Eternidad Huerfana (Orphaned Eternity)

Eternidad Huerfana (Orphaned Eternity)

A Poem by Frontier

If you look at me, your gaze
will turn into orphaned eternity.
I am the most essential opportunity
so that you will know yourself
In a room without mirrors
and realize that I
inhabit your silence 

Si me miras, tu mirada
se hace eternidad huérfana 
Soy la oportunidad más esencial
Para que te reconozcas 
En un cuarto sin espejos
Y sepas que yo
Habito tu silencio

© 2014 Frontier

Author's Note

I originally wrote this in spanish but wanted to share it in english too.

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Your poem merits a review written in verse.

Muda Sonrisa

Silencio es potencia creadora,
si quien lo habita también lo baila.
Verdad del silencio es la sonrisa;
la orfandad de un mar sin la brisa
cuya vertiente aguarda aprisa
mientras se asoma entre las dalias
la cresta del manantial que aflora.

J.A. Ayala

Mute Smile (English Translation)

Silence is creative power,
if those who inhabit it also dance it.
The truth of silence is the smile;
the orphanhood of a sea bereft of breeze
whose slope hastily awaits
while hovering among the dahlias
the crest of a spring originates.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Ah, I'm flattered my writing has inspired you. I really like "La orfandad de un mar sin la brisa." T.. read more


I do not want to be orphaned by eternity but would do so if to gaze upon you was worth it

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

yes I agree :)
...I am the most essential opportunity
so that you will know yourself
In a room without mirrors...

I love this thought... that one of the most beautiful parts of love, is when you see yourself-- the magnificent parts, the dark parts, the perceptions and the truths, through their eyes... and that despite whatever is seen, you are still loved... it makes you fly, feel that, orphaned eternity...
What a gorgeous piece!

Posted 10 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Yes that is the most beautiful part of love, some don't ever see it, but difficult to be so vulnerab.. read more
Very powerful. Of course, that spanish version reaches out and grabs you behind the neck, pulls you inward. You can feel the potency of those words, better. But poems are almost always better in their original language, and here it was in spanish... Translating can be hard, especially if you're personally married to the words you originally wrote in english; the inflections, the syllable counts, the subtle and hidden meanings. But the english version stand on its own, too. There is a poet down here who writes beautifully in both languages, Marie. She has two pages and translates a lot of her work. You might want to check her out.

Two ethereal, well written pieces, Frontier.


Posted 10 Years Ago

I like when the poetry is shown in the original language. Gave the reader opportunity to read the words in the best form. If I had time. I would love to learn the original language of Dante's inferno. Would be a amazing book. I like the words "orphaned eternity." The poem feel very personal. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I liked the Spanish version better! I think Frost once remarked that poetry is what is lost in translation, and that tends to be true (though translation has it's place. If not for it, I would have never been able to read a lot of stuff, including Dante's "Divine Comedy").

This is actually the piece that first got my attention to you. I love love love "orphaned eternity" I also love love love the last line, "I inhabit your silence". That is a GREAT ending, and I don't say that often (in fact, I'm notorious for always trying to make writers change their endings lol)

It sort of reminded me of Neruda's "bearded silence". Maybe I just like silence ;)

Anyhow, this is an awesome piece. Glad you put both versions up. Maybe I'll post a something similar in the future.


Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I also strongly prefer the spanish version haha, seems to fit the meaning much better. Yes, I also s.. read more
That was very considerate of you, thanx,
"If you look at me, your gaze

will turn into orphaned eternity" I feel like this line portrays unbearable beauty of one, that is not questionable.

so that you will know yourself

In a room without mirrors

and realize that I

inhabit your silence, well this is interesting but complex please explain

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sibusiso Xtdo Gama

10 Years Ago

wow, that's wonderful because when others know their selves without mirrors and such, the they will .. read more

10 Years Ago

Exactly! You put it quite interestingly :)
Sibusiso Xtdo Gama

10 Years Ago

you guys around here acquainted me with diction and am greateful,since gratittude is the gretest att.. read more
I'm in love with your word choice in the second line when you call eternity "orphaned." That lines offers such a profound opportunity to the viewer: look at me, and abandoned the world you know. You shoot the viewer into orbit around a lost city full of the haunted houses you wrote about earlier.

I also like how you bring it back to an opportunity for discovery in those final two lines. The viewer learns to listen, make connections, realize he is not alone in a world with you. Exquisitely beautiful sentiment.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I'm very glad you like the concept. I guess it's what you see sometimes when you look directly at so.. read more

10 Years Ago

Yes, I can see how that would be. I've seen that in people's eyes, although now I have a name for it.. read more

10 Years Ago

Yes precisely, some people harbor this quality more than others, old souls for sure.
This was elegantly crafted and i always adore your writing...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks, A.Amos. :)
Your poem merits a review written in verse.

Muda Sonrisa

Silencio es potencia creadora,
si quien lo habita también lo baila.
Verdad del silencio es la sonrisa;
la orfandad de un mar sin la brisa
cuya vertiente aguarda aprisa
mientras se asoma entre las dalias
la cresta del manantial que aflora.

J.A. Ayala

Mute Smile (English Translation)

Silence is creative power,
if those who inhabit it also dance it.
The truth of silence is the smile;
the orphanhood of a sea bereft of breeze
whose slope hastily awaits
while hovering among the dahlias
the crest of a spring originates.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Ah, I'm flattered my writing has inspired you. I really like "La orfandad de un mar sin la brisa." T.. read more
This reminds me of a lover. I mean when I think of having one, he completes the silence, and perhaps makes is much more appreciable.
Great poem. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks Megan. It also reminds me of a lover, the type that one never ever forgets. :)

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11 Reviews
Added on May 6, 2014
Last Updated on May 6, 2014
Tags: eternity, gaze, spiritual



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A Poem by Frontier

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