

A Story by Brutis140

Ideas of heroes

Leader:  Spectre/The Watcher. The Sentinel of Time
Bio: He is a drug addict, abandoned by family who tired of struggling to help with his problem. 6 years he lived on the streets until he met a man who offered him a change. Upon taking the man's hand the thought of the drugs made him sick but the cravings did not vanish. The man explained that he is the The Watcher, or the Senteniel of Time. But Randal only believed that he was high. It was then that the Man collapsed and faded into what looked like a small galaxy and poured into Randal's soul. The mans last words were that he was too late in finding a successor and that he would have to learn what it means to be the Sentinel.
Abilities include:
-passing through objects, walls floors.
-minor telekinesis, can lift objects and move them with his mind. Skill is limited by the size of object.

It is his duty to uphold the balance of time. Though he does not know what this means.

Madame Silent:
Bio: Sarah Wilkens. Researcher with great renown, tested an experimental particle accelerator. Meant to teleport objects, and after several successful trials volunteered herself. Something went wrong with the trial and on the other side she returned completely invisible to the human eye. Devices like heat detection can still see her.
Abilities include:
- Permanent Invisibility.
-Has advantage fighting due to being unseen.

Bio: 10 years prior Glen Brown was killed, along with his wife in a car accident that severely injured his 12 year old daughter leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. For what seemed like minutes he waited in purgatory back to back with his wife, waiting to be judged. Until the time came that he heard the cry from what seemed like everywhere around him. It was a girl, crying. A vision came into focus in front of him. A girl, at the edge of a building rooftop she spoke "please forgive me daddy, I cant take anymore of this." He knew the girls voice and he called out to her but she did not answer. seconds later she rolled forward and he reached out. So close but so far. But yet he still felt the fabric of her shirt between his fingers. He grasped and pulled back. and he fell forward to his knees, hitting hard, wet pavement. He pulled the girl to him. as she wept. Looking up she saw him. and a look of comfort came over her. "daddy?" she said before passing out. A voice filled his head. "She has bound you to her, you must find a body to manifest yourself or you will return to purgatory."
Abilities include:
-Is a spirit that uses the corpses of freshly dead individuals to fight crime.
-when the corpse sustains heavy damage he is forced from the body, if another is not nearby he is returned to purgatory.
-can only return if his the tie with his daughter is not severed and she is near another corpse.
-Has minor magic, can send waves of heat and cold witch quicken the bodies rate of decomposing.

Bio: From birth David felt the presence of William. They grew up together. David never thought anything about him was strange. Most kids had immaginary friends. Everyone has a shadow. Only his grew with him and spoke to him When David was happy William was happy and when David was angry William let the world feel his wrath. It wasn't until David hit his teenage years that he started to realize that he was different and the oddities that William brought. He noticed that William seemed stronger when he was sad or angry. David began meditating, learning Taichi and other defensive martial arts. He soon was able to suppress the negative emotions and eventually William disappeared. He was able to live a normal life. He went on to design props for films and plays, met a girl and began to start a family. He was happy, until one evening on a walk in the park they were attacked. David was able to fight the men but one got lucky, knocking him to the ground and stabbing his wife. He became overcome with anger and let it cloud him. Moments later he was engulfed in shadow and moved swiftly in the dark. He felt invincible as he quickly dispatched the men. He collapsed. "You thought you got rid of me David? We are one." The voice said.
Abilities include:
-Gains his power from a humanoid shadow creature named William. He is trying to understand its origins.
-The connection wears on the body. He must maintain a strict diet and too much use of powers can cause him to pass out
-Teleportation via shadows.
-Gains strength and speed when feeding on the negative emotions of others such as fear, sadness or hate.

Bio:Some time In the 13th Century Annette was born. Her mother and father owned a small farm on the outskirts of a village somewhere in Ireland. For the most part they were happy not wealthy in any way but happy none the less. When she was around 10 a sickness swept through the village and began killing everyone who came in contact with it. Her father barred the doors and and answered for no one. They were safe. But the stench of the dead carried on the wind and so did the disease. Her brother was the first to pass, followed by her mother and father within two days time they were all dead. She sat among their bodies and cried as she too fell ill, hungry and thirst. Her passing was slow and painful as she suspected so was everyone's. Many days passed and she awoke. Among the decomposing corpses of her family. The smell was putrid. She was confused, looking at herself she seemed healthy and full of life. No hunger burned in her, no thirst needed quenching. She just existed. She wandered for many years, traveling the world. Learning many languages. Each time outliving any friends she might have made along the way. No she frequently sees a psychiatrist and has done so for nearly 25 years. She is cold and bitter, but wise beyond her appearance of years. He frequently tells her to use her strengths to help people. She believes that it is foolish.
Abilities include:
Has the appearance of a 7-10 year old girl.
Does not age, it is unknown why.
Super Strength, Speed and Flight.

Lexicon, The company that the heroes will ultimately work for. "The branch of Knowledge." Will bring them together after a series of bombings within the city. It will be a woman named Judeth Falkner. who coordinates the team and keeps them together. Before their introduction to one and other they will have their own short introduction stories and their choosing to come out of hiding with their abilities and "Help people" all for different reasons. They will tie the explosions to a terrorist group but find that the explosions were a diversion to make coordinated thefts and steal valuable research in a time of strife. they will hunt down and find the research.

© 2017 Brutis140

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Added on November 19, 2016
Last Updated on March 18, 2017



Stratford, Canada

Well, I'm not sure where to begin. I'm 27 years old and live in a small town, I work for a living and enjoy reading, writing, drawing, filming building costumes and props and animating. more..

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