3. Jared

3. Jared

A Chapter by Pancae


The man before her towered over Delilah. It must have been some sort of miracle that the tube was able to fit him inside without bursting into a million particles. Not only was he twice the size of an average man but had muscles that could be compared to the size of a boxer or a weight lifter's muscles. They grabbed your attention and refused to let go. The only thing that made Delilah realize that it was Jared, her ' mentor ' , was the man's hair. It was the same color as the man in the photo that she was shown, yet everything else was different. His size being the big part. 

Jared wore a short sleeve white top that clung to his body along with black pair of trousers. They weren't jeans or tracksuit bottoms, the material that they were made out of looked like neither jeans or track bottoms, that made the blue haired girl confused. So the supernaturals get some sort of... super fabric clothes. Cool. It surprised her how sarcastic she sounded inside of her head... 
'' Hey. Nice hair color. '' A deep, cheery voice interrupted Delilah's complaining. Her eyes flicked at the huge man who, to her surprise, was grinning at her and flicked his hand to point at her hair.
'' Ah... Uh... '' She began mumbling before biting her tongue to speaking properly. 
'' Thanks. '' The girl finally spoke, expecting Jared to give her the weird gaze that most people would, but he just showed more of his teeth before turning around to smile at Madison.
'' Well boss What'cha wanting me to do  ? '' His blue eyes locked on the screen without his white pearls disappearing behind his lips.
'' Just the usual. Get the girl her stuff and show how to use and control it. Please don't push it too far...  like the last time. '' Madison lowered and sharpened her voice while speaking the last few words, as if she thought that Delilah couldn't hear her.  Jared's embarrassed chuckle echoed around the room.
'' Haha.. ''
The first thing that the blue haired girl wanted to do was to find out what  happened ' the last time ' and just when she was beginning to place her words,  Jared filled in the silence before her.  
'' 'Course boss. '' His body turned around to look at the smaller girl, making Delilah look up at him in a way that made her feel like a toddler looking up at a very tall parent. 
'' Sooo, blue hair. Lets get started. '' Jared announced before making his way over to the wall on his right.
'' Um.. '' Delilah started, not sure how to place her words. Was she expected to ' train ' here ? She stopped trying to speak as soon as Jared began to press some buttons that appeared from nowhere on a wall . 
'' Oh, okay. '' She mumbled before Jared showed her his white teeth again. The wall split in 2 and the parts slid to either side, revealing a pitch black room.

Once her foot stepped into the room, the light inside of the room blinked on and bounced off of all the different things in the room. Things like weapons, screens, tubes, monitors, clothes, doors and many more. The room was half the size of the other white room, this one only contained 2 tubes in the far back. One on the left wall and the other tube facing it on the right wall. The monitor stood in the middle on the wall facing her and weapons were scattered around on every wall. There were also plastic, see through boxes in the room that seemed to be filled with gloves. That grabbed her attention. 
'' Why would you need gloves ? '' She mumbled, questioning herself, but she got the answer anyway. 
'' You don't know ? Did the boss not tell you ? '' Delilah's eyes flicked to Jared just to give him a confused glance while watching him march across the room to the monitor. His fingers began to run across the screen.
'' The gloves... Um... They are different for each ability, Sometimes they don't do anything while at other times they are life savers... '' Jared give the impression that he wasn't concentrating too much on what he was saying. . '' For example. I hold two powers... Strength that no normal human could have and Invisibility. If I were to make... If I were to... to make myself invisible the gloves wouldn't... disappear and would be visible to anyone that spots them.'' His explanation was interrupted by chuckles that suddenly filled the room. 
'' Flying gloves, you don't see that everyday ! '' His laughter lasted for another few minutes before the explanation continued. '' But if I was to lift a truck, or a house without damaging i- '' 
Delilah's gaze made him stop again, the flying gloves still on her mind. 
'' Don't look at me that way, it did happen before. Anyway, the gloves would make it easier for me to lift things and wouldn't make me loose my focus... If I was to lift that without the gloves, the weight of the object wouldn't bother me but would make it a hassle with the walking and so on... '' His voice trailed off as soon as he turned around to face the still confused girl. The tower-tall man pulled a smile and put it in a simpler way. 
'' It makes things easier and doesn't work for each power. Get it ? '' Delilah chuckled and nodded, suddenly eager to see whether they would work with her power. But before she could ask that question, something clicked inside of her. She remembered some guy that had the same power... Then it hit her. Powers rarely repeat and when they do the two that share the same power are often related in some ways. Madison's voice echoed inside of her head for  a few minutes before she could speak. 

'' Raven.. Who was he ? '' The name grabbed Jared's attention and made his smile fade. His friendly eyes hardened and refused to look at Delilah.

© 2015 Pancae

Author's Note

Please do write something, even if that something is just a few words :3.

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Added on June 3, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2015
Tags: chapter, powers, character, humor



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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