The Colors

The Colors

A Stage Play by Nicolerhi

So, a little while back, I had a dream with this whole storyline mapped out. It was so weird and strange that I thought it might be fun to write a little play about it. A weird, creepy play. Enjoy! :)


Scene 1.

(Lights up on Joan, Ella, and Jevin hanging out in Ella’s room. Jevin is lounging on Ella’s bed, Ella lays on her stomach, on the floor, reading a book. Joan also sits on the floor, earbuds in her ears, listening to music. A knock is heard at the door.)

Ella: Come in.

Carla: Ella, Joan? Your father and I are about to head out for the night.

(Joan stands and hugs Carla. Dan enters the room as well, and Joan hugs him too.)

Joan: Have fun at the movies, you crazy kids!

Dan: (laughs) We’ll make sure we’re home by curfew.

Joan: Good. I’m gonna go watch TV now. (exits)

Carla: (following her) Make sure you go to bed at a decent hour!

Dan: Don’t get too crazy, kids.

Ella: We won’t, dad, and I’ll look out for Joan.

Jevin: I was just about to head out in a few minutes, anyways.

Dan: I trust you. Love you, Ella.

Ella: Love you too, dad.

(Dan waves goodbye and exits)

Ella: You were going to leave? In a few minutes? How long is a few minutes?

Jevin: It’s not long enough. (they embrace) I do actually have to go, though. My mom wants me home early tonight. She wants to show me this new show...I don’t know, I’ll probably fall asleep during it so I won’t have to watch it.

Ella: Or you could just...stay?

Jevin: I thought you’d never ask. I’ll tell my mom you’re home alone and needed company. She doesn’t know about us anyways.

Ella: I’m glad you’re going to stay.

(meanwhile downstairs)

(Joan slumps down on the couch. Dan & Carla just walk out the door as Joan turns the TV on. Her posture instantly changes. Carla reenters.)

Carla: I forgot my….(she becomes still, and stares blankly at the TV)

(Dan enters a few moments later)

Dan: Carla, are you coming….(he stares blankly)


Scene 1.5.

(Ella is alone in her bedroom, reading. It’s been about a week since scene 1.)

Carla: (offstage) Ella. Boy here for you.

Ella: You can send him up.

(Jevin enters)

Jevin: Something really strange is going on….and it seems to be affecting your family too.

Ella: Don’t you think I already noticed that? It’s been like this for a week….ever since that night you stayed over when my mom and dad went to the movies.

Jevin: I assure you it has nothing to do with that. Whatever is affecting your parents and sister, is affecting everyone else in our town as well.

Ella: Why didn’t you answer my texts?

Jevin: Is that what we really should be discussing?

Ella: I texted you right after you left my house early in the morning. Right after I spoke to my parents and noticed they were behaving differently.

Jevin: Look, I’m sorry I didn’t text you back. But, I think, right now, we have bigger fish to fry than this petty argument.

Ella: I’ll admit, you’re right….but I’m still mad.

Jevin: Ella, please. I said I’m sorry.


Ella: (sigh) I forgive you. Now, what are we going to do about our present situation?

Jevin: I-I d-don’t know!

Ella: You don’t know?

Jevin: I need time to think….

Ella: (pause) Time’s up. We need a solution, now.

Jevin: Okay! We….we bide our time.

Ella: What?!

Jevin: We play a little pretend….pretend to be just like them. It will buy us enough time to figure out what’s going on and how to fix this.

Ella: I hate that option….but I suppose it’s the only option we have.

Jevin: I’ll visit you. Once week. Just so we’re not too suspicious.

Ella: Okay. Sounds like a plan.

Scene 2.

(Ella is alone in her bedroom, reading a book)

Carla: (offstage) Ella.

Ella: (she hides the book under her bed) Yes?

Carla: (opens bedroom door, pokes her head in) Boy is here for you. Same boy as before.

Ella: Boy can come in.

Carla: (exits. Speaks from offstage) She there. Go there.

Jevin: (offstage) Thank you.

(Jevin enters and crosses to Ella. Carla pokes her head in.)

Carla: Ruler good?

Jevin: Ruler good.

Ella: Ruler good.

Carla: Ruler has announcement. All must watch. Tonight.

Ella: Tonight. Ruler good.

