A Screenplay by Autumn Dawn Gorny

A.P.C.I.R is motley crue of supernatural agents. Investigating, monitoring and, sometime removing, supernatural criminals, while keeping the human population unaware.

Previous Version
This is a previous version of PSI CRIMES-MAGICK VS. NATURE EP.1.

          FADE IN:                                                         
          INT: PRISON CELL-NIGHT                                           
          KARLEE(20’s)stands up against the bars in a black jumpsuit,      
          a black choker with green flashing light surround her neck.      
          Her blond hair hangs in matted clumps, her blue eyes appear      
          sunken and the red pupils seem to have dulled. Her skin          
          once, porcelain-white now jaundiced.                             
          She grabs the bars and looks straight ahead.                     
                    I may be many things, but a killer                     
                    I am not.                                              
          (INTRO SONG)                                                     
          INT: LIVING ROOM-NIGHT                                           
          Inside a moonlit living room sits MR. RILEY SCHWARTZ(52), on     
          a ripped up brown leather couch. His face contorted in           
          anger. His gray hair nearly ripped out, blood drips down         
          from self-inflicted wounds on his scalp. Skin hangs from his     
          bone, proving at one time he was, in fact, a very large man.     
          His pure black eyes fix on the door.                             
          Footsteps are heard outside, the door swings open.               
          ((IN A DEEP DEMONIC TONE))                                       
                    Come in I have been waiting for you                    
          INT/EXT: FRONT DOOR-NIGHT                                        
          Karlee’s voluptuous frame appears in the door way, her blues     
          eyes with red pupils glisten in the pale moonlight. Her, now     
          blond hair, is placed in a tight bun.                            
          As she walks in she quickly grabs for her cellphone.             
          INT: LIVING ROOM-NIGHT                                           
          Two men with laser guns come up from behind her.                 
                    Hello, this is Karlee Trisiphone, I                    
                    need the shaman to come to...                          
          CONTINUED:                                              2.       
                    No need.                                               
          Her cellphone drops                                              
                              WOMAN 1(V.O.):                               
                    (Through cellphone)                                    
                    Hello, hello, Karlee are you OK?                       
          Mr. Riley Schwartz’s head falls back, his mouth opens and        
          black smoke emanates from it quickly turning into an arched      
          Berth appears. His bright red skin and black marking stretch     
          over a 7 foot wide muscular frame.                               
                    You can have me.                                       
                    Berth places his clawed hands out                      
                    in front of him. Allowing on of the                    
                    black suited officers to cuff him                      
                    an led him away.                                       
          They pass Karlee, he turns his head toward her and winks.        
          The officers escort him outside.                                 
          Karlee’s eyes widen and follow Berth                             
                              WOMAN 1(V.O.):                               
                    (Screams through cellphone)                            
                    What is going on?                                      
                    Karlee, still with the shocked look                    
                    on her face, place the cellphone up                    
                    to her ear.                                            
                    (On cellphone)                                         
                    Cancel the shaman, we have demon                       
                    658320 on custody. Returning to                        
                    headquarters. (hangs up)                               
                                                              FADE OUT     
          EXT: MOUTH OF CAVE-FOREST-NIGHT                                  
          In a thick forest foot steps are heard Karlee’s voluptuous       
          frame appears her blues eyes glisten in the pale moonlight.      
          SUPER: A.P.C.I.R.-HEADQUARTERS                                   
                              ELECTRONIC VOICE(V.O)                        
                    Identification please.                                 
          CONTINUED:                                              3.       
                    Karlee Tisiphone.                                      
                              ELECTRONIC VOICE(V.O):                       
                              ELECTRONIC VOICE(V.O):                       
                    Place identification limb on                           
                    scanner please                                         
          The left side of the cave glows briefly, a scanner appears       
          with a green symbol of a hand on it. Karlee places here hand     
          over the green hand on the pad.                                  
                              ELECTRONIC VOICE(V.O):                       
                    Identification complete Karlee                         
                    Tisiphone, succubus, 3rd century...                    
          Karlee clicks her tongue and sighs.                              
                              ELECTRONIC VOICE(V.O):                       
                    ... security clearance infinity.                       
                    State your purpose.                                    
                    Lemme in, I am freezing my tits                        
                              ELECTRONIC VOICE(V.O):                       
                    Purpose unrecognized.                                  
                    I need to report to Messueer.                          
                              ELECTRONIC VOICE(V.O):                       
                    Access granted                                         
                    Karlee starts to step inside white                     
                    light rings shoot up around her and                    
                    she is lunged forward into the                         
          SMASH CUT:                                                       
          Karlee tumbles into the office of Adam Messueer.                 
          INT: LARGE OVAL OFFICE-NIGHT                                     
          Karlee grabs on to a chair to stop herself                       
                    Damn, they told me they had fixed                      
                    Karlee looks around, but see only                      
                    the dark wood furnishings and                          
                    windowless walls. She steadies                         
                    herself and stands up straight.                        
                    Can I see you sir, literally I                         
          ADAM ,(40-looking) appears beside Karlee. A tall, pale man       
          with salt and pepper. His crisp suit resembles a butler from     
          the 1800’s.                                                      
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Oh, sorry I didn’t realize.                            
          Karlee c***s her eyebrow.                                        
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Hey I still go on assignments.                         
                    He walks over to the table and sits                    
                              ADAM :                                       
                    So what do you need Karlee?                            
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    Just to give you my report sir. I                      
                    got demon 658320 out of a one Mr.                      
                    Riley Schwartz                                         
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Demon who? Sit down you’re making                      
                    my neck hurt.                                          
          Karlee takes a seat next to him placing a black folder on        
          the mahogany table.                                              
                    Berth, sir.                                            
          CONTINUED:                                              5.       
