![]() Especial 2A Poem by Jeremiah Medina![]() More readings.![]()
Efficient lack of effort. The nothing in between the solids. Matter
microscopically. Dissolving into resolving into. A revolving planet
spinning faster and faster. Holes in the sky make a vacuum. Disappeared
and space devoured them. As their last horrified gasps escape them.
Frozen before. Again time stands still. They'll say it's a myth. I'll
say it's a cure. How many different kinds of plants yet to be
identified? All kinds of species. Exploration. Adventure. How I've
missed the? Dreaded monotony. Mind wondering though. Like always.
Vacancies. Bland experiences. The differences between letters. Hours of
meditation. Goals to score. Travesties and trepidation. Stand up for
myself. For once. Push me down. Forgive me. For I still wear a frown.
Another senseless. Another goes. That one of disease. That no one knows.
That one a wreck. There a gun. Accidents. Death is fun. Candles of
every color. Supplies. Should I buy by the pound or by the ounce? What's
this equation? What was that about? Nothing just spacing out. Laughter
of various forms. Which one? Isn't this swell? Simply great. Various
fucked up mental states. feeling around. The others there. Don't get to
deep. Into another. You don't want to become them. F*****g clones. The
weather. Tell the difference. More oxygen. Could barely breathe. Clean
air how lovely? The color of the beverage I was drinking? The golden
seal. Approval. What was the date again? Schedules? Appointments in my
head. Astral plane perceptiveness. How's them eyes? What's up? How's it
going? Theatrics? Crypticism. Surreal? Nope, freal.
Not feral. Housebroken. Why are plants illegal? Bubbles popping in my
blood. We started boiling. It was fun. What degree does a person cook
at? I forgot. How many people we fed to the dogs? Maybe a hat. Some kind
of bird. Talking in tunes. For the hell of it. Woo. Hick ups. A
spoonful of sugar will do. Healing distances. All kinds of proofs. The
scales. Protecting the future. The green to desert? Will that do?
Steaming a vegetable medley. We thinking in somewhat of a melody.
Clarify something? Is it true? Questions after questions after
questions? Testing. On and ready. In here. Just might be. The trees
spoke to. I waved. Funny languages. Secretively. A fifth of gin. Or was
it rum. Mammals Paw. Various feathers. Nocturnal energy. Abstract.
Tapping's. Masking velocity. Various disciplines. Endearments and terms.
Words mean nothing. Though stronger than the sword. Still. Type over
gun. I don't know. Ideas change it all. Classified. Isn't it terrific? I
care not. If you believe it. Seems it just might be accomplished.
Sooner later. I'll be around. Brainstorming. Preventatives and
solutions. Rocks floating. A wolfs head. Rotting flesh. Beehives. The
queens alive. Fire ants. The acid of. Returning from. Pheromoans.
Savant. If you insist. I'll play dumb. Or stupid? Throw out words.
Effects are? Stones sticks. To metal. Then bomb. Fire multicolored.
Black shades of grey white. Tell me another. I'll bite if you will. Nice
and subtle. Hear a rattle. Musical turtles. Returning from. Once again.
Don't let every day repeat. Nice outside. Paperclips unfolded refolded
perfectly. Pretzels. The map. Atlases. Where to proceed from this spot?
Who's to say? What is perfect? An old one. Is it all or nothing. Both
entirely. Same as before. Released from an escape. Escape from
confinements. Blocks in my own head. Strokes and time loops. As a
twitch here and there. Tornadoes cringe or was that the crust. Routes
may change. Reading minds? Another pathy.
Follow history. Mistakes plenty. Imperfect. Another beep. Save
yourself. Before youth sinks. Have a spell? Another drink? Wishes can.
Dreams too. Oh to be true. Another look at some other line. If only.
Something sublime. Far away winks. Blinking the eyes. Castles on
islands. Perhaps in the center. The very heart. Prosaically Halitosis.
Ambiguously acceptable. Excepter.
Beautiful. I oblivious. Some damnable curse. Has not this worsened your
opinion of. Troubles and horribles. You can go f**k yourselves. Whoas and oh mies. Gnomes and dandelions. Barriers and shattered lies. Red caps on crowns. Polished stoned. Guitar strings. Flies bless with vomit. Blue eyed larvas
or green eyed? They labeled it mutation? Interesting, knowledge that's
ancient. Hurray evolution. Another day of ranting profusely. Just for
the hell of it. Something to do. What's your favorite way to screw?
