I have to agree with Poetic Beauty, who wrote below, we are never too old to dream. I think even those who have dementia, dream. We see or imagine beauty until our brain hears nothing at all. And what a wonderful metaphor, "stand inside a waterfall".
Posted 3 Weeks Ago
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3 Weeks Ago
dear Curt... there is so much to know about Dreams.. I appreciate your reading. tenderly, Pat
Memories haunts during old age. Meaning ful poem. Loved it
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
1 Week Ago
dear TP... in some ways my Childhood was depressing as my Father was obsessed with Religion... I hav.. read moredear TP... in some ways my Childhood was depressing as my Father was obsessed with Religion... I have been blessed by Spiritual encounters as I age which has given me an opportunity to share my feelings in Poetry. Thank you for sharing your feelings. softly, Pat
'And when I grow too Old to Dream...' this is a mesmerising line, made me think a lot and it frigthened me a little. my mother taught me how that one reaches a point when they are ready to lt go - and be aken to the next world. is that what you mean by that?
yet there is still much dreaming in this verse. monet's waterlilies are such a dream-filled work and evoking it, you have stirred something inside me - inspiration, a hunger for the sublime.
'listen for your Call...' is how this verse ends. a very interesting line. while im sure you were thinking about specific person in your life or memory - these words made me think of a buddhist myth: it's taught that we will hear Amida speak to us, not even a word, not even a syllable, but whence we hear it we will attain nirvana. i am not saying that's what you meant, but it is certainly a universal experience - waiting for someone to call us.
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
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1 Week Ago
dear Ern... forgive me for waiting to thank you for your in depth review. As we age we realize that.. read moredear Ern... forgive me for waiting to thank you for your in depth review. As we age we realize that we are filled with a Spirit that is really who we have become. I feel that our Spirit will continue after we pass into another Realm. I appreciate your sharing your experience with me. I feel that Karma is very important. We can be very fortunate if someone forgives our blunders... because it is difficult to be perfect. We learn by trial and error to be kind and helpful to our friends when they stumble. We need to enjoy Nature and our friends as we struggle to contribute to others if we are so inclined. gently, Pat
Has the sound of a memory of someone special. If memories are good, they are like diamonds.
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
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1 Week Ago
dear John... my memories are caring friends and a Mother who kept me healthy with a positive attitud.. read moredear John... my memories are caring friends and a Mother who kept me healthy with a positive attitude in site of my Father's financial ideas about Religion. I love the Holy Spirit that protects us from Harm. gently, Pat
What lovely moments to remember! I wouldn't mind that at all; waterlilies are memorable and so are waterfalls ; and best of all your hubby;
very descriptive dear Pat ;
Warmly B🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
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5 Days Ago
Betty... the melancholy of Waterfalls is inbeddened within... as the Water Lillies become a Memory .. read moreBetty... the melancholy of Waterfalls is inbeddened within... as the Water Lillies become a Memory of being Loved. May your days be blessed with Rest. gently.Pat
I would love to stand under a waterfall, love your imagery as well, this is a beautiful write.
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Week Ago
dear Kim... I am gently touched by your review of my poem. Your Avatar shows affection and caring a.. read moredear Kim... I am gently touched by your review of my poem. Your Avatar shows affection and caring as you manage each and every call to duty. softly, Pat
very cool. love the part of monet's water lilies floating away. deep and touching romanticism. love the accompanying pic too.
Posted 3 Weeks Ago
3 Weeks Ago
dear Pete... the romance of poetry is like a summer day when birds are nesting where Angels pray. A.. read moredear Pete... the romance of poetry is like a summer day when birds are nesting where Angels pray. Always a pleasure to read your words. softly, Pat
There are few images more dramatic and exciting as anything to do withy waterfalls. My favorite is Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee. It is the highest natural falls East of The Mississippi, and I will never forget my first visit there in the late spring of 1972. The trek to the bottom was long and arduous along a switch-back trail littered with uneven rocks and boulders. I carried my two year old son on my shoulders and when we got to the bottom we just stood and watched a while. I picked him back up and we walked around the pool at the bottom and behind the river of falling water. I edged us closer and closer with him back on my shoulders and I reached out to see if the water was as cold as it felt in the mist. Shane reached around, too when the wind shifted and turned us blue with the coldest shower we've ever had...
Posted 3 Weeks Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Weeks Ago
dear Vol.... amazing adventure with your Son... Nature at it's best. My Avatar with my Son Robert w.. read moredear Vol.... amazing adventure with your Son... Nature at it's best. My Avatar with my Son Robert was taken in 1972 in Maryland by the Water. Bob was two yrs old and I was thirty... beautiful memories. Thank you for sharing. gently, Pat
I am so sorry for your loss... it is no consolation that trauma builds strength. <.. read morePatricia,
I am so sorry for your loss... it is no consolation that trauma builds strength.
2 Weeks Ago
dear Vol... my Son Robert has lived these many years and has two young girls that are taught to be c.. read moredear Vol... my Son Robert has lived these many years and has two young girls that are taught to be cautious and respectful to Mother Nature. Robert's wife Leilani is Navajo Indian and she teaches them many Dances and Traditions. You may have misunderstood something I said above. Thank you for your presence. Softly, Pat
I do hope not Patricia, although know from first hand experience that sleep can be a horror show for some, painting pictures in the mind that don't match the reality of ageing.
My mother had dementia and it seemed all she dreamt was terrifying, but usually because she woke to an aged body and withered mind.
As they say in these parts especially at new year "lang may yer lum reek!" (Long may your chimney smoke)
Now I come to think of it, us Scots are a weird bunch! 😃
dear Lorry... we live on the East Coast of the USA. We cannot use our Fireplace or Chimney for Fear.. read moredear Lorry... we live on the East Coast of the USA. We cannot use our Fireplace or Chimney for Fear of a Fire. The phrase "Long may your Chimney Smoke" would be a blessings in other Circumstances. We look forward to an early Spring.. if we live that long. Lovely to touch warm Hearts. gently, Pat
3 Weeks Ago
Sorry to hear that Pat. Long may your lum not reek is more appropriate.
3 Weeks Ago
Thank you Lorry... Our World is experiencing an unusual Pattern of fires and hurricanes as we age an.. read moreThank you Lorry... Our World is experiencing an unusual Pattern of fires and hurricanes as we age and pray that our young people will find a way to survive. Thank you for being an Artist of languages and wisdom thereof. softly, Pat
Life is like a River that includes the sound of Warblers among the trees laden with happiness and tears... Wings take us to places we discover and people who write the Music we love to hear... quietly.. more..