                              ADAM :                                       
                    ((whisper to himself))                                 
                    I don’t know why we just don’t call                    
                    them by their names, it’s not like                     
                    we are all human.                                      
          He looks up at Karlee                                            
                              ADAM :                                       
                    You were saying?                                       
          Phone rings, Adam picks up the phone, stands up as door          
          MITCH(17-human form). His doe brown eyes mouse brown hair        
          and lanky stature hide the werewolf inside.                      
                    Sir, you are needed in sector 3.                       
                              ADAM :                                       
                    I know, lets go.                                       
          Karlee grabs the file and follows Mitch and Adam.                
          INT: BRIEFING-NIGHT                                              
          Mitch grabs Karlee’s arm.                                        
          She stops and looks at him. Adam looks back, but Keeps           
                    How did the case go?                                   
                    It went well, Berth didn’t give                        
                    much in a way of of fight.                             
                    She suddenly looks down at the                         
                    folder in her arms.                                    
                    He actually came willingly.                            
                    She looks up quickly, terror in her                    
                    Something is wrong.                                    
          Mitch steps back, c***s his head and eyebrow.                    
                    What do you mean? You found him,                       
                    exorcised his arse, so he didn’t                       
          CONTINUED:                                              6.       
                              MITCH: (cont’d)                              
                    have the strength to fight the                         
                    officer after wards. What’s to                         
                    worry about.                                           
                    That’s just it we didn’t exorcise                      
                    him, the shaman hadn’t even been                       
                    called yet. Berth saw us and came                      
                    out... no this isn’t over,                             
                    something is up. Is it just me                         
          Adam calls for them to hurry up.                                 
                    Come on, we need you in here!                          
                    Karlee and Mitch run to catch up.                      
                                    THE DOORS OF SECTOR 3 SWING CLOSE.     
          INT: SECTOR 3 CONTROL ROOM-DAY                                   
          SUPER. A.P.C.I.R. SECTION 3 CONTROL ROOM                         
          A long narrow room, no light except of those of the              
          monitors, viewing prisoners and various points of the world      
          and lighted buttons.                                             
                    What’s all the commotion about?                        
                              MAN 1:                                       
                    Sir, the demon possession in                           
                    section 25 has been expelled, also                     
                    the Lobos has called a truce with                      
                    the Kindles in section 51 and the                      
                    zombies have stopped all                               
                    I am confused, isn’t that why we                       
                    are here? Isn’t that a good thing.                     
                              MAN 1:                                       
                    Usually yes sir but as of yet none                     
                    of our people are out there.                           
                    A MAN 2 sitting at the far end                         
                    calls over.                                            
          INT: SECTOR 3 CONTROL ROOM- FAR END-NIGHT                        
                              MAN 2:                                       
                    Sir, come here, prisoners are all                      
                    standing by the bars of their                          
          Adam, Mitch and Karlee walk down to Man 2.                       
          Man 2 points to the monitors.                                    
          Across the 12 black and white monitors, 12 prisoners of          
          various species, stand in unison with their eyes closed up       
          against their bars. Their mouths too move in unison.             
                    Turn on sound we need to see what                      
                    they are saying.                                       
          INT: PRISONER HOLDING CELLS-DAY                                  
          SUPER. A.P.C.I.R.-PRISONER HOLDING CELL                          
          In color, a gray long windowless room, 12 cells line the         
          left side.                                                       
          (IN LATIN )                                                      
          (IN UNISON)                                                      
                    We demon come as one. Passive to                       
                    invaders and traders. Through                          
                    trickery we come together. For soon                    
                    the Blood Truth shall spread.                          
                    Awaken, awaken,awaken!                                 
          INT: SECTOR 3 CONTROL ROOM- FAR END-DAY                          
                    What they chatting on about?                           
                    It is Latin. What they are saying                      
                    is- We demon come as one. Passive                      
                    to invaders and traders. Through                       
                    trickery we come together. For soon                    
                    the Blood Truth shall spread.                          
                    Awaken, awaken,awaken!                                 
          Mitch And Adam look back at the monitors.                        
          Karlee’s eye quickly go from her normal blue to blood red        
          back to blue.                                                    
          She steps back Mitch grabs her.                                  
          CONTINUED:                                              8.       
                    Eh OK?                                                 
          She says once more, shakes her head and straightens up. He       
          lets go.                                                         
                    Yeah, just got hot.                                    
          She squeezes her eyes,opens them, she sees Mitch’s red           
          sexual aura pulsate, she squeezes them again and reopens         
          them-all is back to normal.                                      
                    I, I have to go I have to check up                     
                    on something. I that OK sir?                           
                    Sure go...                                             
          She starts to walk away, but Adam stops her.                     
                    But go by med-lab first to get                         
                    checked out, you have been working                     
                    8 days straight.                                       
                    Yes, sir.                                              
          Karlee walks quickly into the hall                               
                                                            SMASH CUT:     
          INT: MEDICAL LAB-MORNING                                         
          SUPER. A.P.C.I.R. MEDICAL LAB.                                   
                    What the hell?                                         
          She hears the doors squeak, she turns around.                    
          SESAME, his golden brown fur peeks out from under his crisp      
          white lab coat. He walks in while looking at charts, he          
          nearly runs into Karlee.                                         
          Karlee backs up and hops onto an examination table.              
          He looks up and steps back                                       
          CONTINUED:                                              9.       
                    What? Oh, sorry Karlee didn’t see                      
                    you there.                                             
          He pulls up a chair down, though still towering the exam         
          table by three feet.                                             
          Karlee lowers her head and fidgets with her hands.               
          Sesame bends over.                                               
                    Karlee I’m not a mind reader, you                      
                    have to go to sector 8 for that.                       