(Carla exits)

(Jevin & Ella embrace)

Ella: Jevin!

Jevin: I’ve missed you.

Ella: Missed me? It’s only been a day…

Jevin: and that’s too long to spend among these soulless voids.

Ella: You’re not wrong. I hate pretending to be on their level...Anyways, enough of that. Did you find anything? Anything that might explain why everyone is acting like this?’

Jevin: Yes...I found information.

Ella: Really? Tell me then! Why is all this happening?

Jevin: Are you sure you want to know?

Ella: Is it really that bad?

Jevin: The president is using a tv channel...and probably this “announcement” in order to hypnotize people. He wants to destroy democracy and establish himself as a king. It’s all a ploy for power.

Ella: And he makes those who watch his channel dumber so they are unable to fight back?

Jevin: Exactly.

Ella: Where did you hear this?

Jevin: Don’t tell anyone.

Ella: Where did you hear this?

Jevin: I found a group.

Ella: A group?

Jevin: A group of ordinary people just like us. They live underground. Away from any temptation of the colors.

Ella: I’m not tempted…

Jevin: don’t lie. We both have been tempted by the colors.

Ella: Are you suggesting we run away?

Jevin: Not necessarily.

Ella: What does that mean?

Jevin: They’re trying to figure out a way to fix this. All of this. A way to make us immune to the effects of the “announcements.”

Ella: Is that even possible?

Jevin: They’re making good strides. They need my help.

Ella: So you want us to join them?

Jevin: No. Not completely at least. They want to use me as a spy. To gather information and materials from the surface.

Ella: What about me?

Jevin: What about you?

Ella: What do I do while you’re off spying?

Jevin: Why, you stay here, and avoid looking at the tv screen when the announcements are playing.

Ella: So the same as always. Doing nothing.

Jevin: Don’t say that. You’re just biding your time. One day, I’ll figure it out and I’ll come and I’ll rescue you.

Ella: But, isn’t this dangerous? What if I slip up and they see past my ruse? What if they have already seen past my ruse? Why can’t I go to that underground place and bide my time there?

Jevin: They’ve got too many mouths to feed as it is. There’s a reason why they only want me as spy and not as a full-time inhabitant.

Ella: Well, I suppose biding my time won’t be as bad with your weekly visits….

Jevin: About that….

Ella: Don’t say you can’t visit me! Why not?

Jevin: I need to be 100% dedicated to this cause. The more dedicated I am, the faster this problem will be solved. The faster I will be able to save you. Do you understand?

Ella: I guess….

Jevin: I have to leave now.

Ella: Now? Can’t you stay a bit longer? This is your final visit and all….for a long time at least.

Jevin: They need me.

Ella: I need you.

Jevin: Ella, please, you’re making this hard.

Ella: I know. (embraces him) I just don’t wanna lose you. Or myself.

Jevin: That won’t happen. So long as you maintain the ruse, and never look at the colors. Promise me that. No matter how much they tempt you, no matter what they say to you, you will never look at the colors.

Ella: Jevin….

Jevin: Promise me.

Ella: I promise.

Jevin: Good. (holds her hands) Goodbye, Ella. May we see each other again.

Ella: As soon as possible.

Jevin: As soon as possible. (there’s a tense moment where it seems like they want to kiss, but neither of them are able to work up the courage to do so. Jevin lets go of Ella’s hands. Ella visibly brightens and goes over to her bed to retrieve her book.)

Ella: Here, take this.

Jevin: Fahrenheit 451? This is your favorite book, (tries to give it back) you have to keep it.

Ella: No. Take it to remember me by. Take it so that you remember to come back for me.

Jevin: What will you do to keep your sanity?

Ella: I’ll figure out something.

(They embrace and Jevin exits, only turning back to give a small, sad wave. Ella collapses on her bed, teary eyed.)

Scene 3.

(Ella is alone in her bedroom.)