Dragons chilling with gargoyles. A crumb for a starving moth. Bash on
hater. Cystic negative failure. Oh wow. The word. I can tell that it
scares you. Not me. What ever. Try again. Make it better. Fading a faded
Exploding in your? Costume? What else could you be? Take again. Excuse
me? I'll be gone. Soon enough. Take me to the f*****g bus stop. But no
they misjudge. Together my s**t is. Yours? Before I begin to cook again.
Tiger stripes beneath their wings. Card shuffling. Another raspberry
crumpet my dear. Training the beasts. Praying with yeast. A friendly
feast. Pass the loaf. A sit and think. A lizards funny speak. Have you
seen the tarantula? The tortoise? Yellow birdies. Clouds. Daemons.
Stars. Spinning around. Concussed confusion. Anticoagulants. Thinners.
Elevated palindromes. Was it domes? Hail Nature. How far can we go? A
bit further still. Show us how? Surely sure. Untangled cleared up.
Cavalries not gonna come. Tails wagging. No use bragging. Wont believe
you anyway. You know. Boxes on top of box. Again here we go. Fingers
dancing on keyboards. Wrapped up nice and tight. The true horror
revealed. How could you have known? Freed genies. Mixes. All for what?
Some purity? Meet you in hell. They set grant to automatic. The damn
fools indeed. What a problem that became. Solved. Simple as ease.
Pleases thank yous. Fidgeting by an inferno. Chilling letting it all
hang out. Percentages?Proportional? Have no doubt. Culture war? Anti
what? Homicidal fascists? Barbarism. Civil fraction. Supposing delayed
reactions. Slower now. How bout faster? Hold back. The leashes. Hell hounds
howl at the sun. Burns so good. The moon worshipers. Where have you
been? Gravity fails. Nobody wins. More sweet herb. Another hour. Plants
illegal why? Empower them all. With out asking. Here's something other.
Not the word now. How about later? Only every other day. You see today I
feel straight. Curvy the next. Spirally spiny. Makes sense. The
weather. Connections. No strangers. Keep questioning. On and on and on.
Know one will mention it. Further up. High ya Higher Hi YA. The secret
password is? Ha please. That's not very secret. Graceful. Humorous.Tame.
Wild. Knowledge is something you worship. Facts. Ideal relativity.
Conversed flexibility. Remarkable realizations. Excusing the
exaggerations. Fear not then strange. I will not. How could it be?
Communicating intricately. Sacrifice pennies. Helium's opposite. Levels
over. Quiz tomorrows. I wont tell them it all. Never ever. You can't
have them all. Who said? Simply about knowing them. Abilities born
with. Friends. No sobbing. Smiles favorites. Save them. Inspecting.
Bombing. Assisted swarming. Detachment. The here and now. A present.
Fighting off the shock. Doing what? Chronological. Sweaty socks. Softer.
What did you do? Seeds. Pressures. Messed up. Pressure returns to
normal. Adjusting to it. Everything jumbled. Picasso's theory. Patterns.
Omens. Fortune telling. A bit about yourself. Your palms please. No
trouble. Past present future? What's the problem? Puppet s**t. Voodoo.
Taking over entirely. Fowl vile and evil. Uncool. Mind control. All
kinds of supers their are. Everyone is special in their own way.
Correct? Sure. You have to earn them. Just like these gifts. Had to
practice. Unless your born with them. Stories differ. Call them what you
will. Tapped. Unwrapped. When will that go away? Never. Your blood
burns forever. Fun huh? Always a game. Why not? Grandma. Teaching.
Professor status. Carnage. Campfires. All my might. Not even close. Made
you trip. I pay attention keenly. Constantly observing. Underrated.
Quiver thine fear. Illness diseases cures. Cold helps. Separation.
Connection. Dominate. Preserve. Organisms in position. The difference
between you and a corpse is? Ignoring hostility. Irreverent distilled
alcohol. Gallons of. Slaughter them. Treachery. You finished me. You
suck. Memories. Brain boosts. Meditating. Mantras. Give it. Bizarre.
Superfluous. Wavy. Thickness. Dimensional vortexes. Algebraic
frequencies. Tranquility. Ill never forget now. Madras. A powerful
method. Hate repetition. Or do I? Choices decisions. Grim heavens. Tall
mountains of ash. Vibration. No such thing as instant gratification.
Inquire a middle finger. Perhaps two. Ancient. Vagrant disregard.
Safety? Distraction? A nasty tone. Don't need hostile invironments
yo. Environments neither. Everything still. Briefness. Banners. Nice
vacation. What I'm missing. These imbeciles. Shrink me again. Rip your
eyes out. I'll act my age when I'm treated like. Baby me again f*****g
sick of this. It's your own fault. Sanitary? Twenty cats? I'm about out
of here. Need a back pack or something. Waste my life away. Wishes
granted. Damn a bad one. Should a warned you. Sorry it was dumb. Gasps
and whispers. Jewels. I'll lead you there. Treasure. You have some near.
