Trace Evidence

Trace Evidence

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Blame! The dying earth masterpiece that tells its story through little more  than its breathtaking artwork.


caught and fearing ... we run and
claim innocence

desperate, narrow, brownstone crevasse
like a path that squeezes me tighter as i go

a vast vault of human kind
plastered with
slight    misted     and ghosty touching
we asign blame to others

nice try!

i lie to cover tracks of
guilty verdicts with
chamealian colors 
i change elusive


that just right marriage of
 green and greasy slick dark
to hide .... to allure and capture
old mossman greybeard

he has cyprus knees 
tenaciously they stand    they withstand 
with tendril beards of those still tall
inflated platitudes 
on the face of failing policy

the eraser at the end of my yellow pencil
is shiney and hard
I run it across my mistakes and
create dull smudges 
I wet the end    try again but
All I get is torn and 
wadded paper balls 

obliterate spit balls to flick and stick
i feel so sad .............and empty now

so sad and empty. 




© 2025 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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i lie to cover tracks of
guilty verdicts with
chamealian colors
i change elusive


When the ego tells a story the ink is usually black on white but the tales are colorful. Did I get it?

Posted 3 Days Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Day Ago

of course Ms. Pryde!!! of course ... we all know as creative writers ... what we see is what we get .. read more
I not a fan of the "blame game" but I am a huge fan of personal responsibility and accountability. Blame never helps to resolve problems or issues and detracts from viable solutions and the implementation of them. I'd rather solve the problem than point fingers. But, that's just how I've always felt. Don't make accusations, make a difference. A great write from a wonderfully bright mind and a gifted pen. F.

Posted 1 Week Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Week Ago

thank you, Fabian ... your comments are true and generous .. i appreciate your visits and input alwa.. read more
The second stanza in this poem is profound. We often like to assign blame to others and lie about circumstances in order to deflect our own transgressions.

Posted 1 Week Ago

Poetic Beauty

1 Week Ago

Sounds like your Da was a wise man. Most people like things sugar coated and softer. I would rather .. read more
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Einstein Noodle

1 Week Ago

ij think he was ... a quiet man ... huge heart he rarely showed ;)
love the opening. stark and honest. not easy to own up to our mistakes. begs for making things right although it is those mistakes that we hopefully learn from and do not repeat. we make due with what we've got and try to move on regardless. poignant ending. a melancholy write for sure. well done.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Week Ago

thank you Pete! i appreciate the time you took to read and review .. special thanks for letting me k.. read more
"chameleon colors".....that really struck me. How many people...especially on line....change with each keystroke. How can we believe? I remember wetting the eraser end of my #2 pencil thinking it would work better at erasing my mistakes, but alas, it only ripped the paper. Have to tell you, E, some of these lines made me think of a nightmare...or an escape room! "green and greasy dark" OH MY! If that is not straight out of a ghost story, nothing is! Your poetry is always deep, E...multi-layered. I liked unraveling this one! Lydi**

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

Einstein Noodle

2 Weeks Ago

welocme back Ms. Lydi! i, as always, am so appreciative of your reviews ... thank you for pointing o.. read more

I think you are a genius Gene and although I know you will disagree or even argue .. just be sure I will always think thus .. and not only that, I shall erase any evidence that suggests otherwise .. well either that or you are a prophet .. Bet ya didn't see that one coming now did ya brother .. a superb bit o poetry if you don't mind or object to me saying so .. Just wish I had got to them bloomin words first .. Neville

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

i'll leave the genius to others ... (for now) ;) i'm feeling a bit elated you enjoyed this one Sir N.. read more

3 Weeks Ago

See, I told ya so didn’t I, still my absolute pleasure my friend .. Neville
There are thoughts that seem so briliant until put on paper and the more they are edited the less briliance shows through. Reworked and reworked they become a steak overcooked. So it is with mistakes made out of promises whether political or practical. There are great lines in this poem that ring classic in nature. The small print has the devil in the detail blame to others they stand they withstand

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

i agree Soren .. thanks always for taking time to read, review and share your reactions .. i feel gr.. read more
And all I can think of now is our current leader...this sums him up perfectly, even if he was not the subject of this brilliant piece.
The "I lie" stanza....the failed policies...feeling sad and empty and bitter, even with all his power.
One track mind lately, so sorry, E.
quite the poem.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

your not alone, jacob ... best to drop out and tune in to non-dividing .. yes .. this can be taken p.. read more
This writing, E, its brilliance going off like camera flashes!
The hard eraser..oh, I hate that devil! It ruins so many masterpieces!
Running through that narrow crevice squeezing me tighter as it gets that a word? lol.
This writing made me pant and struggle for my freedom all throughout!
It is a beauty! Thanks E!

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

thank you so much Betty! i am blown away with such a generous review ... makes me want to do it agai.. read more
That narrow crevasse squeezing our conscience and like a chameleon we change our colour to suit our circumstance.. but conscience keeps changing the hue until we are laid bare with no pencil and eraser to correct and we are glaringly guilty .... there is a moral in this as to how we are left with an aching heart and soul.
This was one to think about Gene... enjoyed the journey.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

Einstein Noodle

3 Weeks Ago

i love that, Stella! "... glaringly guilty" ... no eraser, no pencil and no paper either :)))))) lov.. read more
Stella Armour

3 Weeks Ago

my pleasure Gene ... enjoyed the read :)

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11 Reviews
Added on January 21, 2025
Last Updated on February 3, 2025


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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