if you still have an axe to grind, stupidities pipe to smoke at your command.
Keeping please and thank you within the answers held far from talking eyes. Is a burst of air splashing casually from the pages of a book, waltzing into sighs.
I just saw indignation standing out in a thin smile again. Emotionless laughter is at my door with another sign, still and pausing when night has entered silently my friend.
On one side little boxes full of hope grow bigger as they sit. Yet, misting gently in the distance comes the morning instinctively they grow smaller then they quit.
I do not know where I should be walking or if I should mention what I see. When uncertainty brings a little chill hardens this soft heart I carry here inside of me.
You may hear stones from the ground drinking the truth from my hands. But not, if you still have an axe to grind stupidities pipe to smoke at your command.
Listen to the cries of no, no, no breathing inside all human souls. Close your eyes and pretend you are in Disneyland burning every letter I sent you but never wrote.
Your breath will come in a whispered kiss, running through your head. The poison from your mouth will empty out into all the goodbyes you meant, but never quite said.
If you have no clue then we are doomed!! It seems like this is about someone who couldn't fully commit to one and couldn't actually admit they didn't want it all so they pretended to walk the walk and talk the talk for as long as they could and as always they were busted and found guilty of never caring. Just my two cents woth of flesh and blood.
Posted 13 Years Ago
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well, I read in here about a lover who is full of wishful thinking but perhaps disconnected from reality so much that he gets angry when it hits him in the head. "burning every letter I sent you but never wrote"... were these created in his imagination and mistaken for reality? ... whispered kiss running through your head... 'stupidities pipe to smoke at your command... ' Sounds like a stalker who can't see the boundary between his imagination and what is real.
As always your words evoke emotion and imagery that goes beyond just describing a situation or frame of mind. In other hands, this style would easily look silly or contrived. You, on the other hand, have a particular mastery that leaves me unable to use my brain, but connects directly with my heart.
Disney land and the poison made me think of snow white betrayed by those closest and saved only by the love of friendship, this is a wonderful piece burning the letters never written is an excellent metaphor for all we wish we had or had not said. Keep em' coming
I also haven't a clue but i let myself get carried away in the flurry of symbolism and emotion.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that intelectually, my mind's been overwhelmed by the stream of ideas but my heart somehow knows what your poem says
I once wrote a poem "Your shadow burned", it had the same aura as this writing. I eventually deleted it as part of the healing process.....weird I know. Its difficult when you feel everything you say is said in vain. Like writing a book that you pour your heart and soul into, then you give it to someone as a gift. They choose to not read it, instead.......they light it on fire.
Hello, I am Neva, 4i, from Atlanta, Georgia.
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My latest book - Mailing Letters to the Moon
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