![]() Dragneal's Plan?A Chapter by Questmaster![]() chapter 4![]()
Dragneal's Plan?
Electric Moon Gamma 3 Era 6 9 PM Cathair Nam Mèirleach is a vast land of Redwood forest. Lakes create muddy terrain and watery grasslands. Dragneal with red wet spiky hair sits near the shore of a lake with his wrapped feet in the murky water. The waxing crescent moon smiles on the surfaces of the lake.
A Dark Cloaked Figure walks on the water towards Dragneal. Thier teddy bear face mask comes in the light off the moon.
" You're predictable, you know?" The Cloaked figure speaks in a deep distorted voice.
Dragneal rubs a scar around his wrist.
" I feel like Larry, knows something. The way he looked at me when I said Ordiamond. " Dragneal pounders.
"Ha," The cloaked figure laughs.
" What's so funny?" Dragneal responds.
" Nothing, so you're going to abandon those fools?" The cloaked figure asks.
" They can handle it," Dragneal says.
" Thieves Guild gangsters have a short temper and attention plan. Those kids will probably be dead on the news tomorrow. " The cloaked figure states.
" Thieves are easy to deal with." Dragneal boasts.
" Is that so?" The cloaked figure says back up into the darkness.
" Does this crystal even exist?" Projects the cloaked figure's voice.
" Yes Dragons use to fight over small shards," Dragneal explains.
" Why would dragons do such foolish things?" The voice projects.
" Eating it healed wounds and brought the dead back, more value than the pretty rocks people call money. " Dragneal says.
" Interesting." The Cloaked figure says standing behind Dragneal.
" I believe that very long ago when a comet smashed into Panora. That it may have sprung the Ordaimond into existence." Dragneal says.
" Are you forgetting our deal?" The cloaked figure says.
The tip of a sword sparks from the sleeve of their cloak.
Dragneal peer into the reflect crescent moon.
" Don't get hasty, I never forget a deal." Dragneal stands up facing the figure.
A Moonlit standoff As Dragneal towers across from the Cloaked figure.
The Cloak figure retracts the tip of their sword.
" Excuse me. " Dragneal says as he walks past the figure.
" I owe the Assassination Organization a huge debt. We Are like Comrades of war." Dragneal says walking into the thick redwood forest.
Electric Moon Kali 4 Era
Rocks Motel Room 804
10:30 AM Nadine wakes up in cold sweat wrapped in her white blanket. She sits up placing her hand on her forehead. Grimacing in pain she rushes to the bathroom scattering bottles dragging the blanket throwing up all over the toilet.
She empties her stomach into the toilet. She takes off the blanket using it to soak up the puke of the toilet. She gets up all that she can. She stains the blanket orange. She wraps a towel around herself. She runs to the door tossing the blanket out.
She starts the shower... She vomits inside the shower.
Nadine is wearing tight blue leggings and a white v-neck t-shirt tucked into her pants. A star cluster cloak she puts on looking in the mirror in the bathroom. Making kissy faces and googly eyes at her reflection.
Walking pass Shakirat's bed neatly made. Tucked and folded. Nadine notices a cursive written note on the bed. It reads; Went to Contest of Champions, you were wasted. Kolya is a Pervert!
Nadine puts her blue wizard hat over her frizzy braids. Grabs her backpack with a wand sticking out heading out the door. She walks on the stale gray carpet down the dim lit hallway to the elevator. She passes some short Orc housekeepers with carts parked diagonally against the wall. Loud Orcish Heavy Metal echoing from an opened door with a roll of trash bags in the hinges.
Nadine leaves the Rocks Motel. She looks at the time on her P-phone. She leaves the homeless infested plaza entering the redwood forest. The roof of the Arena peeks through the trees high in the distance. She drops a clear powder ball disappearing.
8: 45 AM
Dragneal walks on a dirt road deep in the redwood forest. He is being followed at a slow pace by two people wearing blue Thieves Guild cloaks with ninja masks over their mouths. A Fat Hog Deamon armed with a bow and arrow. The Hog is walking next to a white human with a red pompadour hairstyle twirling a neon silver baseball bat with the autograph in black, Rude.
" Hey, Ricky isn't that the actor in the new summer blockbuster that's out?" The Hog asks.
" Nah Bro, That's not Arron Lane. Tom that is just a lost homeless dude." Ricky answers.
" Let's tax him," Tom says
" You read my mind, Let's tax him." Ricky grins.
They speed walk closer to Dragneal walking with a smile on his face.
" Hey, there is a Homeless protection fee taxed by TG." Ricky states
" I don't need any service today, thank you." Dragneal speed walks faster-gaining distance from Ricky and Tom.
Ricky and Tom strain to keep up speed walking making dust scatter.
