4. Memories

4. Memories

A Chapter by Pancae


Delilah waited until Jared's eyes would meet hers, refusing to interrupt whatever he might be thinking. It took him a while but, after a long silence he began to speak without any eye contact or smiling. 
'' Raven... He.. '' Jared cleared his throat and tried starting his sentence again. '' Raven was a.. He was a very str-... '' Jared broke his sentence again, but when he spoke again his tone was a lot softer and quieter.
'' I'm sorry Delilah. This story really isn't mine to tell... '' His blue eyes and soft expression returned to their friendly self while looking at the blue haired girl.
 '' If this is a question that means a lot to you, you should ask Madison about it. She would answer it with a lot more detail . '' His lips attempted a smile. 
''' Um... Sure. '' She mumbled, hoping that her slight disappointment wouldn't be noticeable. Something pulled on her curiosity strings and Delilah felt confused about Raven and why she wanted to know more about him. It might be the fact that shared powers are connected, so how was she and Raven related ? 
Everything froze the moment she thought about it. Her soul transported and shifted back in time, making her look at her 5 year old self that was curled up in a ball under her blanket with tears pouring down her face. Delilah felt the sharp stab in her chest, remembering what caused her to cry.

 It was her first day back in Primary School and, like every year, 
the class was made to sit in a circle to answer some of the teacher's questions. The first few were basic like; Whats your name ? Do you have any pets ? What are they called ? But it was the last question that made an invisible hole in the 5 year old. '' What does your mum and dad do ? '' The teacher would ask the first child to her right, making Delilah fall in 4th place. The 5 year old had her back straight with her hands on her knees, looking proudly at the teacher. She could go on and on about her mum, but the thought of speaking about her father never occurred to her and sooner than she thought, the teacher''s eyes fell on her. 
'' Delilah, isn't it ? ''  The teacher would smile before continuing. '' What do your parents do ? '' 
'' Well Miss, my mother is a very smart woman and she works in a very smart office. There are many people that work with my mum and they all wear their grey suits. She is a very important lady in her jo- '' 
'' That's great ! What about your dad ? '' 
''My... My dad ? '' Delilah mumbled, trying to figure it out. A couple of long minutes passed without her speaking and the teacher skipped onto the next 5 year old, while concern for Delilah showed on her face. After that she got teased at break and lunch, making her burst into tears for not understanding why she got picked on. That day when she came home, things got even worse. Delilah asked her mother what happened to her dad and was told that her father passed away not long after her mum fell pregnant, two years later the same thing happened to Madi's dad. But the moment Delilah heard that her father had died, something inside of the 5 year old broke.  It took her a while to come back to her old jumpy self, but eventually Delilah calmed down and spoke out loud to the unknown man every now and then, hoping that somehow and somewhere he was and is answering her words.

'' Blue hair ? Helooo ? '' Jared said over and over again to the statue that 
was looking off into the distance. Delilah's brown eyes snapped into focus and blinked a few times while her lips formed a dodgy, not really re-assuring smile. 
'' Yes ? I'm sorry. I.. '' Her faint voice trailed off, not really going anywhere. 
 Jared just looked at her before turning around to grab something that looked like a small book. He threw it towards Delilah who was totally oblivious to the throw, yet her left arm stretched out to catch the object. She stared at her hand that held a black diary before flicking her confused eyes over to Jared.
''Those reflexes answer some times, but most of the time you gotta' pay attention kid. Anyway you might find some answers in there. Its his journal. Everybody gets one at some point. '' Jared grinned at Delilah again before speaking up.
'' Anyway, lets see what you're made of. '' Delilah was pretty sure that Jared's smile was a challenge thrown at her, waiting for him to see whether she would accept it or not. 

The  first thing that he told her to do was to focus all energy onto her writing palm. Funny enough, Delilah was left handed and according to Jared that made things a little bit more tricky. 
'' Just try your best kid. '' He told her. 
It was hard to focus something invisible onto one spot. She would move from foot to foot and would get shouted at by Jared, but even he chuckled at her weird switching foots. The switching lasted for a few minutes until Delilah pulled her eyebrows together in concentration to focus at a strange warm feeling that was slowly beginning to form inside of her tummy. 

© 2015 Pancae

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Added on June 24, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2015
Tags: Sci-fi, character past, teasing



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

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