                    Karlee looks up (beat) and sighs.                      
                    I (beat) I had a flash                                 
                    Sesame straightens up.                                 
                    A flash?                                               
                    You know, I saw Mitch’s sexual                         
                    aura, and let me tell you he is                        
                    way, way over do.                                      
          Sesame bites back a giggle.                                      
                    Poor Mitch, well he is only                            
                    100 years ago..                                        
                    True enough. When was the last time                    
                    you had a flash?                                       
                    February 12 1586, a month before                       
                    the shaman placed my modifier in                       
                    and I started working her.                             
                    Who is over do?                                        
                    Karlee glares at Sesame for a hard                     
                    beat, then clears her throat.                          
                    Excuse me, Am not over do, I just                      
                    enjoy it more like a human woman                       
          CONTINUED:                                             10.       
                    Right, well sadly you are not the                      
                    only one. Many other Borns have                        
                    been experiencing it to.                               
                    People like you and me, I mean,                        
                    well we were born this way. I have                     
                    always been a Sasquatch, you have                      
                    always been a succubus. Now people                     
                    like Mitch and Andrea, they were                       
                    made into what they are i.e. they                      
                    are classified as Mades.                               
                    So, only us Borns are effected?                        
                    Yup, go see Glen in astrology and                      
                    shamans, maybe he can help.                            
          Karlee hops off the table and starts to walk out, but stops      
          and turns around.                                                
                    Thanks Sesame, by the way, how is                      
                    the wife?                                              
                    You’re welcome. She is doing good,                     
                    she is due any day triplets...                         
          He shakes his head.                                              
           Bye Karlee, come back if it                    
                    happens again.                                         
                    I will.                                                
                                                        SHE WALKS OUT.     
          INT: HALLWAY-MORNING                                             
          As she steps into the hallway, three men, in black military      
          grab walk by. The first two have a light pink aura around        
          them , the third one has a deep red pulsating aura.              
          Karlee breaths in deeply and closes her eyes.                    
          CONTINUED:                                             11.       
          (MUMBLES TO HERSELF)                                             
                    I will not give in I will not given                    
                    She opens her eyes.                                    
          She runs down the hall. She stops quickly, she wait for the      
          men to go into the Canteen. They do, she run to the Prisoner     
                                SHE GRABS THE DOOR AND FORCES IT OPEN.     
          INT: PRISONER HOLDING CELLS-MORNING                              
          Karlee walks down the long narrow hall, each step of her         
          heels echoes loudly. She stops abruptly in front of Berth’s      
          cell. She turns and faces him.                                   
                    Berth! What have you done?                             
                    Berth sits in the corner, hidden by                    
                    shadows, his eyes glow a bright                        
                    red. He c***s his head and smile,                      
                    bright white fanged teeth pierce                       
                    the darkness.                                          
                    Me, what do you mean love?                             
                    What do I mean? I walk in and you                      
                    just give up? No, you’re up to                         
                    something, I know you Berth.                           
          Berth walks casually up to the bars, he rest his arms            
          through them.                                                    
                    Awe, don’t sell yourself short.How                     
                    do you know, you might be                              
                    that(pronounces "that" slowly and                      
                    ends heavily on the last "t") good?                    
          Karlee snorts and crosses her arms tightly.                      
                    Sorry love, I am up to nothing.                        
          CONTINUED:                                             12.       
          ((GETTING ANGRY))                                                
                    For one thing, I am not your love,                     
                    not any more...                                        
                    You were at one time.                                  
                    ...and two, if this is not your                        
                    doing, you know who it is.                             
                    Come back to me love.                                  
          Karlee bites back a laugh.                                       
                    My oh my, still holding on to the                      
                    flame I see, even after all this                       
          Berth leans into the bars. He bows his head and giggle           
          sheepishly. His head snaps up, his smile gone.                   
                    Now, who is stroking their ego,                        
                    Karlee. They are coming,...                            
          Karlee’s eyes widen, Berth grins coldly.                         
                    And you know it, don’t you. Feeling                    
                    peck-ish are we? How long did you                      
                    think you could suppress the true                      
          Berth turns around and sit back down in the corner, once         
          again fully hidden by the shadows except for his eyes and        
          fanged teeth.                                                    
                    Go now! The humanity you coven                         
                    stinks and I need to save my                           
                    stomach for the coming feast.                          
                    She uncrosses her arms and moves                       
                    What feast, who is coming? Tell me                     
                    damn you!                                              
          Berth closes his eyes.                                           
          CONTINUED:                                             13.       
                    I will find out!                                       
          She spins and walks off.                                         
          As she reaches the door Berth speaks up in a mocking tone.       
          Karlee stops as her hand reaches the knob.                       
          I know you will, but will it be in time?( long beat) Love!       
          Karlee inhales a shaky breath and walks out the door.            
          END OF ACT ONE                                                   
          ACT TWO                                                          
          SUPER: A.P.C.I.R.-MOBILE LAB-ONTARIO CANADA                      
          Mitch walks into a mobile lab, which is pitch black, except      
          the left hand corner.                                            
          RAMALA, (3050 years.) She sits crossed legged hovering a         
          foot above the floor. Her ebony skin glistens a blue hue,        
          emanating from the blue flame that dances around her body.       
          As she turns her head toward Mitch, she opens her eyes. They     
          go from swirling orbs of gray smoke to dark chestnut eyes,       
          she smiles a motherly smile at him.                              
          He throws her an annoyed smile.                                  
                    Hello, Mitch my child. What can I                      
                    do for you.                                            
                    I need clearance to speak to the                       
                    human authorities and divulge my                       
                    presence and umm...talents.                            