Ella: Oh, mon amour. Je souhaite que tu serais ici. Tu me manques beaucoup. See? I’ve resorted to speaking French in order to keep my sanity. It’s been a long 6 months. It’s boring living in a house where your family has a collective total of two brain cells. It feels like they get stupider each day. Dan and Carla don’t even adhere to proper grammar rules...and in case you’re wondering, I will from now on refer to my parents by their first names. It’s not because they’re not my real parents, they are--were more real than my real, it’s because those hollow shells of people no longer resemble my parents. Or anyone’s parents at all for that matter. No, they’re only vessels. Vessels for doing whatever our “beloved ruler” tells them. Their talk makes me sick. Joan’s a little better, I suppose. At least she is able to form a complete sentence, even if she does trail off. They’re always talking about the ruler, listening and obeying, and the colors. Those damn colors. They speak incessantly about them...why won’t they just shut up about it? It makes me wanna look at the colors, just to appease them. (pause) No. I shouldn’t speak like that. I have to keep going. I have to stay strong until you return. I’ve survived this long: I’ve closed my eyes to every single one of their precious “announcements.” And believe me, there have been a lot. Too many to count. But, nevermind that. If I’ve kept my mind intact for this long, surely I can keep it intact a bit longer. Jevin, mon amour, please hurry. I’m sure how long I can keep this up, no matter how hard I try.

(Joan enters)

Joan: Hello, sister!

Ella: Joan! You seem...really happy.

Joan: Very happy. (grabs hold of Ella’s arm)

Ella: and… (looks down at Joan’s grip on her arm) why is that?

Joan: Did you not listen? There will be special announcement from ruler.

Ella: (aside) Did I not say that they get dumber every day? Now even Joan is forgetting simple grammar rules. (to Joan) Oh, I listen. I listen always. Special announcement? We go listen.

Joan: We go look at pretty colors. (starts pulling Ella off)

Ella: Joan! Stop! OWWW!! Let go of my wrist! When did you get so strong?!

Scene 4.

(Joan has led Ella into the tv room, where Dan is sitting on the couch with a remarkably straight posture.)

Ella: (struggling) Joan...please let go of my wrist. You’re holding it kinda tight…

Joan: But there’s exciting news. Very exciting. You don’t wanna miss.

Ella: the special announcement, you mean? What could be so special that it couldn’t be announced last hour at the scheduled time?

Carla: (enters) Ella. Do you know about special announcement?

(Joan sits on couch)

Ella: A special announcement.

Carla: Huh?

Ella: A. You forgot the indefinite article. It’s “a special announcement.” Are you sure you feel ok?

Carla: All good. Never better. (sits next inbetween Dan & Joan)

Joan: Come sit by me. Sister.

Ella: (aside) They’re acting much stranger than normal. Much stranger than when this all began. Something about these “colors” is getting stronger...perhaps killing even more brain cells. (sigh) Oh, Jevin. How I wish you were with me, mon amour. But don’t worry. Take your sweet time. I’ll survive...blind as bat, if I have to. (she sits on the couch and closes her eyes as the tv flickers on.)

TV voice: Good evening, citizens.

Dan, Carla, & Joan: Good evening. // Ella: Good evening….

Ella: (aside) it talks? It’s never talked before. It’s always been silent...a purely visual experience.

TV voice: How are we doing today?

Dan, Carla, & Joan: Good. // Ella: Good….

TV voice: As you have perhaps noticed, I am actually talking to you for this special announcement. You should considered it a treat.

Dan, Carla, & Joan: A treat. We are lucky. Ruler good. Ruler kind. // Ella: hm...treat...lucky...ruler...good…..kind.

TV voice: But, unfortunately, my special announcement is a sad one. One of our viewers has not actually been viewing this programming. She remains blind to the wisdom I seek to give her.

Dan, Carla, & Joan: Fools don’t look at colors. (Ella doesn’t answer with them.)

TV voice: Oh, Ella. Darling, Ella. You know…. you really should quit resisting. It’s getting awfully tiring. What? Did you think I didn’t know that you closed your eyes so tightly whenever my program came on. How childish. How pointless. What would be so bad if you just sat back, relaxed, and enjoyed the colors? Even just for a second. Maybe even two. You might not even want to look away.

Ella: (eyes still closed) Because I don’t want anyone to control my mind except me.

TV voice: Oh, Ella. That’s such a noble goal. Too bad I control more than just colors. Go ahead, Ella, try to move.

Ella: (lucidly) Don’t want to. Listen to voice. Voice will guide! What are you doing to me?!

TV voice: I told you. I control more than just colors.