" Sir, this is a great opportunity to yield the projection of the Thieves Guild. This is a Dangerous Territory for homeless individuals. " Tom promotes.
The dirt road up ahead starts going uphill. Dragneal speed walks at running speed creating a cloud of dust behind him. Tom and Ricky are panting up the hill running at their full speed trailing behind Dragneal.
Dragneal stops at a high golden wall on the top of the hill. A large golden gate is manned by two Elf men wearing gold fedoras dressed gold and ruby striped business suits. They both are armed with Tommy guns.
Ricky and Tom stop a few feet behind Dragneal.
" You see, I'm already insured by the Valdemar Family." Dragneal grins walking through the gate opened by one of the armed elf men.
" If he's not Arron Lane, then who is that homeless guy?" Tom asks sweating.
" I don't know, he must be a fucked up dude, bro. To associate with VF. " Ricky says sweating.
The gate closes as the elf men start walking towards Tom and Ricky aiming their Tommy guns. Ricky and Tom sprit down the hill running away.
Но�™ый город (Novyy Gorod) is an Elevn town surrounded by a high golden wall. Homes made of gold and ruby. A High arching sign welcomes Dragneal. The sign reads in Elevn Но�™ый город (Novyy Gorod). Dragneal enters the town with Cadillac Calais Coupe in every color on the roads.
Elf women in silk and mink outfit escorted by gentlemen elf dressing three-piece suits walking into Hotel Plazas. Strip clubs and bars darken when closed sign in the windows. Dragneal walks to a car lot with an inflatable elf man in a suit wiggling.
Passing Rows of Cadillacs as Dragneal makes it to the office trailer. He knocks on the door. A short blad skinny elf man wearing glass with a neat white button-up tucked into his black corduroy pants opens the door.
" God Morrin, yoo like buy carr.?" The Salesmen asks
" No, I would like to rent." Drageneal replies.
" wee ony have pickups too ren." The salesmen respond.
" Good, that's just what I need. " Dragneal grins handing over an Elf Bank card with his name on it.
10:25 AM
A black pickup truck is parallel parked on the curb outside an Elf Bank Of Coin.
Dragneal is next in line walking up to a Female Elf woman with a blond ponytail. She is dressed in a long sleeve red blouse with the name tag Rina.
" Welcome to Elf Bank of Coin how may I help you this morning.?" Rina greets with a smile.
" May I check my balance, please. " Dragneal asks handing Rina his Elf Bank Card.
" Yes certainly, one moment," Rina says typing Drangneal information into her computer.
" Ok, here you go," Rina says handing Dragneal a receipt.
Dragneal takes the receipt grinning. He grabs a pen from the counter writing something on the back of the receipt sliding it to Rina. She flips it over her eyes widen.
11 AM
Redwood Forest Just outside of The Contest Of Champions. Nadine is visible dragging her Allstar sneakers up the dirt road. Cheering and chanting coming from the Arena area. Dragneal driving a black pickup truck with a brown tarp covering something big in the bed of the truck. He 's playing the radio loudly.
" The story is told/ you sold your soul/ for moe gold" Two Socks rhymes.
"Man why did Moe-Gold sell out man, Two Socks kills him on this song. " Dragneal says bobbing his head to the Hip pop beat.
He notices Nadine dragging her feet up ahead slouching. He beeps the horn. Nadine turns back pouting squinting her eyes. She realizes it's Dragneal. She starts speed walking up ahead.
Dragneal rides next to Nadine speed walking.
" Hey want a lift?" Shouting.
Nadine puts her hand on her chest.
"Presto!" She shouts as a white aura surrounds her.
She takes off running 40 miles an hour. Dragneal revs the gas riding alongside her.
" Hey, I got a plan." He shouts opening the passenger door.
Nadine just keeps running creating dust clouds.
" No, You're a Jerk." She shouts.
11:15 AM
Contest Of Champions Alley Ways.
Kolya looks down as his eyes tremble. Julia stands behind Shakira with her katana at her neck. Shakirat eyes flow tears as she sees dark energy growing with-in Kolya.
" You have 20 seconds to drop that crystal, kid. Or I chop your girlfriend's head off!" Julia shouts.
Shakira keeps chanting closing her tear filled eyes.
" 19!' Julia Shouts.
Kolya nervously put the engraved crystal in his pouch. He quickly interlocks his fingers pointing his index fingers and thumbs up.
" Ahhhhhhh!" Kolya shouts as a black formless energy is manifested around Kolya creating sparks and gusts of wind.
" 18!" Julia shouts pulling her blade close to Shakirat's neck. Blood dripping down her chest staining her shirt.
Shakirat chants growing weaker as she weeps. Kolya's eye turn red as he continues to charge up black energy. The bound Orc-men look up as Kolya's power starts to crack the building down to the ground they stand on.
" 17!" Julia shouts impatiently.
