Chapter 7:Elektra

Chapter 7:Elektra

A Chapter by Ellena Restrick

The Hostel...


Chapter 7


I wake up to a start. The exhaust has been shut down. I stretch and turn to face the driver's side. Jason is examining the map. He is incredibly red faced. He keeps looking from the map to the road, again and again. “Having trouble chauffeur?” I ask.

Ah you are awake then? I cannot find this bloody place. I have followed that map exactly and this is not it. We are in the middle of a field. The middle of a field! Where the hell is this bloody place?” he says, exuding frustration. He keeps looking at the road as if it's going to change, as if he can will it to change.

Let me have a look,” I gesture, holding my hand out. He passes it to me and slumps back. He starts hitting his legs and muttering something. I look at it. The map says we should be at some kind of complex. We're in the middle of a field...I think something went wrong at some point. I try and determine where on the map we are; this is the place, I think. I was never too great with map reading.

Ugh, have you tried driving around? Seeing if there is a complex at least around here? It might have been a fault on their behalf. Either that or you really need to work on your navigation,” I tease as I rotate it. I can't make any sense of this; not that I can make sense of pretty much anything anymore.

Do you not think I did that first? I have been driving around for three hours, there is nothing here. Nothing for miles around. They are screwing with us and to top it all off, we are out of petrol. Any suggestions for that miss nibs?” he snaps and then looks out of the window. Somebody's on their period.

Yeesh, okay. Fine, so we've been screwed over. Well and truly screwed over. It's okay, we'll think of something,” I reply, trying to convince myself of that. No. No, I can't convince myself.

Really?” he asks, completely perplexed. He crosses his arm and looks at me. I roll my arms.

No, we're up s**t creek without a paddle. I'm just trying to be optimistic, you pessimistic git,” I look around, trying to establish a plan of action. Nope, nothing is jumping out at me at the moment.

By the way, the saying is 'his nibs' dear. If you are going to be facetious, at least be gender accurate,” I interject. He gives a half hearted laugh and crosses his arms.

Touché Lex. Touché.” We sit in silence for a few moments. I take a deep breath and shake my head. I open the car door and exit. Jason just watches me. Just watches me. Please don't move on my account. I draw my gun. My shoulder is getting stiffer but I can manage it. I check how many bullets I have. I have four; it's not enough if I get jumped but it's better than nothing.

I survey the area. Nothing seems amiss but my instincts tell me otherwise. There is literally nothing but grass and trees, a perfect playground for snipers or bloody bandits. I hear the car door slam in the distance. I keep looking forward. I can hear footsteps. Not quite sure where they're coming from. I have already registered Jason's but there are others. I bend down and look at the ground. There are footprints leading towards a clump of trees on my right. Someone has headed that way. I stand and take a few seconds to observe the surroundings.

Jason catches up to me.

See anything?” “Just footprints, nothing else. Get back to the car. There's nothing here; just let me explore a bit more and I will shout if anything happens, as usual. Jason, car now!” I exclaim, winking at him. Jason just looks bemused and tries to think of a response.

Jason! Car. Now!”

He walks back to the car. I focus on the sound of the external footsteps. I take a few steps forward. I am not going anywhere where Jason does not have a direct line of sight with me but they are by the trees, I am certain of that. I catch a glimpse of a scope from behind the foliage.

Put your weapons on the ground and come quietly! There doesn't have to be any trouble,” a loud voice yells. They finally appear. They're relatively tall, wearing a ski mask and are all in black. I place my gun on the ground and place my hands up.

The unknown person runs to me and they frisk search me. I try and mask how uncomfortable I am right now. Where the hell is Jason? I turn my head to the side but I can't see him.

Any more weapons? Make it easy for yourself. We just want your supplies, there need not be an issue.” The person removes their ski mask and ruffles their hair. He is a male. He looks at me. He examines me like some kind of creature; he has gone from looking indifferent to looking entirely confused. “I've only got very little but we can come to some kind of arrangement. You don't want to do something you regret,” I implore him. I'm more than a little terrified at this point. My breathing is becoming faster and more erratic.