                    Talents eh, I remember when you                        
                    called it a curse.                                     
          Mitch closes his eyes and purses hips lips.                      
                    That was 1910, I had only been a                       
                    werewolf for a couple of years, and                    
                    also I had hunting parties to run                      
                    from. Now days we werewolves are                       
                    considered cool.                                       
          CONTINUED:                                             14.       
                    True. All right you my divulge your                    
                    (beat) talents, to Inspector Vac.                      
                    Thanks, I’ll go to him now, he                         
                    should have eaten by now.                              
          Mitch opens the door and starts to walk out, Ramala speaks       
          up, he stops.                                                    
                    He is here and he is about to tell                     
                    you to get off his crime scene.                        
                    Oh, boy!                                               
                    He walks out and closes the door.                      
          INSPECTOR VAC,(45). A portly Ojibwa Indian man, his long         
          black hair,streaked with gray, is tied back in a ponytail.       
          His black eyes and from fixed scowl, shows he is a man who       
          doesn’t think to kindly of the abnormal. The bottle of           
          Pepito-Bismol, he always carries adds to that fact.              
          He steps quickly up to Mitch, his ruffled black tweed suit,      
          makes him look like a mad undertaker.                            
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Who the hell are you and what do                       
                    you thing you are doing?                               
                    Inspector Vac,...                                      
          Inspector Vac c***s his eyebrow.                                 
                    Yes, I know who you are. I am                          
                    Special Agent Mitch Persinger.                         
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Special Agent eh? Boy you don’t                        
                    look old enough to get whiskers.                       
          Mitch looks down at Inspector Vac’s hand, his eyes zero in       
          on the the bottle of Pepito-Bismol.                              
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    I have ulcer.                                          
          CONTINUED:                                             15.       
                    Well they are about to get worse.                      
                    Once again I am Special Agent Mitch                    
                    Persinger with the Agency of                           
                    Paranormal Criminal Investigations                     
                    and Recovery. I work in the Extreme                    
                    and Ancient Unit.                                      
          Inspector Vac lets out a hardy laugh, lowers his head.           
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Boy that is a new one on me.                           
          He raises his head.                                              
          Mitch’s once smooth skin, is now covered in thick brindle        
          fur. His doe brown eyes have turned an ominous yellow.           
                    Do I have enough whiskers for you                      
                    now inspector?                                         
          Inspector Vac gasps, steps back, pulls his gun and shoot         
          Mitch in the left shoulder.                                      
          Mitch staggers back and looks at Inspector Vac and growls.       
                    What the hell was that for?                            
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    What are, what are you?                                
                    What! Your having a laugh ain’t ye?                    
          Various creatures, demons and human form beings rush over.       
          Inspector Vac spins around wildly pointing his gun at all        
          how circle him.                                                  
                    I’m the werewolf ye just shot! Also                    
                    a Special Agent of the A.P.C.I.R. I                    
                    graft for your bloody government!                      
                    These are some of my colleagues.                       
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    This is a dream, just a crazy                          
                    dream-yeah that is all it is.                          
          A thin Japanese woman TOSHIO(12-looking) in a blood-stained      
          pink and white kimono, walks over to Inspector Vac and           
          pinches him on the arm.                                          
          CONTINUED:                                             16.       
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    See you’re not dreaming.                               
                    Inspector Vac grabs his arm and                        
                    looks back at Mitch. His eyes                          
          Mitch is now back in full human form.                            
                    Now that we got that out of the                        
                    way, would you like to know why we                     
                    are here? Or do you want to have to                    
                    explain why you shot me, to your                       
          Inspector Vac, mumble incoherently and bobs his head up and      
                    You have had a string of men’s                         
                    bodies missing their....                               
          A shadowy figure, a PAETON, who calls itself DEE, floats         
          over toward Mitch.                                               
          Dee places its snake-like fingered hand over Mitch’s wound.      
          Mitch looks straight at where Dee’s head roughly is.             
          Dee blinks its solid white orbed eye and floats away.            
                    As I was saying, missing their                         
                    testosterone, collapsed in bath                        
                    tubs, swimming pools and side of                       
          Inspector Vac nods his head.                                     
                    I’ll take that as a yes.                               
          BAXSTER,(31 looking). Walks up behind Inspector Vac, making      
          him step back,speaks up.                                         
                    Do you want me to go call Karlee, I                    
                    mean if it is a succubus, she could                    
                    track it better.                                       
          CONTINUED:                                             17.       
                    No, she is a but under the weather                     
                    and besides she is not the only one                    
                    that can track.                                        
          Mitch points toward his nose.                                    
          Inspector Vac makes a loud audible gulp.                         
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Say I lied to my nephew and you are                    
                    real, also, say I believe you, how                     
                    do we catch this thing?                                
                    Simple a trap.                                         
          SMASH CUT:                                                       
          INT: KARLEE’S BEDROOM-NIGHT                                      
          In her flat, in a posh London neighborhood, Karlee tosses        
          and turn violently in her bed. Her red satin sheet lay           
          crumpled halfway on the floor.                                   
          Inside her dream, she is in a old fashion tub taking a           
          bubble bath, with a handsome blond, blue eyed, muscular MAN      
                    Do you love me?                                        
                              MAN 3:                                       
                    Can you live without me?                               
                              MAN 3:                                       
          Karlee leans forward as Man 3 washes her back.                   
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    Would you die for me?                                  
                              MAN 3:                                       
          Man 3 put his arm around Karlee, his dagger tattoo, on is        
          upper left shoulder is visible.                                  
          INT: MAN 3’S BATHROOM-MORNING                                    
          SUPER: A.P.C.I.R.- CASE FILE 19299-008-8TH VICTIM                
          Inspector Vac surveys the crime scene and slowly pulls out a     
          card, given to him by Mitch.                                     
