The Prologue

The Prologue

A Chapter by Ari and Sylph

Alex's Perspective.
        "We have one last hope to free ourselves from this...problem." said a short, Tubby man in a green plaid suit that made him look like a Leprechaun. This "Leprechaun", with his suitcase and a Bowler hat, was named Jack Grenswick.

        "Problem, Jack??" I challenged, "We're in a war. This is (heck). Hence, problem doesn't quite cover it, now does it Mr. Grenswick?" I growled through gritted teeth.
    I was in a pretty good mood until I came to the meeting. I was told that this was a fool-proof plan to win the war. Ha. We all get up at a greatly unholy hour, being told it was an emergency, running to the conference room, and listening to crazy people tell us how our parents were making mistakes, and how we should fix them. After listening to this for 3 hours, needless to say, I was getting irratable.

        "I aggree, my Leige, but I have come to your Great Halls for one sole purpose and I'm sure it will take a large burden off of our hands."

            Grr. How did I even talk myself into going to this "conference" in the first place?"

        "Go on," my cousin, Tao urged. Quite obviously he wanted the meeting over with also. He glanced at me and tossed a look that said, "You can try to be a little bit more mature, Alex. You'll get us kicked out of the very conference we need to be present for in order for the plans to pass."
        “What I have come here to tell you is that some of the families in the massacre had survived. One child had survived the Typhrusz.” Tao’s head jerked up with mine. So did the rest of our family, our heads rippling up one by one.

        “What?!” I asked, my voice shaking. A vision from my past replayed in my mind. The Artisans dying in their own blood, their souls ripped from their bodies. One didn't come back. No body, no evidence, no proof of whether she was alive or dead.

       I don't know where she went. I shook my head quickly and urged myself to forget about it.

    “You heard me.”  Leprechaun boy smirked, irking me toward my limits. He caught the Royal Family in surprise, and he was wallowing in it.

    “Can we just skip the dramatics and get to the plan??” Byron urged.

    “I’m going to speak directly to you.” Mr. Grenswick stated.

    “Isn’t that what you’ve been doing?” Edvard asked, irritated.

    “The Third Royal Party, the Artisans, have been dead now for 4 years. Their princess, Miss Artisan, has been missing for 5  years. Am I correct?” What a stupid question. The land has been suffering from the unexpected attack from the Dark Ones for ages, and the loss of our 3rd Monarch, The Artisan Family, was an incredible, devastating loss.

    “Yes.” was the growl resulting across the corridors.

    “I have recieved a vision from Idalhad, Ruler of the woodland elves, saying they have found the Chosen One.

The One who can help finish off the Dark Lord. I have received the knowledge that the Chosen One of the Prophecy, is, in fact, Miss Artisan herself.”

    Leprechaun Boy had gone too far now. I stood up from my seat at the head of the table and glared at him. Does he really think he has a right to mock us about something so fatal??

    “Miss Artisan is dead, Mr. Grenswick. Stop daydreaming and go back to where you came from.”

     Edvard stood up on the opposite side of the table. “I find it hard to beleive that even a man like you would accept something as visionary as that.”
    Jack wasn't ready to give up yet. “She will come!  She will help this country out of our misery! She’ll save us! Even you!” he hollered, pointing a finger deliberately in my direction.

    "I don't need anyone to save me, Jack." I said, rubbing my forefingers against my temples, and sitting back down.

    “You may go, Grenswick.” Tao groaned.
Tao’s Perspective.
    “Alex, you REALLY need to chill out a little.” I reccomended to my cousin, -- actually more like a brother. We’ve been living as such for a very long time.

    “You know that it was uncalled for to have 'Leprechaun Jack' call a meeting that had absolutely no purpose beside humiliating us. He doesn't have to tell us, of all people, about our past. ” Alex spouted off. He’s a little touchy on the subject Grenswick brought up, and for good reasons. I put my arm on his shoulder and looked at him.

    “I know it’s hard for you to get over this, but.. It has been 5 years now. These things can and do happen. You have to roll with the punches and get back on your feet.”

    "I have gotten on my feet!" He retorted.

    "Lies!" I laughed.

    "I'm perfectly fine, Tao."

    "Yeah, what about dating? You haven't been interested in anyone for the past 3 years." I said dryly.

    "What about Veronica and Isabelle and Tiffani and all the rest of those girls you've practically shoved at me just last week?? I went with all of  them. You don't find a prize in every cereal box you buy, Tao."

    "You only went out with them because you knew Eddie and I betted on whether you'd pull through with it or not."

    "No I didn't. Hey, wait! You two betted that I'd date a girl?! You jerk!"

    "Uhh..." I said, realizing he really didn't know, "Yeah. But I won. All three times. Alex, you need to stop living in the past like you do. You can't keep comparing them with someone who's gone."

    "You shut up." Alex spun around while pointing a "threatening" finger at me, anger in his eyes. "How about you, wise guy? I know you kinda had the hots for Ari a long while ago. Have you met anyone like her?"

    "Alex, nobody's going to be exactly like Ari. But that's not the point. There are girls that are just as special as Ari out there. Like Shay." I said, remembering Shay, my date from the last time I tried to set Alex up on a double-date.

    Alex’s eyes were blank.

    I turned, anger burning in my eyes at his blindness. “Life may not be all glitter and rainbows, but those things are there. All you see anymore are the thorns and the blood. What, do you honestly think the rest of us don’t have any clue how you feel? She was our friend too! But we’ve found a way to move on! Get over it, Alex. You’ll give yourself a stroke.” I snapped, storming from the room, leaving scorch marks on the door. Darnitt, now I’ve gotta replace that one too.
Alex’s Perspective.
    I whacked my head against the coffee table. *ka-thunk.*

Even if I don’t say anything, I screw up anymore. Tao’s not gonna forgive me for a while today. He doesn't understand that, yes, even though it has been 5 years, I cared for Ari. I have tried harder than you can imagine to get over it, but something like that doesn't just vanish into thin air. It leaves it’s mark. -- Just like Tao did with the door. I’m fine. honestly. Sure, I’ve changed a little.. -- okay, a lot -- but it just means that I’m not as naive anymore. No matter how much I'm going to act like none of the past has happened, this family is falling apart at our feet.  If she were alive, she’d be the only one to make things come together again.

© 2010 Ari and Sylph

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Added on August 10, 2010
Last Updated on August 10, 2010


Ari and Sylph
Ari and Sylph

not gonna tell ya!! ^_^

Ari: First of all, my name is pronounced Ah-ree. I'm a poet, an artist(mainly manga) a composer and my favorite type of writing is fantasy. Being a famous writer has been my dream ever since I could.. more..

Ryde Ryde

A Book by Ari and Sylph