Inhale. It's food for you. Breathe easy. All the way comforted. Sneezy
Invading. Hark. Expertise. Elitism? Guard? So what of past? Here Is
here. Too long forth have I been. Sneer. Wandering. Drifting. No musts.
Nonprofit. Glimpses of it. Gave thanks. Pavement. Splatter. A poisoned
dagger. Pine needles. Fungus. Ditches. Robes. Fighting forces. daydreams
and horses. Framed on the wall. Pianos falling from a ceiling. Smush.
Who hangs a? Amplifier. Various newses. Mixed reviews. Over bearing.
Apple juice. Signs of chivalry. Campfires. Starlight. A warm breeze.
Fresh scents. Training. Violets expanding. All problems solved.
Currently world saved. Sagely. Next page. Such a beneficial plant.
Testimonies from here to wherever. Really. The globe. Shaken. Savoring
the simplistic. The necessities. Anniversary. Hugs and bugs. Creepy
crawlies. Snails and slugs. Fresh squeezed mucus. Chrysanthemums.
Editing. Vexed yet? Just you wait. Hired. Sabotage. Suspended
Animation. Virtual network of links. Readings? Dreams or what?
Techniques. What to do? Leaf. Will. Peace. Gone. I never. What the?
Energy. Turn yourself into. Shape shifting. Whether not you believe
matters not. If you can't do it bummer. Not my fault. Takes time.
Effort. Maybe it wont. Comes natural to some. Real time real life? Fun
stuff. Practice. Doing well? Feel okay. Pay attention. Concentration.
Meditation. Focus. Paranoid? Not so much. Last time I checked. Intensely
aware of the moment. For always. F**k yeah. Oh yeah. No matter whats.
Shivers. Thump. First and last. Territories. Bump. Hazardous.
Underground. Light bodies. Energy. Traveling by. Plainly. Not my
problem. Thanks for telling me. All kinds of fun. Instant
transportation. One place to the other. Blink of an eye. Boom. You
exploded. Imploded. Reconstructed. Dissolved. Resolved. Particular
atomically molecular ionics. Teleportation.
Elemental. Reaching? Nothing but time. Took it from me now it's mine.
Its not yours. Tap. Zap. Hurtles. Deranged. Suffocated. Fans? Hare of?
Shakes. Mushrooms. Know how. Files and files. Stuff I'm good at.
Whatever. Apparently. Quick learn. Hard study. Bored out of my mind.
Something to do. Anything to do? Everything to do. Nothing to do.
Research. Chromosomes. Temperate. Mellow. Chill. Calmness. Soaring.
Harmless. Yellow pollen on windshield whipper's. Silk worms.
Caterpillar. Spiders. Elevators cobwebbed. Stairs. Alternatives.
Aspirin. Hate not. Doth not. Random. Shifting. Shuffling images. Wheels
that spin. Big old spheres. Erased not now. Answers to. Algorithms.
Specialties. Tangents. Bands. Participation. Aggravation. Anticipation.
Just you wait. Sad. You didn't tell. Couldn't tell. Hills on fire. Again
burning. Heat raised. Cold air. Fumes. Gaseous explosion. Envelopes.
Ash is soft. Improving bit by bit. Excrete. Don't need to hear. Keep
your negative s**t to yourself. I'll do what the f**k I feel like.
Thanks for repeating the same old advice. Just like a god damn parrot.
Having a f*****g stroke? No, not on purpose. Someone else. Figures. They
love to test me. Damn them to hell. Death runs the world. Fossil fuels.
What have I proven. Nothing at all. Lack of inspiration. Kill the dull.
Distract them with sentiment. For the best. Make perfect robots of
children young. Trigger words. Panic buttons. Shocking nerves. Taken
over. Could you be. Are they compromised? Range of awareness. Talks of
solace. Mental programming. Behavior? Who are you to say? Tones. Frogs
croaking. Wiser. Where the mind was? Another yesterday. Cant stand this.
Walk away in the night. Disappear. Forgotten and out of sight. Warm
beverages. Keep me up all night. Help them. I'm not worth the struggle.
I'll catch up. If not. Some other time then. Certain centuries. A
striking resemblance. Talismans. Laser beams. Tags. Label. Weakness or
strength. Examples of. Violence. Angry mobs. Irreverence. Find me stiff.