          He looks down at the body.                                       
          The MEDICAL EXAMINER 1 closes his bag and stands up              
          A blond, blue eyed, muscular man lay slightly sideways in        
          the old fashion tub. His armed crossed, as if, he had been       
          holding someone. A dagger tattoo is seen on the upper left       
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Is he like the others?                                 
                              MEDICAL EXAMINER 1:                          
                    Can’t be positive, but my gut tells                    
                    me he is.                                              
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
          Inspector Vac lets the Medical Examiner 1 go by and starts       
          to turn around.                                                  
          Mitch walks in.                                                  
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Oh, you, is it you know, the suc...                    
          Mitch smiles                                                     
                    Succubus, maybe. I’ll have the body                    
                    taken to the lab for further test.                     
                    Maybe we can hone in on who...                         
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Now wait a second what is wrong                        
                    with our medical examiner? What am                     
                    I going to tell my captain? Oh                         
                    sorry can’t produce the body, a                        
                    werewolf took it!                                      
                    Our medical examiner will be there                     
                    the same time as ours, just not                        
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Oh, that makes me feel better.                         
          CONTINUED:                                             19.       
          Inspector Vac takes a swig of his Pepito-Bismol.                 
          Mitch swipes the body with a hand held scanner.                  
          Inspector Vac leans in.                                          
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    What are you doing?                                    
                    Scanning his field, for our medical                    
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
          He takes another swing of his Pepito-Bismol. )                   
          INT: LARGE OFFICE-NIGHT                                          
          SUPER: A.P.C.I.R- OFFICE OF KARLEE TRISIPHONE                    
          Karlee sits at her glass desk, typing up a report at her         
          She starts to sway back and forth, her eyes become heavy as      
          she starts to fall sleep.                                        
          INTER CUT:DREAM                                                  
          Images of dead men lying nude pass by like old crime photos.     
          LARGE OFFICE-NIGHT                                               
          Adam passes by the glass door of Karlee’s office and taps on     
          the door.                                                        
          Karlee wakes up. She starts typing again.                        
          Adam walks in.                                                   
                    What are you doing?                                    
                    Finishing this report.                                 
                    Then going home and going to be                        
          She hits the print button                                        
                    After I see Glen in A.S. sir.                          
          Adam looks at Karlee for a beat, grimaces.                       
          CONTINUED:                                             20.       
                    Oh right, just go home before the                      
                    sun comes back up.                                     
          He go over to the printer and picks up the report, then          
          turns and walks out.                                             
          INT: HALLWAY-NIGHT                                               
          Karlee walks in front of the glass wall of the Herlethingus      
          Briefing Room.                                                   
          She freezes, inside is a large board with 8 pictures of dead     
          men. They same men in her dreams.                                
          She turns around quickly and starts walking.                     
          Adam stops her.                                                  
                    Karlee! I thought you were going to                    
                    see Glen?                                              
                    Um, no I’ll do it tomorrow.                            
                    Oh, OK, wow you actually take my                       
                    Funny, bye.                                            
          She walks away.                                                  
          SMASH CUT:                                                       
          INT: LARGE OVAL OFFICE-NIGHT                                     
          A knock is heard                                                 
          A Herlethingus,named ARLENO(35), walks in to Adam’s office.      
          A large joker’s hat, slightly obscures his pasty red veined      
          head, solid red eyes and puffy red lips.                         
                    Messueer, sir, I think you need to                     
                    see this. We have located the                          
                    Succubus’ signature.                                   
          Adam looks up.                                                   
                    Well how is it, have we seen her                       
          CONTINUED:                                             21.       
                    Come with me.                                          
          Arleno spins and walks out.                                      
          Adam sighs and grumbles as he follows                            
                    Damn Herlethingus, they love to put                    
                    on a show.                                             
          INT:HERLETHINGUS BRIEFING ROOM-NIGHT                             
          Inside a group of Herlethingus stand in a line shielding a       
          white board.                                                     
          Adam closes his eyes and shakes his head.                        
                    Look, I have had a long day, no                        
                    tricks or theatrics, OK. Just tell                     
                    me straight!                                           
          All the Herlethingus shake their heads in unison.                
                    Then be quick about it!                                
                    Fine! Mr. Messueer, wouldn’t you                       
                    like to know. The name of the                          
                    succubus who causes Mitch so much                      
                    woe. Quickly you say and quickly                       
                    you’ll see. It is our very own...                      
                    The Herlethingus move away from the                    
                    board one by one in various                            
                    acrobatic fashions.                                    
                    Adam shakes his head vigorously.                       
                    No, no, I, I, I, wont believe it!                      
                    Run it again!                                          
          HARLEQUIN 1 chimes in, while in a hand stand.                    
                              HARLEQUIN 1:                                 
                    I told you he wouldn’t believe. So                     
                    we made them run it three. But,                        
                    alas, the truth is plain as day.                       
                    Karlee is out for prey.                                
          Adam looks at Harlequin 1 with a murderous glare                 
          SMASH CUT:                                                       
          INT: BIKER BAR-NIGHT                                             
          Russian Police tape section off the men’s bathroom               
          SMASH CUT:                                                       
          INT: KARLEE’S KITCHEN-DAY                                        
          Karlee wakes up and falls out of her chair. She starts           
          crying on the tile floor. Her succubus form reflects it’s        
          red skinned stainless steel appliances.                          
          She gasps                                                        
                    (Voice breaking)                                       
          FADE OUT                                                         
                              MALE VOICE(O.S.):                            
                    Hey baby                                               
          FADE IN:                                                         
          ASTROLOGY AND SHAMAN.                                            
          Adam bursts through the doors.                                   
