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Melody Eleven

Melody Eleven

A Chapter by Spade

 "No..." I whimpered as I heard my iPhone's alarm ring.  I slowly grabbed it. "Wait, wha...?" 6:55 was not what I had set.
 My half-awake self didn't realize that it was a tweet alert until three minutes later.
 "Ohhhh," I whispered to myself. Going to my mentions, I saw that Hunter had tweeted me. All of my grogginess instantly evaporated.
HunterForce: @RosySpade, wanna meet me outside the school at 7:45? dont want u to be late again :) 
 Quickly, I typed a response.
RosySpade: @HunterForce yeah, thanks. wouldnt want that crazy teacher 2 freak again haha

HunterForce: @RosySpade start getting ready now. i know how long it takes for you girls to get dressed haha :P

 Rolling out of bed (Literally; I fell on the floor. Smooth.), I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. It was super sweet that Hunter wanted to meet me early, when no one was around, but I wished I had more time to sleep.
 After brushing, I decided against doing my hair. I let it hang low to my waist, and dabbed on some mascara, then walked to the closet.
 Throwing on some pastel yellow Mary Janes, matching petticoat, plastic stud earrings, and simple plain headband (to cover up some of the tangles), I tiptoed out the door, not wanting to wake Rina. This time, I made sure to grab my keys.
 Walking out out the Chamber, I felt a little sneaky. I mean, how many other girls left early in the morning to see a boy? The people at this school don't know how to take opportunities when they're right in front of you.
 I mean, seriously? The rules here are so flexible, they're twisted up more than Rina and Noa's legs the time I saw them, um, practicing.
 The moment Rina's name (and that horrible memory) popped into my mind, I felt the stride in my step slow down. Don't think about things like that, I chided myself.
 Approaching the shiny school doors, I heard a whisper. "Spade!"
 I looked around. I hoped with all my heart Ms. Hosten wasn't about to talk to me.
 "Spade, over here! On the other side of the wall," I heard the voice. Hunter's voice!
 Skipping to the wall, I yelped as Hunter's strong hands pulled me by my waist to stand in front of him. "Hey," he whispered.
 I don't know why, but I giggled. "Hey yourself," Where was this cool, flirty me coming from?
 Not liking the silence that was filling the air, I said, "So, ah, thanks for making sure I got here a tad early today. That was sweet,"
 He bent down to nuzzle my ear. "I think you're sweet."
 I giggled some more. "That's not all I am," Whaaaaat?!
He lifted his neck from my ear. "Show me your other side at Kai's party Saturday?"
 "You mean you want us to go, like, together?" I blurted. So much for the flirty Spade.
 He laughed his wonderful laugh. "If you don't mind?" 
 Ohmygosh, I did not mind at all! Hunter, a 15 year old, was asking me to a party. It wasn't like, prom, or anything, but still. Inside, I was exploding more than firecrackers on the 4th of July.
 Play it cool. "I don't mind at all," my voice came out 2 octaves higher. "We could have fun dancing!" I'm smart. Tee hee.
 "Yeah, um, dancing," he laughed some more. S**t!
 "But, um, yeah," I continued. "I'd love to go with you."
 He smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that. Wouldn't want any other boys to beat me to it,"
 That reminded me; Mio told me that there was three boys here. I'd only seen Hunter. Actually, Hunter is basically the only other older person I've seen. They keep us pretty separated in grades. 
 "Hunter? Where are the other boys?"
 He smirked a little. "Why, are you planning on ditching me for one of them?" 
 I laughed. "No, just a tad curious."
 He looked at me for a beat before cracking up. I mean, like, really cracking up.
 "Ha...?" I said. I hope I didn't have a crush on a crazy person.
 "Blake and Shawn are two years older than you..."
 "Are you saying they can't like me because I'm young?" I was starting to get a little upset. 
 He laughed some more. "No, although if they did like you, you wouldn't see them much. The school separates the grades pretty well."
 "So I've noticed." I raised an eyebrow. 
