Halfway To Heaven

Halfway To Heaven

A Poem by Gee

A mother and son, age and illness

For many years now this her place,
a tightrope walked unsteadily between life and death.
Stooped by both age and illness she sees no way forward,
planning no further than the next meal,
her life lived ever in the now.
This existence she only ever briefly escapes
with turned pages and dreams revealing what could could been,
had she not had 2 failed marriages, 9 kids, many jobs,
and many, many, more lonely nights.
On good days her mind, wit, has her tongue running humorous rings around us,
on bad, she falters, trips on words, forgets, "What was I saying.."
We drink tea, I get the latest death count,
"He/she was only," and then an age applied.
At her lowest, when most ill, I asked what gives her the strength to carry on,
if she was afraid of dying, she laughed.
"I'm not afraid of death, I fear only what I'll miss when dead, I'm to nosy to die"
And so she carries on, precariously balanced, halfway to heaven,
with me prepared,
stood down,
stood down,
but never really ready.

© 2019 Gee

Author's Note

At the time of writing this mum was on the up from yet another illness. Sadly mum passed away on 09/04/2019

My Review

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I think the 'disjointedness' adds to the 'mood'. Poor children, having to cope with the results of hardship their mother had to face. Your poem actually brought a tear to my eye. A well perceived and executed poem!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

As kids you know no different, plus when fostered we always knew we would return home.
Thank .. read more
7 kids??? Cheese N Rice. I'd probably hang myself.
WAIT. What? Where was I? You painted a perfect picture of a dismal, hum-drum lifestyle. Then, with a twist of Death, well...Sad, really.
Why do some people get blessed with fab lives and some with...ugh.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Oops, have replied as a review if you would like to read
Stacy Purvis

7 Years Ago

Your mother is a saint...like Mother Mary and such. I loved this piece so much! xxx
So moving! Masterfully done vignette of a mother's life. Tender mercies. Kudos!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

It is......
Annette Pisano-Higley

7 Years Ago

Cheers back! I'm sure she is very proud of you and your lovely tribute to her.

7 Years Ago

She has never read any of my writing, very few know that I post on here
Death is not easy to accept. I enjoyed reading this poem. It was very relatable.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

So relatable and written with such heartfelt emotion...it is damn hard to witness such and cope at times...the in-between stages and effects are never easy...love to you and your loved ones Gee...

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thanks Poppy, don't think mum has plans to pop off anytime soon

7 Years Ago

Good :) Willpower is a great strength :)

7 Years Ago

'Tis indeed
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This is a very relevant poem for me, Gee.

Biographical or otherwise, I identify very much at present with the words written here. To be witness to someone stranded in this place, halfway to heaven, is a very difficult feeling to have. To watch them struggle through daily life, suffering through the pains of old age while their mind and determination remains as sharp as ever is truly heartbreaking. And all we can do is watch helplessly and wait, knowing that no fountain of youth will restore them to the energetic souls they once were.

A deeply, heartfelt write. Grounded in reality and truthful experience. Fine writing.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thanks Doodley. It's painful at times to watch and there are times when I have thought mum would be .. read more

7 Years Ago

Having the same ordeal with my Father at present. Age and illness just creeps up very quickly. All w.. read more

7 Years Ago

And to you and your dad.....
totally makes sense, I really enjoyed this, I personally, love listening to my old relatives stories and how they actually start looking younger when telling stories of their youth - then old again when they start to tire, - I love that she's too nosey to die - that shows a love of life - great stuff :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you, glad you enjoyed KTB
this is incredible. Every line i read made my ears hear your character's brittle voice. by the end i asked myself a question, What is she scared of missing?

The honest reflection of your piece did not allow the feeling of disjointedness. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Saud Maroof

7 Years Ago

I agree, everyone has a different philosophy of death of course when a young man some what healthy t.. read more

7 Years Ago

It's your full stop, the end to a life written and hopefully remembered for a wee while after you're.. read more
Saud Maroof

7 Years Ago

A closure. the most glorious closure. it is most appropriate ending.

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39 Reviews
Added on April 22, 2017
Last Updated on May 6, 2019
Tags: Mum, son, life, death



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

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