                    Glen! What is going on?                                
          GLEN(34) A black centaur steps from behind his desk. The         
          night sky is visible from all angles of the room.                
          Glen fixes his glasses, and looks at Adam, with a puzzled        
          look on his face.                                                
                    What do you mean sir?                                  
                    What, what do I mean? Karlee came                      
                    in here to talk to you!                                
                    No, sir.                                               
          CONTINUED:                                             23.       
          Adam looks around, as other centaurs and shaman’s in various     
          colored glows, loom closer toward him.                           
                              ADAM :                                       
                    What! Would some on tell me what                       
                    the hell is going on-now!                              
                    Glen looks around, his black mane                      
                    barely visible.                                        
                    An ancient prophecy, the Blood                         
                    Truth, is coming. All those born                       
                    creatures of the night, that can                       
                    walk amongst the humans, shall                         
                    become one and allow evil to                           
                    spread. Those whom have betrayed,                      
                    either by magic or will, shall                         
                    revert back to their true nature.                      
          END OF ACT TWO.                                                  
          ACT THREE                                                        
          Adam, on shock, slows his speech down, the anger in his          
          voice dissipates.                                                
                    So(BEAT),so you are telling me,                        
                    that all we have brought over are                      
                    going back?                                            
          His eyes widen, he stares straight at Glen.                      
          Glen and all around him nod.                                     
                    And, all the sudden truces,easy                        
                    arrest, the prisoners over a week                      
                    ago, that chant and now Karlee                         
                    Yes, all is connected?                                 
          Adam lets out a huge sigh and c***s as cheesy smile.             
          Glen’s eyes widen.                                               
                    Why are you smiling when all we                        
                    have done to rehabilitate all, is                      
                    coming undone.                                         
          Adam quickly took a solemn face and blushed.                     
          CONTINUED:                                             24.       
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Because don’t you see, Karlee                          
                    hasn’t gone to the other side                          
                    willingly, neither have the others!                    
          Glen blinks and slowly smiles                                    
                    We can get them back.                                  
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Yes! Now, the prisoners, they think                    
                    they got us, well I want a total                       
                    lock down-both magic and non-magic.                    
                    Also I want the Borns and Mades                        
                    separated, I don’t want them to                        
                    have any Mades joining them.                           
          Adam turns toward the door and starts running out.               
                    Work on it!                                            
          The door slams shut.                                             
          Glen looks up toward the ceiling. His eyes scan the              
          universe-like ceiling.                                           
          He looks down, and notices all eyes on him.                      
                    Well we heard him. Shas, give me                       
                    all you know about the feast, no                       
                    matter how obscure.                                    
          A brown robed figure,SHAS, bows it’s head, and walks off. )      
          INT: PRISONER HOLDING CELLS                                      
          SUPER: A.P.C.I.R. OFFICE OF FUJITSU                              
          FUJITSU(70ISH LOOKING), a short squat Asian man, with a long     
          white beards and unruly long white hair, in a thick              
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Fujitsu, I want all Mades and and                      
                    Borns separated also I want this                       
                    placed shut down. I mean tight as a                    
                    I should have known something was                      
                    up! Never have I seen such                             
          CONTINUED:                                             25.       
                              FUJITSU: (cont’d)                            
                    meekness. Anything I should be on                      
                    the look out for, sir?                                 
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Any demons, and creatures that have                    
                    suddenly changed their patterns,                       
                    praying when they never have                           
                    before. Also listen for what                           
                    deities they are praying to.                           
                    OK, sir.                                               
          INT:INTERROGATION ROOM                                           
          Inside a gray tomb-like room a blue light shine straight         
          down onto a single black table.                                  
          Baxster walks in.                                                
          As he walks in and sits down a flame appears in the opposite     
          MICKY,(29), a skinny lizard like demon appears out of the        
          flame. Being very timorous, Micky the jumps from the chair,      
          and runs over the corner. He crouches into the fetal             
          Baxster walks over slowly and sits on the floor next to          
                    Hey Micky, how you been man,                           
                    getting enough to eat?                                 
                    I, I b-been OK. I have eaten today                     
                    i-it’s too dangerous to go outside.                    
                    That is why I used the fire                            
                    transport, what would you like to                      
                    Chicken please.                                        
                    OK, so have you heard anything                         
                    about this Feast or the Blood                          
          He turns his head toward to Micky.                               
          CONTINUED:                                             26.       
                    All I know is that it is a massive                     
                    gathering and some of the Heretic                      
                    Priest are preparing the revival                       
                    for them.                                              
          Baxster jumps up Micky jumps in surprise.                        
          The door opens a girl brings in a large plate and a bag of       
          baked chicken.                                                   
                    ...come sit and eat. So you mean                       
                    that the Heretic Priest haven’t                        
                    finished the prep work?                                
          Baxster sits down, Micky sit on the opposite side and starts     
          Micky nods his head up and down, his mouth full of chicken.      
          Baxster runs his hand above the table, a map materialize.        
                    Can you point to where they are?                       
                    Micky’s eye become wide, a piece of                    
                    half-eaten chicken falls from his                      
          Baxster nods his head.                                           
                    Just blink if I am warm and squeeze                    
                    them if I am there, OK.                                
          Micky slowly nods his head.                                      
          Baxster points at a high mountain region on the map, all the     
          while looking at Micky-no reaction.                              
          He moves his hand toward a forestry area, Micky blinks.          
          Baxster slowly moves his finger left, until he reaches the       
          Micky squeezes his eyes shut and swallows his chicken            
                    (Shaky Whisper)                                        
          Baxster looks down at the map                                    
          His thumb hovers over Doolbhturt Cave.                           
