![]() RegistrationA Chapter by Questmaster![]() Chapter two![]() RegistrationLunar Moon Limi 27 Era 6
2:30 PM
Downtown Major Rapids, Northern Borough.
People Driving by in Vehicles slow down staring out their windows. People on the sidewalks staring At Nadine, Shakirat, and Kolya walking up the sidewalk towards the Major Rapids Tavern. Dragneal Towers behind with a smirk. Bystanders point and whisper to each other. "Murderer!" Someone in a vehicle screams screeching by. "I thought he was dead." Someone murmurs.
Near the Tavern Door, a tall shirtless Muscular green Orc man stands against the wall. He's wearing just sliver armor pants and boots. A huge blood-rusted battle ax held over his bare shoulders. As they get to the door the Orc man says
"They let anybody on the streets, now."
"Yeah, even b*****s with their t*****s out." Dragneal replies.
The Orc man stares Dragneal down squeezing the handle of his ax dripping blood down his arm.
They enter the Noisey Tavern. Crowded tables having plates of food carried to them by female Human and Orc staff. The line for registration starts just inside the Tavern. The post bulletin board is occupied by many readers. Soft Pop music is muffled by conversation.
" AH, I love this song, Love me bay, baby!" Shakirat sings as they get in line.
People notice Dragneal grilling him, but continue to enjoy themselves.
"Are you going to the Chloe Concert, I'm Nadine by the way." She asks Shakirat.
"Noooo, I wish. Tickets were sold out weeks ago. I'm Shakirat." Shakirat says.
Nadine bumps Kolya in front of her holding the Post. "What about you, Ninja Elf wand stealer, you going to the Chloe Concert?" She asks. " Nah, Pop music isn't my thing."
Shakirat and Nadine look at each other.
" You probably listen to that Hip Pop Trash. " Sasses Shakirat.
"You don't think she's sexy, I think she's sexy and I'm not gay." Nadine giggles.
Kolya blushes looking forward.
Shakirat pushes Kolya. "What's your name ninja Elf wand stealer?" She asks.
Still facing forward. "Kolya." He says.
"KOL-YA," Nadine repeats.
" Now I can report you to the World Police," Nadine says.
"Ay, come on, Yo!" Kolya snaps turning around.
"Haha, I'm only kidding kid." Nadine laughs jiggling.
Kolya is glued to Nadine's curvy chest.
"Pervert!" Shakirat smacks Kolya's cheek leaving a glowing red hand print.
"It's ok Shakirat they are hypnotizing," Nadine grins facing Shakirat.
Shakirat eyes widen as she starts to drool glued to Nadine's chest.
Kolya quickly turns around as his nose starts to bleed.
"Aw, man not again." He says trying to stop the flow of blood with the post in his hand.
Kolya hands Nicole The Lost Crystal Post stained with blood. She grabs the post wearing rubber gloves. She slips it into a plastic baggy.
" So you completed the lost post quest. Your reward is 500 gold. Do you want coin or credit?" Nicole asks.
" I'll take credit." Kolya answers.
Nicole typing. "Ok, you're all set, anything else.?"
Yeah, that guy behind me with red hair wants to register."Kolya says.
Nicole handing Kolya a receipt. She squints her eyes at Dragneal.
"That A*****e behind you? Sure!" Nicole forces a smile on her face. "Hey, A*****e you're next!" Nicole yells. Dragneal grins walking up to the counter.
" Welcome to Major Rapids Tavern, IDs and Class Registration. How may I help you?" Nicole greets.
"I’d like to register for a Class," Dragneal says.
" Ok do you need to look through the class registration book?" She asks.
"No, Register me as a Fighter," Dragneal says.
"Ok, Warrior Class Fighter. You'll have to go to Kingdom gym and dojo to take your Rank Test. Come back with your results. Take this to the owner." Nicole explains handing Dragneal a blank yellow piece of paper.
"Do you have bus fare?" Kolya asks.