 "Yeah. But, um, Shawn and Blake are, ah, gay."
 Swinging side to side on the dewy grass, he winked at me. "Less competition."
 I smirked. "Unless I decide to go half-lesbian on you. Then you'll have lots of competition."
 His easy smile faltered. "You're not bi, are you?" 
 I blushed and blew my bangs out of my face. "Oh, God, not that I know of," 
 And that was true. Kinda. I technically don't know. I mean, I hate lying to people (it's so much damn work keeping it up) but I don't want to ruin my chances with Hunter. He's so kawaii. His steel grey eyes are just gorgeous, and even though he only wears the plain white oxford and and white skinny jeans, his orbs stand out. Oh, and his hair is just ah-mazing. He's a red-head, and they intrigue me enough, but his red seems to blend with oranges and dark, dark, blondes. It's so exotic, and curly, and the more I think about his eyes and his hair, I want to run my hands through his locks and stare into his eyes while kissing him and-
 "Spade? Spaaade," Hunter pokes my cheek. "You there?"
 Did I really just daydream about his hair and eyes? And kissing him? Oh God, what's happening to me?
  "Haha, I'm still here. So, about that party..."
 Dashing out of math class on Thursday, I walked outside and checked my iPhone. Nothing from anyone- still. And Rina still wasn't talking to me.  
 I looked around to see girls running somewhere. That reminded me! I have to go to practice my "talent".
 I don't know where to go, so I just go back into the school. Looking around for a teacher, I bump right into Mio.
 "Oh my gosh! Hey Spade!" She giggles and rubs her forehead in false pain. "You sure know how to pop up,"
  I laugh at her lame joke and play-punch her in the arm. "Nichiwa,"
 She stares at me blankly. "Huh?"
 I fiddle with one of the rainbow sequins on my tote. I made up a cute way of saying hello, but when I said it to Zoey and Melissa, they said t sounded like a drug a wannabe-gangster would do. "Oh, well...You know 'Konichiwa'? Sometimes I just say 'Nichi' or 'Nichiwa'."
 She nods her head fast and squeals. "Oh, I get it now! That is so cool! Can I say it, too?"
 I blush. "It's just a stupid, made-up word. I don't care." But on the down-low? It makes me giddy inside that she wants to copy me. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right?
 "So I can say it? Awesome! 'Cause I just didn't want to be like one of those girls who copies a trendsetter without asking. You should always ask when you take something from someone," she says in a ditzy-but-I-think-it's-wise voice.
 I laugh again. "Right. So Mio, do you know where I go to practice? I'm lost,"
 She smiled and I noticed just then that she had a deep dimple in her left cheek. Aw, I've always wanted a dimple. But, according to a very perverted boy who was at the beach, I have a dimple in my butt cheek. Which cheek, you ask? I have no clue.
 "Everyone met up with their mentor back at orientation," she said while simultaneously grabbing my hand and dragging me down a hall I'd never been too. "But you weren't here. So I guess you have to ask the headmistress. Or her probably her assistant, Mrs.Yaya."
 "Hooray for me..."
 After a short meeting with Mrs. Yaya, I was sent out across campus to go to the studio. Apparently, inside the studio there was a gazillion rooms, and I was to go to room 523. Ms. Talla, my mentor/instructor, was their in her office. Mrs. Yaya wrote it all down on a piece of paper for me (how dumb do I look?).
 After finding the studio (this place is way too damn big) I take an elevator to the 8th floor and step into room 523. If it can be called a room.
 This "room" was the size of a schoolroom. And half of it was office-ey and the other half was more casual, with it's bean bag chairs and plushy couches and counter with water bottles.
 A very, very, young lady on the office side stopped her paper work and looked up at me. "Hello. You must be Spade Rose."
 She had watery-blue eyes and flaming, obviously dyed (but still majorly cute), red hair that reminded me of Hunter, and his red air, and how I wanted to run my hands through it while-
 "Ah, I know that look. Thinking about someone special?" Ms. Talla smiled.
