagined what it would be like to travel the world, perhaps for .. read moreThank you very much, Gorthi. I just imagined what it would be like to travel the world, perhaps for maybe thousands of years, seeing everything that happens.
I read this two or three times before i could 1) make up my mind about what i thought and 2) compose a review that would make some sort of sense.
It made me think quite deeply, which is not a foreign concept to me.
"My travails have left me destitute of compassion,
For I have witnessed all of what humanity is capable." - I love this part, probably my favourite lines. it had me thinking.... I have witnessed all that humanity has to offer, i have put all of my energy and strength into finding something worth my efforts, but in the end its just drained me of everything i have and i am left with nothing.
"I have felt Hope and Despair, Joy and Sadness throughout my wanderings..." - This had me thinking of people I have come across in my lifetime, the fact that you gave them capital letters personified them for me. I read the words as the names of the people i attributed the emotions to rather than the emotions themselves.
"Perhaps I have no place left here, wandering aimlessly,
Perhaps I should move on to somewhere, anywhere,
But here..." - This line was a perfect ending. As though all of the wanderings were futile, because in the end, i have nothing and I just want to be anywhere but here.
Thank you for the in-depth review, Sam! In many ways your interpretation is correct. In my mind I en.. read moreThank you for the in-depth review, Sam! In many ways your interpretation is correct. In my mind I envisioned both a metaphorical and literal sense behind this poem. Try to imagine if you were "him", wandering for well over a thousand years on earth, visiting pretty much everywhere. After such a long period and all you've seen, how do you think you would feel? ;)
7 Years Ago
I would probably feel exactly as you have written it here... Truly wonderful piece.
I love p.. read moreI would probably feel exactly as you have written it here... Truly wonderful piece.
I love pieces of writing that made me think ... I read this 3 hours ago, but my mind is still digesting and dissecting it as though i had just read it.
7 Years Ago
Try reading my poem Bloody Snow. That will make you really think. People have various interpretation.. read moreTry reading my poem Bloody Snow. That will make you really think. People have various interpretations on it. ;)
So another go. You've made me think, yet again. It feels almost like a riddle trying to find out this "man". Don't really know if I can! But I'll try. "Travails." I wouldn't have looked so deep into this, but once already I've known you two use one for two. Work and toil, usually of a painful nature. Travel is a lonely thing. It's not a far stretch considering the theme. Ever present, for good and bad. A wide spectrum of emotions to the point that this "being" is tired of feeling. Perhaps "he's" experienced everything because everything must end.
Makes me think of an empath who can't talk, coupled with a lonely existence where travel is involved with the arduous job. An eternal vigil. I think the wanderer is death.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but death can be a bringer of hope, despair, and sadness. Joy, even, depending on one's beliefs. A kind relief. Death comes for all, but we never really converse with it. That or this wanderer is the concept of life, considering travail can also refer to the labor of childbirth. But I don't think that's the case. Either way, awesome poem. Great job. I loved it.
Actually long reviews tell me how much thinking you put into the themes and concepts of this poem. .. read moreActually long reviews tell me how much thinking you put into the themes and concepts of this poem. :)
I deliberately made the "Man" in this poem vague enough for other people to attempt to try and come up with an Identity for "Him". ;P
I didn't have a centralized idea about who "He" might be, but the belief that he may be Death is quite interesting.
This is one of those poems meant to inspire numerous interpretations on what is going on in it.
Thanks Nicole! :)
8 Years Ago
Well at least I'm not wrong! Oh man. Well I'm glad :). And any time. Thank you for keeping me away.. read moreWell at least I'm not wrong! Oh man. Well I'm glad :). And any time. Thank you for keeping me away from my boredom!
I can clearly understand the emotions behind this poem. Everyone goes through that phase in life when they think that they have no worth in this world. You have transformed your feelings into words in a very clean and poetic way. Well done!
Thanks, Zoe. Though this is more of a metaphorical poem than anything else. But you're interpretatio.. read moreThanks, Zoe. Though this is more of a metaphorical poem than anything else. But you're interpretation is still very valid and true. ;)
8 Years Ago
oh, I wasn't able to get that. Anyway, you're welcome :)
8 Years Ago
No problem, this poem can be interpreted in several different ways. ;P
This piece hit home for me,I have felt these feelig more often than sometimes...I loved how you lined it and expressed yourself so well also you can hear the douhgt towards the end which is real coz life is all about dought and questions.
I like this one and it makes me wonder if this is what it would be like to be God, omnipresent. Or maybe just the experiences of life giving you the wisdom over many years to not let external forces adversely affect you anymore.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thanks. The Wanderer could be God, but I know he isn't. Then again it's your interpretation so that'.. read moreThanks. The Wanderer could be God, but I know he isn't. Then again it's your interpretation so that's good. ;P
As to who "He" really is, I didn't want to reveal "His" true nature, whether he is real or not. ;D
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” - H.P. Lovecraft
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