The Feared Beast

The Feared Beast

A Poem by Bexfinch

Getting back to writing about society and my scorn of it now adays


Beat of the drum

Piper of the people

Fill this holy sanctuary

Trickle into this orifice

Fill it with the milk of the wise

I fear we’ve receded too far into the dark

And turned into the feared ignoramus



They speak without thinking

Like robots

In lip gloss

Their eyes glassy and glazed over

A metallic steel sheen in their words

Lies pounded into their heads

So deep you start to believe it as truth


The cross hairs on their weapons are preset to destroy

The sanctity and peace of masses

They chortle in groups

Sniggering and whispering

Words laced with opium

dripping, oozing like black tar


They condemn the innocent

Shun the reliable and refuse the redemption in truth

They laugh at the impertinent, relish their ignorance

They rise like a phoenix


In flagrant bursts of color

Burning away at the core of humanity

Till there is nothing left to burn and…

But the ashes of human individuality

© 2012 Bexfinch

Author's Note

This is a first attempt at poetry again which I warn has not been done in a while :( so um I think I'll write more. Time to liberate my mind.

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This is really good. Refreshing to read, and very inspirational seeing as I need to be writing a poem right now.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Very detailed and insightful. Takes alot of power to separate the particulars in chaos. Or discipline. A skill most people in this world ignore. Takes alot of skill. Good job. Look forward to reading more.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rantings about society. Well if it has been a while since writing poetry, you've set your bar with this one! Great job.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 18, 2012
Last Updated on November 18, 2012
Tags: woman, teen, obama, politics, oppinion, back, to, writin



Jacksonville, FL

I felt a need to clean up my profile after having it for three years Name:A title a person gave to me before I was consciense Age: Old enough to write Occupation: Learning as much as I can as.. more..