 I could feel my blush. "Oh, I, uh, sorry. H-Hey, I mean, hello, I'm Spade Rose. Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Talla."
 She rolled her eyes. "When I engraved my first name into the name plates they gave us for our desk, I thought they had finally gotten the picture. Call me just Talla, sweetie."
 "Sure thing, ma'am. So, uh, Talla. What're we gonna do today?"
 She motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of her desk. "Well, I didn't know you we're coming today, so I don't have anything planned."
 I instantly felt bad. "Oh Ms.- I mean, Talla, I'm so sorry. If I'd known you were waiting..."
 Talla laughed. "Oh no, sweetie. That's my job." The confused look on my face must've said it all. "You didn't come the first week, did you? I'm in here everyday, weather you come or not. Of course, you have to come at least three times a week, mandatory, but when you're not here I'm planning our lessons specifically for you. I'm also your counselor, like in regular high schools. It's a little early now, but I'm here to help you with career moves, and starting a career in general. If we're lucky, you'll still be here in four years. You know, if they want to keep you an extra year and get you a contract. I'm here from 8:30 am, when you get to school, until 11 pm, when you have to stay locked up. So if you ever need me, you know where I am." She smiled. "This is my first year doing this."
 I don't know if I should be relived or great that I get a rookie, but I smile anyway. "This is my first year doing this, too."
 Talla laughed. "I'm glad you have a sense of humor. I hate people with sticks in their asses," Realizing what she just said she laughed nervously. "Don't tell anyone I said that."
 "Your secret is safe with me," I mimicked locking my mouth and throwing away they key.
  Scratching her head, Talla said, "Well, since we have nothing planned, we can get to know each other a little. I'll still count it as practice." she added in a whisper.
 I liked her already. "Well, okay."
 She looked at me expectantly, and I realized she was waiting for me to talk. "Oh, um, do you mind starting off?"
 She smiled. I like her smile, it's so warm and fuzzy. Like a kitty. I'm smart. Tee hee. "Sure thing, sweetie. Well, I am 21 years old, just recently single, love cupcakes, and working with talented kids," she said. "Your turn."
 "I love cupcakes, too!" I blurted.
 "One day, if we have time, we should make some. I love them, but if I eat too many, my fingers, and the rest of my body start to swell."
 "Oh my God, me too!" I almost screamed. "It's like, one day I'm at a birthday party with cupcakes..."
 "...And the next day my pinky ring is snug!" she finished for me.
 I giggled and then blushed. Talla was so awesome- I kinda wished she was my age so we could hang out and stuff. "What else?" I asked.
 She leaned across the desk, giving me a view of her, ah, bust. Why am I noticing things like that? "Ah, ah, ah..." she sang. "You know enough about me. What do you like? Besides cupcakes," she added.
 I thought for a moment. What do I like? I like Zoey and Melissa. I like Mio. I like Rina. I really like Hunter. But those are people. What else do I like? "I don't know," I admitted.
 "Interesting." She smiled. "I guess I'll have to find out what you like a different way."
 "What way?"
 "Your music."

© 2011 Spade

Author's Note

Sorry I've taken so long! I wouldn't be surprised it the tiny amount of you who even bother to read this forgot about it! School is in like, five freaking days and I've been partyin', partyin' YEAH with all my friends before we part our separate ways. Oh, and my Mother kicked me out the house and sent me to my dad's ecause she doesn't love me anymore. With all of that being said, please stay tuned for more, I promise I'll try and do better in my writing! :D

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I love reading all your stories Spade! They are truly awesome!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I loved this! Great job! I need more! NOW.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 14, 2011
Last Updated on August 14, 2011



Park Forest, IL

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