Jason runs past me and tackles the man to the ground. He begins to hit him in the face. I try and compose myself and grab Jason's shoulder. I try and pull him away but he is too strong. The man kicks Jason off and gets to his feet. He brushes himself down. I bend down and check on Jason. “Are you alright?” I ask Jason; he nods but proceeds to watch the man like a hawk. The man has lost all interest in Jason . Instead, he turns his attentions to me. Jason crawls in front of me, almost in a protective position.

Touch her and I will slaughter you,” Jason spits out, articulating every syllable.

Wait. I'm harmless. See?” he shows us his gun, “See just blanks. What are your names?” he asks, dropping his gun. Jason just looks to me and I nod. He may have another weapon but for the moment, we have him exactly where we want him.

I'm Jason, this is Elektra. Your name?”

Lucas. My name is Lucas. Elektra? Pretty name. Rings a bell. By the way, nice one Jason. One of the only people to get me on my back,” he jokes, smiling to himself. Jason just looks at me as if he is imploring me to stop him from punching Lucas' face in. I shake my head, smiling. At least, he's a friendly bandit to his credit. Plus, he complimented my name. Flattery will get you nowhere, apart from with me, in which case it will get you on my partially good side.

Thank you. What's your game then?” I say as I get to my feet. Jason keeps his hand on my leg. Jason gets strangely protective of me around other people. Lucas just laughs and looks at me. “I don't have a game. I have an agenda but no game. My agenda is keeping my family fed and watered, just like everyone else. Where are you from? I'm guessing you're not from around here otherwise I'm sure we would have bumped into each other a lot sooner,” he remarks. He makes a good point; he has a family to protect and there is nothing that people wouldn't do for the ones they love. In a way, Jason is like my family now. Family doesn't end with blood.

We're from England. South east. We just got here; things are worse than anticipated. So you've been here for a while?” I say. “Really? Oh, that sucks tremendously. I'm glad I left when I did then. Yeah, about ten years. I had to cut loose after a few things happened. Anyway, shall we discuss this...arrangement?”

If you have a venue, I have a deal, why the hell not? Do you have a car? Ours is out of petrol,” he nods and gestures towards the tree, “go on. Lead the way MacDuff,” I assert.

Jason gets up and places his arm around my waist, drawing me closer to him. “Are you sure about this? I mean we know nothing about him; just because he compliments you, it does not mean he is a genuine person,” he whispers in my ear.

So you're not genuine then? Besides, he's on his own at the moment; he tries anything, I swear I will kill him. For now he is harmless. Trust me on this one,” I counter, keeping my eyes forward. Jason just grunts. There is something about Lucas that makes me want to trust him. I know that is a stupid whim to give in to but there is something. I just need Jason to trust me. I have my gun, he has his. Trusting Lucas is not entirely illogical.

The car seems legitimate. Lucas leans against the side and whistles. I look around, checking for Risers. Even without the actual presence of Risers, whistling is still a bit of a dick move. “Come on, after you two. Come on, if I wanted you dead, you would be. That's why I put my gun down; a gesture of friendship if you want to be so pedantic,” he smirks and enters the car.

We've been driving for hours. The car's cramped but it is suitable for my dimension. I glanced behind me, into my rear view mirror, about three times. Every single time Jason was sitting there, his knees touching his chin, glaring at me. He doesn't just this. I know he resents me for my decision but there is just something, something I can't explain. Even if I could explain it, Jason wouldn't understand. There is just something about Lucas that feels...familiar, I guess. As I said, I can't explain it.

Okay,” Lucas says, undoing his seat belt, “home sweet home.”

I stare out of the door. Interesting. There's a sign, metres away from the car, that says some French bullshit but there's an English translation: 'Welcome to St. Christopher's Inn, enjoy your stay'. The ironic thing is there is a bloody handprint on the corner. I'm guessing they didn't “enjoy” their stay.