" Yup." Dragneal answers.
Dragneal and Kolya leave the Tavern together.
Shakirat is sitting at a table reading next to Nadine munching on a plate of sloppy barbeque chicken wings. Her hands and mouth are glossy with red sauce. Shakirat is reading a page titled; Rouge Class. The Rouge Class is the Class for skilled wounders. However, the Assassin Level cannot be registered for because its Illegal. The Thief, Ninja, Bounty Hunter and Marksmen levels are classes of their own. Mastery can raise to S Rank. Marksmen are the only legally paid hitmen. "So someone can have a profession to steal, that's so backwards," Shakirat says her eyes on the page.
" Ay, I know a few good-hearted thieves. I'll never let in my house. But good-hearted, would steal a purse back for me." Nadine says chewing.
" So many Classes to pick." Shakirat blurts out. " Why didn't you pick a Class in the 5th grade, Yo?" Nadine Says smacking her lips.
Shakirat eyes are blank.
"I wanted to go to College, well at least I thought I did," Shakirat says her eyes on the page.
"What you mean?" Nadine Asks. A Tall Muscular male Lion Daemon dressed in red and black tights wearing combat boots walks into the congested Tavern. A Muscular Black Human man with a white high top fade wearing just black tights and white boots approaches The Lion Man. The Black man pulls out a microphone.
" Do you think you beat me fair and square, Billy?!" The Black man taunts.
Nadine and Shakirat glance at the two Wrestlers then back each other.
" Well, I did take the 90 day Devote training at the Shine church just before I graduated East Borough High," Shakirat explains.
" So why haven't you taken a higher Mystic class yet?" Nadine Asks.
The Lion Man also has a microphone.
" Dave, you ain't s**t, but a puny Human that can't Wrestle." Projects the Lion.
"Hey, take your choreographed argument outside!" Nicole yells.
"Why are their mics hooked up to the PA system, Nicole?" Nadine thinks. Rolling her eyes. "Well at The School of Shine the High Priest said I didn't emit enough Shine to become a higher level." Explains Shakirat.
Nadine grabs Shakirat's arm pulling her away from the table that is smashed into pieces by Dave suplexing Billy into it. People cheer.
"Lets train to see what you got," Nadine suggests picking up her backpack.
Billy has Dave in a headlock. Orc and human staff rush to break them up. "Ok, but I only know two shine words," Shakirat says as Nadine pulls her arm leading her out the Tavern door.
4:02 PM Panora Mart Downtown Major Rapids, Northern Borough
Panora Mart is a 200,000 square foot Massive monument in front of vehicles in a parked garden. Kolya and Dragneal approach the four 20 foot sliding doors. People and Dragons pushing carts in and out. Two signs posted on each side of the doors. One with a Dragon flying with a red X through it. The other sign in Black words read: Beware of Eagles.
Inside is a world of road size aisles. Some people riding on elevators up massive steel shelves that lead to mini aisles on them. Some people drive in vehicles on the aisles. Black suited Ninja Clerks wearing Panora Mart aprons are dashing stopping thieves and stocking shelves. A yellow human man wearing a Stinson cowboy hat and silver space boots runs down the aisle as he gets swiped up by a large Eagle's claw feet carried high away.
Kolya pulls a cart from the stacked row. Dragneal is outside staring at an X'd out Dragon Sign. A Tall Dragon Man with Blue scales dressed in a white button-up and neat khakis walks out the sliding door carrying groceries.
" Hey, what does this mean?" Dragneal asks the well dressed Dragon.
"No Fly zone for Dragons." The Dragon replies walking away.
Dragneal sighs walking through the sliding door. Kolya isn't anywhere to be found in the busy store. Dragneal puts his hands in his pocket walking into the Panora Mart town.
Kolya is high on a Shelf in an aisle with groups of colored powder balls. Sign over the aisle reads; Smoke bombs. He looking at a rack of black powder balls next to a group of gray power balls that have the label, extra thick smoke." Kolya pounders.
