Bathed Lies

Bathed Lies

A Poem by Destinyxi

Bathed Lies


You’re blinded by her lies

Can’t tell truth from not

And you’re so loyal to her

She’s the only one you see

But while you see her

She’s looking elsewhere

Her eyes never quite touching yours


She gets away with it

Because you just don’t want to see it

To notice it

That’s your loss

Your fault

You can get someone who sees

Only you

Looks at

Only you

But you stick with her


You can’t handle the truth

So you mask the lies

Bathing them in ponds of truth

But aren’t you lying to yourself

By hiding the truth?


You deserve better

You can get better

What is it about her

That draws you?


You can’t change a player

You can’t change a flirt

You can bear with it

Bear with her

Ignore the fact that

While she’s with you

She’s just not


You can’t change her

But you can change the fact that

You’re wasting your time

With her


So flee

Run away

Cut her out

Because by keeping her around

You’re losing your ability

To separate the truth

From the lies

© 2012 Destinyxi

Author's Note

One of my readers wanted a poem about girls who cheat, considering I'm always writing about guys who cheat. (woops :P)


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I could have really used this poem a long time ago heh. Well done ;)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Well I have to admit that, thematically speaking, this is a refreshing change haha :P The voice is still unmistakingly yours though...your sense of rhythm and repetition are your trademarks, and they're both here in full force. Bravo Kels :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Iiiiiiiiiiiii hate cheaters, this is a very good poem though. Cheating is terrible, like damn break up don't drag the other person around. Well done though I especially like the line where it talks about separating the lies,from the truth. Always a pleasure reading your work :)!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I dislike cheaters too haha. I think everyone does :P
I liked that stanza too.

T.. read more
Honestly, and maybe this is just due to recent events but, I really flipping hate people that cheat. Isn't it easier to just end the relationship first? I mean come on! I think it'd be easier but maybe that's just me.

Anyhoo.... Great poem my dear! Seamless flow... rolls right off your tongue. Smooth but has a kick. Love!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I agree. It's better to break it off rather than cheat. Hurts less for both parties.

T.. read more
What a great poem. My fave is urs. Yes i can relate to this lol. Ive been there with a girl whos eyes are elsewhere i knew my time with the girl is only temporary. Great poem andgreat flow. Never got repetitive

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you :) Glad I didn't repeat myself, wasn't even paying attention haha
Great poem! Makes me feel so lucky to have Someone like Maddie. But I did have a "girlfreind" who thought I was all of these things, but I found out later that she was really deflecting her guilt that she was cheating on me

Posted 12 Years Ago

David the writer

12 Years Ago

Yeah deflective people make me angry >:( rrrg, but yeah I'm glad I found someone else. But hay, the .. read more

12 Years Ago

hahaha thank you :D
David the writer

12 Years Ago

Thank you for supporting WC with this piece
Wow, sweet

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

thanks steven :)
Steven Cash

12 Years Ago

NP @ all

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Added on October 9, 2012
Last Updated on October 9, 2012




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