Okay. Not bad. Not the best but not awful. What was this place? You know, before?” I inquire, sliding out of the car. As I move, I feel a nerve pinch in my side. I wince and compose myself before anyone notices. God, it hurts. Stings. I turn my head. Jason is looking at me with concern. S**t, that man misses absolutely nothing.

It used to be some kind of youth hostel. Personally, I love the canal that runs out the back. Scenic. It may be the apocalypse but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate the view. Forgive the immoderate comment.”

Forgiven,” I respond, moving towards the sign. Jason walks behind me and grabs my arm.

Lex, we do not have to do this. It is not too late to back off. Lex, please,” Jason pleads , imploring me to make a quick getaway.

Jace, with the greatest of respect, piss off. We are doing this; strength in numbers. We have to at least try and, it would be easier if you weren't questioning my every move. Just trust me.”

This way, if you please folks. Come and meet the crew. They don't bite, I've checked,” he laughs and bounces forward.

It feels grungy. Grungier than most places. Grungier than the kid's home back in Blackheath. There was always something aseptic about the home of old. At least Rita had a regular cleaning routine for the kids to complete everyday. It kept them focused. Gave them a purpose. The perfect distraction.

I guess not everyone needs the distraction from reality.

There's a green couch. Positioned in a central position. There are several corridors leading out off the room. Minimalist furnishings. I understand the logic.

On the couch, there is a young female. She has curly, red hair tied in a ponytail. The way she is sitting draws emphasis to the bump. She must be at least five or six months gone. Beside her, there is a boy. He looks to be around the age of nine or ten but it is difficult to tell. He is so engrossed in what seems to be a toy car and race track.

Great. There's always at least one kid.

Right. Helene, this is Jason and this is Elektra. We met on the road; they were holed up in that pharmacy, just outside that ghost town.”

'Helene' sits up and seems to examine us. She puts her hand on the cushion beside her. She pushes up and struggles to her feet. Lucas rushes to her and takes her arm, making the feat a bit easier for her. Lucas kisses her head and lets go.

'Ello,” she has an incredibly strong accent, “Welcome to our humble abode. Lucas, what have we discussed?”

French. Definitely French. I haven't had much experience with that accent in particular but I can recognise it.

I know but you know we could use the extra help, especially when the new baby comes. Helene, this could be a deal of mutual gain.”

Yeah, we're willing to do anything. Go out scavenging and, I mean, the pharmacy is yours if you want it,” I interject, moving forward. Helene turns her head and sighs.

Fine. I need a piss; do not wait up. Alfie, rester avec votre père,” she waddles over to a corridor. It takes her a while but I'm not focusing on that. It's Lucas. The way he's staring at her. It's unlike anything I have ever seen. Then again, I haven't exactly been surrounded by the healthiest of relationships growing up. I guess I have never seen anyone look truly in love with anyone. The only exception was Roman but I chose to ignore it for years. Now he's...gone and I feel isolated again.

I have Jason but...I don't know. It's different. I love him but not in that way. I don't know exactly how I feel about him: I just know how I'm supposed to feel and that is a heavy weight to carry.

S**t. Can't think about that.

The child, Alfie I'm guessing, stares up at me and then to his dad. He crawls, slowly and then rapidly. Lucas bends down.

What's wrong mate?” Lucas questions, moving a piece of auburn hair from Alfie's eyes

Wh...wh...wha...what's wrong wi...with her ar...m?” he stammers, trying to hide from my glance. S**t. I should have known that would be the first thing a kid would pick up on. I look down at my stump; god Connall made a total mess of me. Disfigured me. Impregnated me. If I ever come across him again, I will make sure he is hung, drawn and quartered. I will make him suffer. For the sake of everything he has done.

Alfie, shh! Elektra? Are you okay to talk about it or...?”

Yeah, sure,” I adjust my shirt and move towards him. He cowers backwards, clinging to his father, “it's okay. I had an accident but I'm okay now. Plus, it's kind of cool. I'm like a pirate, argh!”

