Dec 4 2005

Dec 4 2005

A Chapter by Meboe

Let me tell you about a dream I had about 6 years ago.  I was living with my grandparents at the time.  Now keep in mind, when I have dreams that I can remember, they are usually very random and weird.  But this one was not weird.  I was dreaming I was riding around this field at night in the middle of no where with some friends.  I was on the passenger side and for some reason the window was down and I was sitting on the door.  Then I look up and I could see Jesus in the dark sky.  I noticed he was doing some kind of strange hand signals directly to me that I didn’t understand.  I started to copy whatever it was he was doing.  That was my dream.  But it wasn’t until very recently that I realized what that meant and it took over 6 years to finally realize this.  He is showing me the truth because I ask Him to.  Even as the sky was pitch black I could still see Jesus shining so bright.  Shining through all that darkness in the sky.  Almighty and loving Jesus.  Not only that but I was copying what he was showing me with His hands.  I didn’t have a clue what they meant, but I was following His lead anyway.  I wasn’t following His signals perfectly!  But the fact was I was following Him.  Just like Christians do today!  We follow Jesus but we don’t always do what He would do in life.  Jesus was perfect, and we are not perfect.


I don’t remember if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but most of America believes there is a God of some sort or a higher being.  Well there’s the first step!  There is a God, and will ALWAYS be a God… our Lord.  There is absolutely no excuse for us not knowing His word.  It’s everywhere.  On the radio, books, movies, on TV, and even in people walking around you.  We have people giving out free bibles, people preaching on the side of roads for the glory of God, and preachers preaching in churches all around you.  Yet I think most people take these people for granted.  Regardless, His word is out there.  We Christians can only do so much for people.  If I can take everyone I know to Heaven with me I would.  But I can’t.  I can only point you in the right direction and share with you through my writing how much God has brought my life together.


For those of you who work.  We usually like to please our supervisors right?  We love to do a good job at work and show our boss what a good job we’ve done.  My friend, your job will not last forever.  But our work for Jesus will last forever.  I like to consider my job that I work out at the base is only part-time.  My job from Jesus is my full time job.  There is nothing more pleasing to know I am doing His work He has cut out for me and feeling His love and His blessings He has given me until the day my body dies then I spend eternity with our Loving Father that created us.  God has work for everyone, just ask what it is He wants done in your life and have faith.


My writing is the only way I can really show people my life and how God has changed me and is still changing me.  I no longer think like I used to.  Nor in anyway do I want to boast myself with my writing for my benefit, but it is for God’s benefit.  All these writings are the thoughts God is putting into my heart.  If whomever reads this and they like it, then share these blogs with others.  Not for me, for our Loving God.

© 2012 Meboe

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Added on December 6, 2012
Last Updated on December 6, 2012

Book of Blogs



Middleburg, FL

Book of Blogs Book of Blogs

A Book by Meboe

Introduction Introduction

A Chapter by Meboe

Oct 10, 2005 Oct 10, 2005

A Chapter by Meboe