Set me on fire. Quicker than. Some drawn out occasion. Who's to say?
Public post. Deliveries. Hostess please another one of whatever the f**k
this is. Damaging. Another lecture. Be myself. Apparently without one
I'm nothing. A plastic card. Fake society. Defined by. Cash not
character. Don't ask me why. Congratulations. I'll be by. A visit. But
I'm not so obsessed. More knowledge truth. Push a button learn
something. As we pool knowledge. Seems if there is. Something different.
No one compromises. I ask for little. This no longer suits me. Wasting
away with these half rottens. Feeding on my youth these succubus.
Vampires didn't ask. You suck p***y. If only. I think I'll leave soon.
You wish. Know I do. Get farther. Stay longer. I want my own life too.
Soundless. Silent. Skin flakes. Auras. God if only it wasn't so
hopeless. So few care. Beyond themselves. Humanitarian. Foaming over.
Gargling. Exhausted. Somber. Heathen. Spout out predictability. Just
like always. So easy to read. Belts of bibles wrapped around necks. Burn
the freaks. Their nothing but trash. Sand castles. Speaking of. A
match. Drank a gallon. Highly volatile alcohol. Maximum voltage. Clear.
Exploded. Screams. Collapses. Master enlightened. Have no need to
fathom. A fusion of. Mind body soul. Combined the whole. Included.
Stoned. Ignite. Combustion. No one asked your opinion. Glue
sticks.Taking off. Love the hurt. Hurts to love. Articulating. Mirage.
Lights and shadows dancing. Air blurs. Too slow. The differences slight.
Mugs full not empty. Coffee made. All night to do nothing. Nocturnal.
Rather be. Guiltless. Refuse their head tripping. Lots happened since
back in their day. What happened? You've fucked us. So thanks. More
chances. Advancement. I'll survive. A publisher? Refined. Do something
about it. Caffeine. Up to my down. Working on it. What do you want?
Does it matter? Brutality. So far so good. Throwing voices. Sound
effects. Arts and crafts. Anchors down. Just for them. I apologise. I
tried to care. If you knew me. Wait no one does. Mirroring you back at
you. Summer comes. They cook alive. As they froze before. More land on
the market. More resourceful than a. Picnics in forests. By the lakes.
Checkers now. Birdbaths. Granite. Mistakes. Oh well. I don't like you.
Can't please them all. More presumptions sabotage me. My cover judged
before you know me. Pity the dying. Worship your lies. Fantasies. Worlds
a joke. Figments of someones mind. Baskets. What was the purpose of
that? Mind your own f*****g business. The death of privacy. Constant
service. Blood hungry. Like the crowd always is. Left alone.
Personalities. Vanish. The sun at dawn. Sick of your voices. No I wont.
Can't stand this. Bottomless pit of s**t. Deeper and deeper. Kicked me
out. I'm gonna take off. Make my way wherever. Don't need a thing.
Damned if I do, don't, won't shouldn't. No one will read this. Until
maybe later. Haven't the patience to handle their hatred. But not all
hate. Their misery. Which direction to take. Overly careful. Future to
make. Always grateful. God damn this place. Stupid hypocrites. Some a*s
remarks, f*****g f****t. Same old routine. B*****d rednecks. Rarely
noticed. Have no regrets. Life continues. Common threats. Wasted years.
Narcissists. Lack of control, esteem or confidence. Another beep. Hide
the truth. Feign an interest. Potentials. Dynamics. Ice cubes in
bathtubs. Sour apple. Train wrecks. Slumber. Affects. More noise.
F*****g static. Buggy. Mantles. Alters. Antlers. Spoken lyric. Longer
till. Get me out of here. Spills. Not welcome. Math riddles. Rhythmic.
Superiority complexes. Overly competitive. Usual suspects. Wallowing in.
Moving on. Fall asleep. Cataclysmic. Not a phase. Over this. Another
day ready to flip. I don't deserve it. Typical. Clarity. Pillows soft.
Basically recovering. Wasn't thinking. Random spontaneity. Out of the
void less. Into nothingness. Your assistance. Nor kindness. I don't know
why not. Another madness. Accepted or not? Entirely unexceptional.
Endlessly ordered. Rulers size up? No bodies burden. High pitched scream, THAT'S ENOUGH.
© 2013 Jeremiah Medina |
Added on February 20, 2013 Last Updated on February 20, 2013 Author![]() Jeremiah MedinaIn the Woods, TXAboutI Am Me. Not a tree. Not a dream or submarine. I am happy. I am Free. I am laughing, At disbelief. Living life, Lovin beats. I am me This is it. more..Writing