Alfie looks up at me and then looks down again. I feel like such an idiot. A pirate? Really? Nice one Elektra, you moron.

See, nothing to be afraid of Alfie. You don't need to be afraid of these people, no matter what mummy says,” Lucas says, keeping his eyes fixed on me. Alfie shrugs and crawls back to his race track. I take a deep breath. Jason walks up behind me and places his hand on my shoulder. I can feel bile begin to rise in my throat; I feel so ill. Morning sickness.

Are you alright? Do you need some water or anything? We have some stuff in the back room if you need anything,” Lucas inquires, staring at my abdomen. I realise I have my hand on my stomach. S**t. I quickly jolt my hand away and look down.

Yeah, if you have any to spare. We have been starving for weeks. Lex, do you want this?” Jason hands me a bottle of water. This would be a sweet gesture if it didn't appear to be some kind of science project, with life thriving at the bottle of it. I shake my hand.

Yes, sure. I won't be a minute. You can keep yourselves entertained for a few minutes, can't you? Play nicely. Yes, I'm talking to you Alfie,” he giggles and makes for the back room. I turn to face Jason and smile. He just seems slightly bemused. He's contemplating something. It's painful to watch him think sometimes. I feel the bile rise again. Oh god, I'm going to vomit. Definitely going to vomit. I turn away and allow myself to 'puke my guts up'. Jason rubs my back and I notice Alfie staring up.

Lucas starts walking back into the room. He begins to quicken his pace until he reaches a few metres from me.

Are you alright? Is she alright?” he asks, with almost a tone of panic. He moves closer to me and stops. I raise my head and wipe my mouth.

Yeah, I'm peachy. Do you have any water because my breath smells like death?” I ask jovially. Lucas has just paused. He looks confused. Fantastic. Now both of them look bloody confused. This is creepy now.

Elektra, is that a birthmark on your back?” Lucas quizzes, walking around me.

Just give me a second: I just need to turn my head three hundred and sixty degrees like a sodding owl. I don't know, you moron.”

Do you mind if I have a look?”

I nod. I can't exactly say no now he's at my back, circling me like some kind of bloody piranha. I feel his ice cold hand on my back. It makes me shiver but I try and limit my movement. I have never been told that I had a birthmark on my back; I guess it's not exactly something that is ever relevant because, let's face it, it never caused me harm. I know I have numerous scars from my escapades in the past.

Lucas moves backwards. He begins to laugh. Why is he laughing? I don't like it. I don't like it when people laugh like that. Knowing my luck, I probably have a birthmark that is the shape of a dick or something. No, Roman...Roman would have picked up on that.

Lucas walks around and hugs me. Squeezes me, more like. He tries to lift me up but settles on squeezing the life out of me. Why the hell is he hugging me? I'm still really not liking this. He finally puts me down and starts maniacally laughing again. Oh god, again? Really?

I thought it was you. I knew it. I f*****g knew it, pardon my French. I knew you'd find me at some point. My little sister. Did dad send you or...?”

Wait. Wait. My brother. I have a brother. How? I mean, I know how but...why would Marcus have kept that from me. He promised he would be honest with me but failed to mention that my flesh and blood was still out there, hiding in the shadows. I have a brother. A brother and a...nephew. I am an aunty. I never thought I would hear myself say that. Wow, this is too much to take in. Way too f*****g much.


It's alright, Elektra. You were wondering where you knew me from, weren't you Jason my main man? Thank you for looking after her,” he scoops Jason in to a hug as well. I can see Jason mouthing the words 'help me'. I am half way between some kind of mental breakdown or hysteria. I just elect not to articulate these feelings.

I still can't believe it. I don't think now is the moment to diffuse the joyous occasion by revealing the fact that our father was ripped to pieces by Risers. There are other times for that but now, now is different. God, am I getting sentimental?