Dragneal legs are shift sandbags as he tries to continue walking up the main aisle road weaving around people and dragons pushing carts, trying not to get hit by slow-moving cars. Shelves tower-like buildings with large Eagles soaring around them. There are small shops and salons on Dragneal's left. At the end of the huge shopping center is a plaza of Gyms and Dojos.
The Kingdom Gym/dojo is a gray brick castle in the Center of the plaza. A 10 Foot Bronze Statue of a bald muscular Human man wearing a karate suit stands on top of the dojo with open arms.
Dragneal walks inside the glass door with numerous flyers collaged on it. Rows of aerobic bikes with people pedaling away far in the back. Buff men and woman huffing hard lifting and dropping weights. A male Tiger Daemon wearing a white Karate suit with a black belt tied is instructing a class of kids with white belts around their waists. A female Deer Daemon is jumping rope with a sweaty slim toned body dressed in red sports bra and shorts.
Dragneal walks up to the front desk occupied by a Rino Daemon wearing a tight blue Kingdom gym t-shirt. He has the name tag, Reggie.
“ Yo, What’s up? Looking to sign up .” Reggie asks.
“ Nah,” Replies Dragneal handing over the blank yellow piece of paper. Reggie eyes the yellow paper.
"Ah, You're here to register. Follow me." Dragneal follows Reggie to the back door pass the Bikes and treadmills.
Through the door is a large Area of stadium seats surrounding a boxing ring. Boxers in headgear sparring pounding trainers with hand pads in the ring. Reggie leads Dragneal to the back pass the stadium where a larger arcade game computer sits with a slot for a piece of paper. Joystick and buttons on the front panel. Next to the computer is a thick titanium heavy bag hanging off a beam that connects to the back of the computer. Reggie takes the yellow paper form Dragneal and slides it into the slot. The screen lights up. It reads: Name Dragneal Dragneal. Race Dragon, Class Fighter, Rank ?. The screen changes to; Please Hit Heavy Bag.
" That's a Titanium heavy bag. Just give it a light jab, princess. " Reggie boast.
Dragneal walks over to the heavy bag getting into his stance.
" I know you did your time, but it doesn't mean I have to like you." Reggie states.
"That's fine," Dragneal says.
" A lot of fucked up people in this world, you just add to the list of toxic minds." Reggie continues.
" Sure they say you may have won, but you really lost ." Reggie provokes.
Dragneal's gray eyes glance ice into Reggie's eyes.
" Now you know how other people felt when you took from them!" Reggie continues.
"The only one that took from you was yourself! We don't owe you anything!" Reggie shouts.
Dragneal strikes the titanium heavy bag with a denting right haymaker. A G-force of energy creates a massive gust of wind as the heavy bag is sent flying through the wall outside crashing into a white minivan 15 feet away. Dragneal huffs hard chunks of air that steam black smoke. His gray eyes flash orange.
" I said a light jab!" Reggie complains.
Dragneal takes a breath. His eye chance back to gray.
" That was," Dragneal says chuckling.
The computer screen beeps flashing Processing... The screen dings and reads, Rank S. The computer crunches out the yellow paper with Dragneal's information. Reggie takes it handing it to Dragneal.
" Hey that was just a pep talk, get you siked up." Reggie sweats.
" No, you have something negative to say, like everyone else." Dragneal smiles snatching the paper storming away.
"Hey, don't worry about the wall, this happens all the time." Reggie chuckles dripping sweat.
"My van!" Someone yells from outside the large hole in the wall.
Reggie panics as a commotion gathers outside.
Outside The Kingdom Gym Dragneal is met by Kolya dress in a new clean white ninja uniform with a black snake on the back of his shirt. He is holding a new Dail Touch flip cellphone box.
" So did you take the test?" Kolya asks.
"Yup, easy." Dragneal Boast.
" Kolya snatches the yellow paper with Dragneal's information.
