![]() Darkness Is KingA Story by Michale Rune![]() A tale of the changing of the guard.![]() Darkness Is King With
a mighty clash the two swords came together causing lightning to fill the
chamber momentarily blinding the two adversaries. They fell away from each
other clutching at their eyes. The older man recovered first and with a swirl
of his black cape he was striking again at the other; the blows falling with
the force of an avalanche. The younger was no fool and even before his sight
returned he had his sword up and twisting in his hands to block the strikes he
could only sense. Both men, having their sight returned to them, separated to
circle each other; wolves on short chains. Without
warning the younger man flung off his helm of shining gold which rung like a
bell as it struck a nearby pillar; the older man flinched. In the moment of
uncertainty he had created, the younger man lunged forward, golden hair
streaming, and took to the offensive. The Tower on which they battled shook
with every meeting of blades. Black sparks arced from the older man’s sword as
he held it before him and when he met the younger’s blade it ignited into dark
flames. The younger man held his sword in his left hand and as he melted from sword
stance to sword stance it too sparked regularly, though with gold and it became
wreathed in like color flames when the two opposing men met. Long did they
continue their intricate dance of the blades as intent upon each other’s
movement as any pair of dancers. For a second time the blades met full force
and the dark walled room in which they fought was again filled with an intense
light and the smell of ozone. This time though the foes did not stagger back
but held their pose and struggled blindly to gain the advantage. Swords locked
they fought on; the heat of the confrontation began to make the air itself
shimmer and burn. On they held for what
could have been years neither admitting defeat as the very Tower around them
began to melt away like so much butter. With
a quick smile the younger man put his last bit of strength into the battle; the
older man was beginning to fade. Infused with confidence the younger man slid
his golden sword up the dark length of the other’s blade and broke the hold of
blade on blade. With a motion faster than the mortal eye could follow he raised
his sword to deliver the just and final stroke. And stopped. He gasped with
pain as looking down he saw the older man remove his dark blade from the
unguarded chest it had just plunged into. With a serene demeanor the older man
used his dark cape to wipe off the crimson that now dripped from his black
blade. The
younger man’s smile died as he fell to his knees sword of golden power falling
from his hand and sinking until it was incased in the molten floor of the
chamber. With a quick strike the older man struck off the younger’s sword hand.
The heat that still emanated from the blade cauterized the wound even as it
created it. The older man did not seem to notice the heat of the molten stone
around him as he knelt, but put his attention full on the stricken and
bewildered young man before him. “You put on a good show boy. You
almost had me there.” He said with a smile that was almost fatherly. “How?” Was the other’s only
reply. “Because it was meant to be.”
Said the older with a tone of finality. The
walls of the chamber began to split and crack open as the Tower cooled
revealing a scene of pure chaos. In all directions beyond the Tower could be
seen the ravages of a battle so monstrous that it had no end in sight. Dark
clad warriors were decimating the little pockets of gold cloaked soldiers that
stood their ground in an effort to buy time for their leader; their last hope. The last thing the younger man saw before the floor of the
chamber collapsed beneath him was the older man, dark crown glittering on his
brow, as he, with head tilted up towards the heavens, laughed uproariously.
When he awoke the younger man was filled with such pain that
he could not remember his own name. The King was before him; pincers as sharp
as diamonds hanging from his hand as if forgotten. Silence reigned for a moment
as the King waited for an appropriate response. After a moment he shrugged and
began to bite into the younger man’s flesh with the pincers. A scream of agony broke
from the defeated man’s mouth as the pain mounted. Like some twisted echo the
King began to sing a song of terrible beauty and while he sang, he smiled.
defeated man awoke with a scream as he left his nightmare and entered his worse
reality. His thin arms were clamped tightly by heavy metal manacles connected
to chains on the ground. His feet were likewise chained to the ceiling and both
sets of cuffs cut deeply into his flesh. Trickles of blood like little rivers
ran down his arms as testaments to his many failures. His heavy grey beard hung down covering his
face, and he had to squint to see through the matted and slime incrusted hair. The stench of long accumulated filth filled
the chamber and it took him a moment to master his stomach, but after he had,
the inner calm, which years of battling with despair had forged within him, was
set in place. He was no longer a man but a combination of senses and muscles
that acted faster than thought. His eyes could barely penetrate the dark that
enclosed him so it was his sharp but battered ears with which he adeptly interpreted
the nuances of his cell. There was someone stepping into his sanctum. The
guard stepped out of the shadows carrying his gruel and a thick wooden spoon.