It has been an honour. I knew exactly where you were from, hence why I could not force myself to trust you. You ran from the group and you know how you left things with your dad. That was not right, the things you said to him. Marcus was always a good man,” Jason snaps, forcing Lucas away from him but holding onto his shoulders. Of course they would have fought. Could I really have come from a functional family unit? Wishful thinking. Obviously he wouldn't of left if he felt safe or was content.

I know, Jason. Then again, are you one to talk? You were so far up my dad's arse, you hadn't seen daylight since you entered the bunker. A son of his own making. Of course he bloody loved you. I left because it was the only option and don't you dare say you knew otherwise. The only reason you stayed was to find Elektra. Because dad kept going on about his 'gorgeous little girl'. You were just a typical pubescent child: it doesn't look like that has changed,” Lucas growls, staring intently at the door. Oh god, is this seriously happening?

Come on, you morons. There's no reason in fighting, especially in front of your kid. Grow up. Just grow up,” I chime in, trying to remain impartial. I can't jump to anyone's defence because I have no right. I don't feel like I know anyone anymore. I don't know Lucas and, as time goes on, I feel like I know Jason less and less. The way he...he just shot Roman. He knew I was there and he still pulled the trigger. He knew I would have understood what had to be done but he didn't trust me.

Fine. I'm sorry you had to see that, Elektra. It's just you have to understand, you know what my relationship with our father was like. The things that b*****d did to mum. Then, you disappear and Jason turns up like the model son he always wanted. I had to get out otherwise I would have done something I regretted.”

No I don't. I don't have a cocking clue what you are wittering on about. When John took me, I hit my head on the concrete. Don't you dare start on him either. Marcus is dead so can we just move on? Jason has been there for me when I've needed him. We may be blood but that does not make us family, just yet. You seem to forget, I don't know you. I don't remember anything before Blackheath,” I chide. It takes a moment for it to sink in. Lucas is speechless. I had to say it. It had to be said and I won't apologise for it. My brain and mouth don't exactly work in synergy.

That f*****g b*****d! Of course it would have been him! And dad f*****g let it happen! F**k,” he bends down and punches the ground. That sets Alfie off. The poor kid looks utterly terrified.

Helene rapidly walks back into the room. The woman moves fast considering her condition. She runs and comforts Alfie. She scoops him into her arms while stroking his head. Alfie is rocking backwards and forwards, his hands covering his ears. Poor little git.

Lucas, qu'est-ce que tu fais? It's okay Alfie. Sh, sh,” she says in a soothing voice. Lucas jumps up and examines his fist. There is blood seeping between his fingers. He pauses and looks in horror at the hysterical child.

I am so sorry,” he bends down by Alfie, “Helene, Alfie this is my sister Elektra. It is her, Helene, and that man I told you about kidnapped her. Alfie, this is your aunty.”

Helene looks up and leers at me. She doesn't trust me, I can sense these things. She stands up. She walks around me. Why do people feel they have to circle me like bloody great vultures? It doesn't intimidate me, it just mildly piques me.

Welcome to the family. I apologise for my husband, he has anger issues-”

He is standing right here, my dear. No wonder the French had a reputation for being rude,” Lucas sulks, crossing his arms. Helene shakes her head and rolls her eyes. She places her hand on my arm and winks.

I can hardly miss you, ma pomme de terre chérie,” she smiles and walks towards him. He places a kiss on her lips and he embraces her. I turn my head to face Jason. He looks down, fiddling with his hands. I waltz over to him and entwine my fingers with his.

I apologise. Jason, it has been over ten years. You have also protected my sister which is something everyone in my family failed to do. Thanks. Could we start again?” Lucas affirms, extending the hand of friendship.

This should be interesting.

© 2014 Ellena Restrick

Author's Note

Ellena Restrick
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Added on October 1, 2014
Last Updated on October 1, 2014
Tags: Chapter 7, Regret, Dark, Young Adult, dystopia, horror, thriller


Ellena Restrick
Ellena Restrick


I am a sixteen year old girl from London who loves writing. I have always loved English every since I was a little sproutlet and I would really appreciate any feedback you could give me :) more..