          SUPER: A.P.C.I.R.-MOBILE LAB-ONTARIO CANADA                      
          Mitch opens the door to the mini-lab and is greeted by           
          Inspector Vac.                                                   
          Inspector Vac has a grim expression on his face.                 
          Mitch is taken back.                                             
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Well they are doing the autopsy                        
                    today I was wondering when your                        
                    M.E. was going to show.                                
                    Oh, she is there, you just can’t                       
                    see her.                                               
          Inspector Vac looks blankly at Mitch and takes a large swig      
          of his Pepito-Bismol, Mitch smiles.                              
                    I’ll explain in the car.                               
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    I rather you not.                                      
                    (laughter in his voice)                                
                    I why not.                                             
          Inspector Vac glares at him for a beat then turns toward his     
          Mitch follows him and gets into the car.                         
          INT:ONTARIO CRIME LAB MORGUE                                     
          DR.SUAVE(45)suits up for the next autopsy, just as he puts       
          on his long green glove, Inspector Vac and Mitch walk in.        
          Ah, you made it and here I thought you were going to skip,       
          out on it.                                                       
          He turns toward the table and sees Mitch.                        
                    Who is this, don’t tell me they                        
                    finally found you a partner.                           
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    He is a newbie-I, I’m showing him                      
                    the ropes.                                             
          CONTINUED:                                             28.       
                    Ah, OK. Shall we then?                                 
          A white haze in an almost human form comes into view on the      
          right side of Dr. Suave. It mimics Dr Suave’s movements.         
          Mitch bits back a giggle as he taps Inspector Vac on the         
          shoulder and points toward the invisible M.E..                   
          Inspector Vac closes his eyes and sighs loudly.                  
                    I’m hurrying up.                                       
          Dr. Suave lowers his mask and adjust the microphones.            
                    It is 08:00 Wednesday the 13 of                        
                    2008. This is Dr. Jake Suave, I am                     
                    accompanied by Inspector Andrew Vac                    
          He clicks off the the microphone and looks at Mitch              
                    Mitch Persinger.                                       
          Dr. Suave clicks the microphone back on.                         
                    ...accompanied by Inspector Andrew                     
                    Vac and Mitch Persinger. Autopsy of                    
                    the late Patrick O’Sullivan.                           
                    Patrick is a 32 year old Caucasian                     
                    male,2 meters and 95 kilograms. He                     
                    seems to have been a very athletic                     
                    and probably was quiet a ladies                        
          Inspector Vac rolls his his and looks down at his watch.         
          A smile slowly comes across Mitch’s face as he looks at          
          Dr.Swan and Inspector Vac.                                       
          The white mist moves around the table, Dr Swan, unknowingly,     
          follows suit.                                                    
          The white mist goes through Inspector Vac.                       
          Inspector Vac, slightly jumps and glares as Mitch with an        
          accusatory look in his eyes.                                     
          Mitch’s smile widens.                                            
                    You OK.                                                
          Mitch start to laugh, but quickly stops.                         
          CONTINUED:                                             29.       
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Fine, just want you to hurry up so                     
                    I can get what I need and do my                        
          Dr. Suave turns his microphone off, sighs heavily and            
          crosses his arms.                                                
                    Always the patient one, eh? I will                     
                    have your findings soon, but I need                    
                    to do it my way OK.                                    
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    OK, I’ll come back later.                              
          Mitch raises his eyebrow and quickly nods.                       
          Both him and Inspector Vac leave.                                
          INT: INSPECTOR VAC’S CAR-DAYTIME                                 
          Mitch’s cell phone-like device, he reads the screen and goes     
          pale. Inspector Vac starts weaving the car, trying to look       
          at the "e-mail".                                                 
                    Might as watch the road, regular                       
                    humans will see nothing but a blank                    
          Inspector Vac straightens the car grumbling.                     
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    So can you tell me.                                    
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    Well, you went pale so what did you                    
                    It is just we have seen this                           
                    succubus before.                                       
                              INSPECTOR VAC:                               
                    So, what am I going to tell my                         
          CONTINUED:                                             30.       
                    Don’t worry, I will fix that.                          
          EXT:MOUTH OF CAVE-DAYTIME                                        
          At the mouth of the Doolbhturt cave,Adam, Baxster and            
          creatures,disguised in human form, dressed in all black swat     
          clothing and gear.                                               
          They stand in a semi-circle.                                     
                    So this is where...we were told to                     
                    go, maybe with any luck we can stop                    
                    it and....                                             
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Find Karlee.                                           
          Baxster turns facing Adam, a grim expression on his face.        
                    You know we’ll have to take her in,                    
                    even if she was not under her own                      
          Adam sighs heavily and runs his hand through his hair.           
                              ADAM :                                       
                    I know, I know. I have already told                    
                    Fujitsu that all personal brought                      
                    in are to be housed separately.                        
                    Baxster nods his head.                                 
          Adam nods                                                        
                    OK, let’s go.                                          
          INT: DEEP INSIDE CAVE                                            
          A torch lit tunnel is slowly swept by the swat team. They        
          come up to a side room. A black altar in the middle of a         
          blood filled moat.                                               
          Sudden flames surround the edge of the moat.                     
          The sounds of spiked heels is heard.                             
          The swat team slink into the shadows waiting for the attack.     
                                                         KARLEE ENTERS     
          INT: DEEP INSIDE CAVE                                            
          Karlee walks out in a snake skin dress, slit on both sides.      
          Her blond hair softly covers her shoulders. Her smoky,           
          seductive eyes, scan the group, as if, looking for prey.         
                              ADAM :                                       
          Adam starts to run toward her, she raises her arms and the       
          flames rise higher.                                              
          A wavy image of her is seen.                                     