" Yo, You made S Rank!" Kolya yells.
"Yeah, I'm pretty strong and cool." Dragneal grins.
" Whatever, You can make bank and take me, I mean you can do like A and B Ranked quest easy," Kolya explains.
" What was the rank of that bloody post you returned?" Dragneal asks.
"Aw, man that was a baby C Ranked Quest," Kolya complains.
"Wasn't the quest you took to retrieve that baby quest, C Ranked?" Dragneal grins.
" Well, I thought it would be some kids. I needed the gold, Yo," Kolya growls.
" Had The Quest Giver knew it was you, that would have been A or S Ranked Quest. You'd be fighting; Green Hornet Ninja, Military, strong wondering swordsmen, oooo, strong wondering Knights, Nobody from the Mystic class would care, Bounty Hunters are cool if you can pay them, Unregistered Thieves Guild Members and the worst is probably dealing with assassins." Kolya ponders.
Dragneal drools in a spaced out trance.
" Ay, let's do a B Ranked Quest, like Body Guard a Concert. Easy Gold, Like 10,000 coin a shift." Kolya says.
Dragneal snaps out of his daze.
"Did you by a new ninja suit or something," Dragneal asks.
" No, I have clean ones in my apartment," Kolya explains.
" Oh, you live next to Panora Mart?" Dragneal asks.
" No There is an apartment complex in Panora Mart,"Kolya replies.
Dragneal blinks his gray eyes in amazement.
"Hey, you mother f****r!"
A husky peach woman with short messy white hair dressed in a gray sweatpants suit dragging a net sack of soccer balls. She gets in Dragneal's face spitting.
" How Am I gonna get my kids from practice!" She cries tears in her eyes.
Dragneal looks back seeing Reggie peeking his head out the Kingdom Gym's door.
Reggie quickly tucks back inside.
Dragneal smiles at the whining lady pounding on his chest. He pulls out his pocket a sack of gold handing it to the woman.
" There is like 2000 coin there." Handing her the gold.
The woman stops crying nodding at Dragneal running walking away.
Kolya's mouth opens wide.
Dragneal places a hand on his shoulder. Kolya can feel a stone like weight under Dragneal's hand.
" Go on this baby quest with me, and I'll go on all the great paying quest you like," Dragneal says.
Kolya's blue eyes sparkle.
" Ok, Partner!" They shake hands.
As they start their 20-minute walk to the front of the Store Kolya asks.
"So what was that all about?" Kolya asks.
Dragneal laughs. "It's a long story, I wonder why people drive cars in here?"
"They don't want to walk, some people are lazy," Kolya explains.
A skinny short brown Rat Daemon in a Trenchcoat walks up to Dragneal. Dragneal hands the Rat Daemon some gold. The Rat hands him an Envelope. Kolya acts like nothing happen.
"Those were really hard to get." The Rat Daemon whispers walking out of site.
Major Rapids City Park Downtown, Northern Borough
3:15 PM Elf and Human kids are running around chasing each other on the freshly cut park grass. Smoked pork and beef fills the air. An Orc family is having a cookout at one of the park gazebo picnic areas. Muffled Orchish Heavy Metal mixed with cheering while small talk clutters ears.
Deep in the park's Forrest is a wide meadow of daisies peppered with sunflowers. Shakirat and Nadine stand far across from each other. Nadine hides her star clustered backpack under some leaves. The wand sticks out.
A group of white bunnies with an obviously larger brown bunny hop the through the meadow. Nadine takes off her jean jacket hanging it on a branch. She has on just her snug black sports bra. Her bosom jiggles as she steps inside the ring the tall trees create around the meadow. Shakirat skims a brown book of Shine. The cover is a Golden Creature with the body of a person. The head and Wings of a Hawk. " You ready Sha?" Nadine says cracking her knuckles.
Shakirat drops the Book Of Shine on the grass. She then kicks off her light blue pumps.
" Ok, so Manna and Shine are like the same things," Nadine explains.