" I will lose control, but I have no choice or she's dead, yo, " Kolya thinks.
The black energy starts to take the form of a black snake with red eyes. Kolya skin is fading to black energy. Even with her eyes closed, Shakirat can still see the Black snake surrounding Kolya.
" 16, 15,! Julia shouts her hands starting to bleed from a tight grip.
The shine bind is starting to fade. Shakirat's chants slow and nervous. Kolya starts to slowly sway and snap is neck as the black serpent energy intensifies cracking the stone roof he stands on.
" F**k it this b***h is dead!" Julia shouts swiping her sword.
" Tele!" Nadine shouts.
Shakirat flashes away. Dragneal appears in her place just as Julia swipes her katana into his chest smashing her sword into pieces. Julia falls back with just the handle of her Katana. Her hands are bleeding with some broken figures.
The shine bind dissipates. The Orc swordsmen rush in front of Julia drawing their Ninja swords. Dragneal turns around facing the Swordsmen. Kolya's black energy slowly dissipates. His eyes are blue again. Shakirat is on her knees panting hard next to Nadine who uses the wand to cast a Blue Manna Sheild around Shairkat. The black pickup is parked behind them.
" Who is this homeless dude Bro, Your katana cuts through anything." One of the Orc-men panics.
Julia looks at her handle panting. "I-I don't know, keep your guard up."
" I don't want to fight you guys. Because I'll kill you." Dragneal boasts.
The Orcs tighten their guard. Nadine and Kolya Scowl at Dragneal.
" Look, let's make this easy. How much do you want for the crystal my friend up there stole from you?" Dragneal offers.
" You f*****g piece of s**t, Yo! You ain't no hero!" Kolya yells.
The Orc-men huddle round Julia.
" 10,000 gold, you can have it for that much." The Orc-men all say laughing.
Kolya frowns. Nadine looks at Shairkat who finally stands on her feet looking deliriously into her green eyes. Dragneal ponders.
" ... 10,000 coins, Ok," Dragneal says as he walks past a bewildered Julia and Orc-men towards the bed of the black pickup tuck removing the tarp with piles of sacks of gold coins.
Nadine, Shakirat, Kolya, The Orc Men and Julia's eyes widen with open jaws. Dragneal grabs two heavy sacks of gold walking back over to the Orc-men handing them the sacks.
" That might be more than 10,000 coins. enjoy." Dragneal smiles.
The Orc Men take the sacks. They help Julia up walking back to their stand.
" Why didn't anyone walking by try to help us?" Shakirat cries.
" You have to pay for protection here. " Nadine says.
" This is outlaw territory, you guys did just basically try to rob them. People stay out of other people's mess, Yo" Nadine adds.
Shakirat looks at the ground as the Manna shield fades away.
Kolya climbs down the building walking over to Dragneal.
" So how rich are you? And Why do you live in a cave!?" Kolya shouts.
" I'm not Rich, wealthy, just keep more than 100,000 coins in the bank. Every year they add a tremendous amount of interest," Drangael smiles.
Kolya is bluer than normal. Kolya comes back to color noticing a thin slash across Dragneal's black armor vest.
" whoa, your armor is chipped," Kolya says.
Dragneal notices the cut. He glances at a dejected Julia sitting having her hands wrapped by one of the Orc-men.
" It's just a scratch. " Dragneal boasts walking toward the pickup truck.
Nadine grills Dragneal as he walks past the girls.
" Wait a minute," Shakirat demands.
Dragneal stops next to Shakirat. She stares watery brown eyes into his calm gray eye. She jumps smacking his rough cheek. Nadine laughs, Kolya following Dragneal stops covering his mouth in shock.
" You are a selfish person." Shakirat cries.
Dragneal wipes Shakirat's tears from her cheeks. She resists his touch.
" I'm still learning how to be a person, Thanks for the Reality check Shakirat," Dragneal smiles.
Shakirat gets into the back seat of the pickup slamming the door. Nadine bumps Dragneal as she gets into the front passenger seat. Kolya still with hands over his mouth.
" I'll walk around." He says walking around to other side getting in.
Dragneal covers the sacks of gold with the brown tarp. He gets into the driver seat.
" All this time we could have at least stayed in a Panora Hotel." Shakirat pouts.
Kolya hands Dragneal three clear powder balls. Dragneal drops the powder balls out the window. The pickup vanishes.
A white human woman wearing a green wizard hat with blonde hair looks at her P-Phone screen. She is on View Tube. A video titled Tanky Homeless Dude Plays showing Julia break her katana across Dragneal's chest. The video was uploaded 10 minutes ago. It already has 832,987 views. Comments are spamming
" Is that Arron Lane?" one comment says.
" F**k Oscar Williams." Another comment says.
" Nah, that's non-tanky Dragneal, sunglasses emoji" Commented by DarealKingAlex
" My dad is Homeless. " Someone trolls.