The defeated man knew it was time. Just as the guard was about to say
something, a smile creeping across a face not unkind, the defeated man scraped
his left stump out of its manacle and punched the man with the fleshy nub. The
man died instantly as his nose was shoved back into his skull. Pain lanced
through his arm, but he knew in his very bones that if he stopped or even let
the man slump an inch, his chance would be gone and would never come again. So
with all of his effort he kept the man standing by the strength of his mangled
arm alone and used his teeth to bite the cord around the man’s neck which held his
key. With a movement that had taken him a year to master he used his teeth to
put the key into the lock and retrieve his hand from its steel trap. With
his hand free he awkwardly used the guard’s sword to slice away the chains that
held him upside down. With a rattling metallic hiss he and his chains fell to
the floor. After he had recovered his breath his vengeance drove him forth into
the next room where he slew the guards there. And so he went about with no fear
for his own life slaying all of those who stood in his way be it man woman or
child. Several he lingered with ensuring that their deaths were equal to the
desire for revenge that they had placed in his heart. The scars that covered
the whole of his body burned like fire and froze him like ice but all was as
nothing compared to the ocean that was his lust for revenge. In time he found
himself standing before the great doors of the throne room. So with a glad but
terrible spirit he flung the great stone slabs wide and entered into the
presence of the Dark King. The
Throne Room was clad in a murky darkness that the light from the hall could
barely pierce, but the defeated man was used to darkness it was his element. So
with swift steps he strode forward into the pitch-black until he stood before
what remained of the King. He sat hunched in his throne his black cape draped
underneath of his now ancient and decrepit form. His hands which had once been
mighty things were curled claws that clutched shaking at his sunken chest as he
labored for breath. The only sound in the chamber was the whistling of the King’s
air as it waxed and waned in his withered lungs. “So”
said the Old King “You have come.” “You
end here!” shouted the younger man as he thrust the sword into the King. The
younger man smiled with a grim sort of pleasure as he twisted his blade in the
old man’s chest. With a sound akin to a receding tide the old man curled in
on himself spiderlike whistling out only “Do better. I dare you.” And with a
twisted smile of his own he died.
the dead King’s dark sword in hand the younger man crowned himself there in the
Throne Room and with a yank of his gnarled muscles threw the dead king out of
his stone seat. And so with a smile of true pleasure he came to sit on the
blood stained throne himself. In time he gained control of not only the dark
fortress in which he had been so long imprisoned, but also of the lands that
were subservient to it. He forged a new army from the men that had survived the
death of the old King and with them made his will the one and only law across
all his lands. At last, he proclaimed, the forces of good had triumphed over
those of evil and through his
patience and his devotion to his people he had been able to fight for
so long to final and total victory. But not all thought as he, and his servants
found that the people of the land were rising up against their true King. To
appease them he searched the Tower where he had learned the Hero’s lesson long
ago, but could not find the sword that would prove him the same as their hero from
the war of age past. Though he looked with all the dark arts he had stolen from
the king he could not find it. It had indeed been there, but as time passed so
did it. Not
able to produce the evidence of his identity the King became enraged and
commanded the people to obey him; him who they
had raised up to be their king. In
response they killed the soldiers he sent to cow them and tore down his
officials and broke his laws. In time they made an army of their own to fight
the King whom they hated. The King saw the darkness in their hearts and knew
that the only way to save them was to cut away the evil so his hope and truth
could grow. And so with zealous actions he sent his army against the people.
is said that when all was made ready he stood on the top of the twisted,
disfigured Tower and there waited alone watching his forces as they swept forth
to do his bidding. Some say that he cried with a voice that split the skies
like lightning asking all of existence itself who his people would send to meet
his blade. A challenge to his yet unnamed rival. Whether this be true or not is
lost to the depths of history, but one fact is always consistent no matter the
time or place that the tale is told. They say that the Dark King sang a song so
terrible and beautiful that it made the very ground tremble and that while he
sang, he smiled. © 2013 Michale RuneAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Michale RuneWAAboutI'm a long time reader of Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and interesting Fiction. I like to write when I can, but I have trouble building my stories to conclusions. I hope that joining this site and becoming a memb.. more..Writing