"Right it is said, That Will, Manna, and Shine are the 3 man energies flowing. However, not everyone has an equal amount of all 3." Shakirat says.
"Yo, you cute and smart. Only some people have a strong flow of all 3. You can cross train, but you have to be dedicated. One Class is hard enough." Nadine says stretching.
The large brown bunny hops over to Shakirat.
"Damn bay, you fiiiiine." He sings.
"Ew gross a Savage Daemon, No offensive Nadine!?" Shakirat Yells.
" It's cool I'm a Halfling. I'm neither Human or Daemon." Nadine yells.
" See, bay humans and daemons be getting busy, let's sneak behind the bush." The Brown Bunny Suggests.
" Oh My Angle, Why are you Savage Daemon's so sleazy?! Shakirat screams. " It's our history, bay. One Thousand years of f*****g." The brown bunny humps the air.
Shakirat gags.
" I sware I hate my ancestors, Yo," Nadine grumbles.
"Tele!" Nadine Screams!
Magic circles appear under The Brown Bunny. He flashes away. " Did-Did you just kill him!?" Shakirat cries.
" Nah, just teleported him into the river," Nadine smirks.
"Ok, like I was saying discovering what one of the 3 energies resonate with you the most. You should see either Red, Blue, or Gold. This is key to knowing what class you should take, Yo. So meditate real quick and see what color fills the darkness." Nadine suggests.
Shakirat closes her brown eyes. A vague darkness that soon turns gold...Then green. Shakirat opens her blank eyes.
"So what did you see?" Nadine asks with her hands on her curvy hips.
" It's always been green," Shakirat says.
" Hmm, That's weird. Let's try some drills anyways." Nadine says.
"Ok!" Shakirat yells.
"Let's make this fun, if you can bind me for 10 seconds I'll buy you lunch," Nadine says placing her hand on her chest.
Shakirat screams, " לִקְשׁוֹר!" (Shine Bind)
A luminous glowing Angel Circle appears under Nadine. Numerous gold glowing light cords tightly attach to Nadine's body resisting her movement. Shakirat holds her hands praying while chanting in Angelic words.
"Tele!" Nadine Screams.
A magic circle appears under Nadine. She flashes away appearing far on the right side of the Angel Circle that fades away.
Shakirat smacks her lips. " 4 seconds." She grins.
"Not bad, bet you didn't know about the silence spell to keep me from chanting my spells." Nadine sasses.
"If you were magi or wizard a silence spell wouldn't work. Unless you're a lame magician." Shakirat smirks.
Nadine's mouth drops.
" What you saying, yo. I'm no lame magician." Nadine snaps.
"Please, you only use time magic, ha-ha!" Shakirat giggles.
Nadine frowns. "Ok you want to get serious, I'll show you what time magic can do. If I hit you. You're buyin my lunch." Nadine says placing her hand on her chest.
"Presto!" Nadine says as a white aura surrounds her.
She dashes towards Shakirat ripping up flowers knocking bunnies into the air.
"לִקְשׁוֹר!" (Shine Binding) Shakirat Screams!
An Angel Circle Appears under Nadine only a few feet away. Nadine dashes through the circle before it can completely materialize. Dust flying ready to deliver a left hook to Shakirat's face.
"מ�'ן שיין!" (Shine Shield) Shakirat Screams as Nadine punches a solid golden shield of light surrounding Shakirat. Shakirat smirks as Nadine pushes off the shine shield jumping back to the edge of the meadow. The Shine shield wears off. Shakirat pants hard. Nadine sprints like a train around the meadow creating a brown gust of dirt.
" You can only hold that shine shield for so long. You smart though, use it at the last minute. So I will take away your eyes off me, Yo." Nadine says vanishing into the brown cyclone of dust filling the meadow.
Shakirat eyes shift watering from the dust. Only brown clouds are her vision. Magic circles appear under Shakirat who slides quickly away nearly tripping. Hand Clocks appear counting down from 5.