3:45 PM
Larry's Coffee Shop
A make shift table is upside down while Charlie installs sanded wooden legs. Shelly wearing new black framed glasses is on her lab top sitting on the stool behind the counter.
Kolya and Dragneal enter the Coffee Shop. Charlie keeps putting legs on the table not paying them any mind. Shelly looks up smiling.
" You're a popular Homeless Dude," Shelly says.
" What are you talking about I'm not homeless!" Dragneal shouts.
"Says, the guy that lives in a cave." Kolya Wishpers handing Charlie the engraved crystal.
Charlie takes the crystal fighting tears giving Kolya a stern nod.
" See look," Shelly says turning her laptop around.
The screen playing the View tube video titled Tanky Homeless Dude. Julia breaking her katana off Dragneal's black armor vest.
The video has 20,533,764,896 views with comments spamming. Dragneal squits.
" Who the f**k is Arron Lane?!" Dragneal shouts.
Kolya walks over to the counter and squints at the computer screen.
" No way your viral Dragneal," Kolya says excitedly.
" I don't have STDs. I've been with one woman my whole life!" Dragneal shouts.
" He doesn' t mean sexually transmitted disease. He means the video has more than a million views." Shelly point on the screen.
" This is Arron Lane," Kolya says typing in the search bar.
A video pops up titled In love with roses video clip. A Tall Muscular Pig Daemond wearing a Red spiky wig is shirtless standing before an Elf woman painted green with fake dragonfly wings on her back. The stand near a rocky shore.
" Luna, I love you!" The Pig says passionately kissing the Elf woman.
" Is that suppose to be me or something?" Dragneal asks disturbed.
" Oh, My Angel is that a clip from the Summer blockbuster In love with roses?! Don't spoil it. I'm going see it this weekend!" Shelly says facing the computer back towards her.
Charlie places the engraved crystal on the counter. He pulls out his wallet taking out a green quest completion card handing it to Kolya.
" So, is that movie about me?" Dragneal boast.
" No, It's about Luna's betrayal of her beloved Paul," Shelly explains.
Dragneal is bluer than normal slouching.
Charlie punches Dragneal's knee. Dragneal comes back to color hopping on one leg.
" So, you're looking for the Ordiamond?" Charlie asks.
Dragneal stops hopping. His face serious.
" Yes, I am," Dragneal responds.
Charlie walks around the counter scooting past Shelly. He pulls up a wooden plank picking up Dericks Tan notebook with a strap lock.
Charlie hands the notebook to Dragneal. He slowly takes it. Shelly takes he laptop waving bye walking through the back door.
" I don't know much about the Ordiamond, my best friend did a lot of research on the crystal. Hopefully, you'll find what you are looking for in his notes."
" This is great Larry, thanks. Give me one second I can pay you handsomely." Dragneal says rushing out the door.
Kolya waves bye to Charlie leaving as Dragneal come back with a large sack of gold.
" There is like 8,000 gold coins here," Dragneal says handing the sack to Charlie.
Charlie strains to hold the sack handing Dragneal a small key.
Dragneal takes the key.
Electric Moon Limi 6 Era 6
8:21 AM
Gaia Travel Port Shakirat and Nadine are at the entrance of the Harbor Center. A group of various animal daemons with pickets signs protesting, " No more beef, no more Chicken, no more pork!" They shout.
" Hey, you were brave out there," Nadine says
Shakirat has dejected eyes.
" I think, I might fill out my application to Gaia U tomorrow," Shakirat says softly.
Nadine looks at Shakirat with disappointed eyes.
" Hey, Questing isn't for everybody. I'll train with you tomorrow in the park if you want." Nadine Suggests.
" Or try to give me a black eye?" Shakirat thinks.
" Yeah, that would be fun." Shakirat smiles.
Kolya walks through the Harbor entrance door.
Shakirat hugs Kolya the moment she sees him. Kolya confused hugs her back reluctantly.
" Thanks," Shakirat says softly.
Nadine smirks. Kolya slowly pulls away.
" I nearly got you killed. What are you thanking me for, Yo?" Kolya says.
Dragneal walks through the Harbor entrance door holding The tan strap locked notebook. Shakirat sees Dragneal. She takes off speed walking disappearing into the crowd of people.
"Bye Sha, you got my number, Yo!" Nadine yells.
" Ay, so you're seriously letting us have your share?" Kolya asks.
" Yup." Dragneal smiles.
" What's that Notebook you got?" Nadine asks.
" Oh this, just some homework. Hey, make sure Shakirat get her share too. We'll meet again." Dragneal says walking into the crowd.
" Who said I was going on any more quests with you!" Nadine snaps.
Kolya just grins holding the green completion card.
© 2018 QuestmasterAuthor's Note