(Ella uses her hands to cover her ears)

TV voice: You think that helps? You know as well as I do: covering your ears doesn’t quite mute the only muffles it. Dan, turn up the volume.

Dan: Yes. For you. (does as instructed)

TV voice: You can still hear me, loud and clear. Open your eyes, Ella.

Ella: No!

TV voice: You’re strength of will is remarkable, I’ll give you that. Most would’ve already let themselves go by this point. But not you. Open your eyes, Ella.

Ella: No.

TV voice: Open your eyes, Ella.

Dan, Carla, & Joan: Look at colors.

Carla: Colors pretty--

Dan: No thinking--

Joan: Just colors.

Ella: (weakly) No… (she slowly opens her eyes.)


TV voice: Good evening, children.

All (including Ella, with confidence this time): Good evening.

TV voice: Thank you for tuning into this special announcement. The problem has been solved.

All: Good. Colors pretty. Ruler good. Obeying good.

TV voice: Very nice, my children. I like the sound of that. You are all very good citizens.

All: Thank you.

TV voice: Especially Ella.

Ella: Thank you.

TV voice: Ella, how are you feeling right now?

Ella: Glad.

TV voice: Why are you glad, my child?

Ella: Special announcement save me.

TV voice: Try again.

Ella: Ruler save me. Ruler good.

TV voice: My other children, is she correct in that notion?

All: Yes. Ruler good. Obeying good. Colors good.

TV voice: Very good. Ruler signing off.

Scene 5.

(Ella is sitting solemnly on the far L side of the couch; Dan, Carla, and Joan are beside her, looking equally as solemn. Jevin runs in from UL calling for Ella.)

Jevin: Ella! Ella! I found it! I know how to fix this!

Ella: Look at colors.

Jevin: Ella? (pause) Ella... oh, God, no...Ella!

Ella: Look at colors. They pretty.

Jevin: You’ve become one of them...Ella...I told you not to look!

Ella: Pretty color.

Jevin: (pulls book out of his back pocket) Ella! Ella, please look at me! It’s your favorite…(she remains staring at the tv screen) Fahrenheit 451...ring any bells? Ella, please! You love this book! Remember it, please! Remember me!

Ella: Reading? Bad. Very bad. Never read.

Dan & Carla: Books bad.

Joan: Knowledge bad.

Dan, Carla, Joan, & Ella: Ruler good.

Ella: Obeying good. Colors good.

Dan, Carla, & Joan: Colors good. Love colors. Look at colors.

Ella: Colors good. Love colors. Look at colors.

Jevin: (tearful) I didn’t think it’d come to this.

Ella: Pretty colors.

Jevin: I should never have left…

Ella: Colors good. Only see colors.

Jevin: I know you don’t see me. (takes her hands) But, I love you, Ella. I’d do anything for you.

Ella: Look at colors. Colors good. Colors pretty.

Jevin: Anything. (looks at the tv screen) Hey, this isn’t so bad. I don’t really understand what’s so pretty about this newscast...there’s just a lot of colors….Colors. I love the colors. The colors are good. (Ella looks down at her lap, away from the tv screen, holding her head in her hands) Obeying is good. Everything I know is bad. I should forget. Forget. Forget. Forgot. Knowledge bad. Books bad. Obeying good. Ruler good. Listening good. Looking good. Colors good--

Ella: Jevin? Is that you? Jevin, no! What have you done?! No! This isn’t good! This isn’t right!

Jevin: Colors are happiness.

Ella: No! Please Jevin! Come back please! I’m here! I’m here! You saved me!

Jevin: Pretty Ella. Pretty colors. Look at colors. (they fight as Jevin tries to turn Ella’s head towards the screen as she attempts to resist. he is able to overpower her.)

Ella: N-no! But I had just broken free! No! This is not how it ends….

Dan: Pretty colors.

Carla: Colors good.

Joan: Listening good.

Jevin: Obeying good.

Ella: Just look at the colors.

(all face out to audience)

TV voice: I have a special request.

(all turn back to tv)

(curtain down)

© 2019 Nicolerhi

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Added on May 12, 2019
Last Updated on May 12, 2019



Hiya! Howdy! Bonjour! Hola! I'm Nicolerhi and I, rather obviously, like to write! Poems are the best, but short stories and plays (thespian here!) are cool too! I like writing about religious subjects.. more..

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