Shakirkat dashes away turning back seeing a bunny to close the Hand Clocks at 2 seconds.
" מ�'ן שיין!" (Shine Shield) She screams...
Explosions rumble the meadow making dirt and daisies scatter. Shakirat glued to the firey display still running forward.
" This b***h is trying to kill me for lunch." Shakirat thinks.
"Ha, that's the one spell I can cast without chanting." Nadine's voice projects.
The smoke clears. The bunny is safe inside the shine shield that slowly fades. Shakirat glances back grinning.
"Now I have you!" Nadine screams dashing close in front of Shakirat ready to strike. Shakirat can't dodge.
The Wet Brown Bunny dashes in front taking the Punch from Nadine. The Wet Brown bunny crashes into shakirat's chest sending them back into the ground. Nadine's white aura wears off. The dust clears...
Shakirat sits up holding The wet brown bunny with a black eye on her lap.
"Bay, I will die for your good loving... Just give me a handy j before I pass on?!" The Wet Brown Bunny winks.
Shakirat pushes him off her.
" My clothes!" She whines.
Nadine puts out her sweaty hand toward Shakirat.
"I don't normally hang out with younger chicks, but you're alright, Yo."
Shakirat stands up shaking Nadine's hand.
"We can slipt lunch," Shakirat suggests.
Major Rapids Tavern
6:21 PM
The Tavern only has a few people eating at tables. No lines or people checking the Quest Bulten Board. Nicole sits behind the counter texting on her cell phone. Nadine and Shakirat take slices off a large pan of cheese pizza. Kolya walks into the Tavern. Nadine waves to him holding Ale with her tail. Kolya walks over to their table blushing.
"Where is your jacket, Nadine?" Kolya says nervously. " It's in my backpack. It was hot." She says bitting into a piece of pizza.
Kolya pinches his nose. "Would you sit down already, quit acting like a virgin." Nadine sasses clawing the air.
Kolya sits down not facing Nadine jiggling her cleavage while she talks.
" Aww, why don't I make you all awkward Kolya?" Shakirat says chewing pizza.
Kolya looks over at her beginning to speak. He freezes staring at Shakirat's long smooth legs crossed with snug white stockings. Her Flowery skirt riding up past her thighs. Her blue button up damp and translucent making her white push-up bra visible. Kolya faints. " Kolya!?" Shakirat yells.
"He'll be alright," Nadine says smacking her lips.
Dragneal walks into the Tavern.
"Boooo!" Someone yells. Nadine and Shakirat blush eating pizza faster.
Dragneal walks over to Nicole. They exchange his yellow paper information for an information card. She then files the bagged bloody post in a file cabinet labeled "Taken".
Dragneal walks up to the table.
" I have a proposition for you ladies," Dragneal says.
"What's this proposition?" Nadine asks sipping Ale from her tail.
"What happened to him?" Dragneal asks kicking Kolya dazed on the floor.
" Puberty", Shakirat giggles.
"What's this Proposition, Jerk!" Nadine Growls.
"Ok, Go on a quest with me, just one." Dragneal pleads.
" Go yourself, you're the dragon king." Nadine mocks.
Dragneal pulls out two Chloe Live tickets. Shakirat and Nadine eyes sparkle...
" Only if you agree to join me. " Dragneal says.
Nadine and Shakirat look at each other. They huddle whispering...
" Ok, what's the quest?" Nadine asks. Dragneal hands the girls each a ticket.
" In 2 days we leave for Cathair Nam Mèirleach to find a Crystal." He says.
"Oh a city in another country, I've never left Gaia," Shakirat says.
" Don't bring anything that you would hate to lose, Yo," Kolya says from the floor.
Kolya stands up slamming his hands on the table.
"Seriously," Kolya says with cold blue eyes.
Nadine and Shakirat look into Kolya's eyes that are sincerely trembling.
© 2019 QuestmasterAuthor's Note