          In a seductive yet sarcastic tone she lowers the flames and      
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    Ah, Adam, how have you been? You                       
                    will be pleased to know I did try                      
                    to stay good for weeks.                                
                              HERETIC PRIEST 1:                            
                    And she would have stayed good,                        
                    longer, if she hadn’t met up with                      
                    Berth. And, would have been able to                    
                    warn you, if she hadn’t went to                        
                    talk to Berth.                                         
          INT: PRISONER HOLDING CELLS-FLASH BACK.                          
          Karlee stops as her hand reaches the knob.                       
                    I know you will, but will it be in                     
          Karlee turns her head and stares.                                
                    (In Latin)                                             
          The middle of Karlee’s forehead, her "third eye" flashes         
          bright red, under her skin.                                      
          Karlee turns around, inhales a shaky breath and walks out        
          the door.                                                        
          INT: ALTAR ROOM                                                  
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    So I must thank you, Adam,                             
                    for(beat) reminding me of who I am.                    
                    Adam breaths heavily and snaps.                        
                    And I must thank you Karlee, we                        
                    might have not figured out how to                      
                    stop this, if it wasn’t for you.                       
                    Karlee looks at the Heretic Priest                     
                    and laugh.                                             
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    Maybe so, but you can’t stop it.                       
                              ADAM :                                       
                    We are here                                            
                              HERETIC PRIEST 1:                            
                    But, this is only one.                                 
          One swat member is noticed in the left corner behind Karlee      
          and the Heretic Priest.                                          
          A hypnotic, gypsy-like music can be heard as Karlee slowly       
          walks toward him.                                                
          The swat member pretends to freeze and to be under her           
          Karlee inches toward him smiling.                                
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    You want me to come to you.                            
                              SWAT MEMBER 1:                               
                    I want you to come to me.                              
          She comes closer.                                                
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    You want me to touch you.                              
                              SWAT MEMBER 1:                               
                    I want you to touch me.                                
          She reaches him and touches his face.                            
          Swat Member 1 grabs her wrist, pretending to want to be          
          closer. He wraps his arm around her.                             
          She turns around and lays her head, were his shoulder is and     
          closes her eyes.                                                 
          He changes into a centaur. He wraps his arm tighter.             
          CONTINUED:                                             33.       
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    You love me.                                           
                              SWAT MEMBER 1:                               
                    No, sorry.                                             
          Karlee opens her eyes and tries to turn around, he tighten       
          his grip and puts his flame-gun under her throat.                
                              KARLEE :                                     
          She looks toward the the Heretic Priest, who is also in          
          Ramala walks in.                                                 
          Adam, Baxster and the swat leave, with Karlee and the            
          Heretic Priest in secure shackles.                               
          Five more shaman come in as they leave.                          
          Ramala walks up to the edge of the altar. The other shaman       
          walk up and encircle the altar.                                  
          With their hands raised, clasped together, they start to         
          EXT:MOUTH OF CAVE-DAYTIME                                        
          As the helicopter lifts off, multi-colored streaks come out      
          of the mouth of the cave.                                        
          INT:PRISON HOLDING CELL                                          
          Karlee paces her cell, her porcelain white skin has taken on     
          a waxy yellow appearance. Though once a tall and, with a         
          proper posture, now has an elderly-like gait.                    
          INT: PRISON MONITORING CENTRE                                    
          As Fujitsu, Adam and Mitch watch Karlee from the Monitoring      
          Screams echo throughout the halls.                               
          Fujitsu shakes his head,                                         
                    I don’t believe it, this is not                        
                    like her.                                              
                    Not the Karlee we know, she is                         
                    under that spell. I hope we find                       
                    all the priest, spoil the coming                       
                    and bring her back.                                    
          CONTINUED:                                             34.       
                              MITCH: (cont’d)                              
                    Another bout of screams echo                           
                    throughout the halls.                                  
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Ramala said that we would know when                    
                    a altar was brought down, by their                     
                    scream of guilt.                                       
                    That is not what I mean.                               
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Then what?                                             
                    Even before we implanted the                           
                    modifier, the first time, she                          
                    didn’t do...                                           
                    He picks up the autopsy photos.                        
                    ...she didn’t kill her victims.                        
                    Yes, she took their testosterone,                      
                    but not enough to kill him.                            
          Sesame walks in.                                                 
          They look at him.                                                
                    Well, it has been over what four                       
                    hundred years. I have noticed, a                       
                    few others, they seem to be in                         
                    overdrive. For example, Chester,                       
                    the snake demon, how once use to                       
                    horde and play with his food, now                      
                    eats immediately.                                      
                    So it is like they are going on a                      
                    binge or something?                                    
          They all look back at the monitor.                               
          More screams echo throughout the halls.                          
                    Bloody hell, how many altars are                       
          CONTINUED:                                             35.       
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Ramala and Shas’s group says they                      
                    are all over the world. I have been                    
                    coordinating with agents and Human                     
                    governments everywhere, to round up                    
                    the reverts.                                           
                    Even, the non-aggressive? I mean                       
                    they are too much of a threat.                         
                    Not to the human population but,                       
                    think what they could be forced to                     
                    Especially since no one would think                    
                    twice about them doing something.                      
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Right,so it is more of a                               
                    protection, then an arrest.                            
                    Karlee falls to the floor.                             
                    Mitch goes down to her cells as she                    
                    starts to get up.                                      
          She pulls herself up and grabs a hold of the bars, looking       
          straight at Mitch.                                               
                    I may be many things, but a killer                     
                    I am not. You know that Mitch.                         
                    Mitch sighs                                            
                    I know Karlee, I promise we will                       
                    get you back! But may I asked why                      
                    didn’t you come to us, why did you                     
                    go to Berth alone? I mean how could                    
                    you be so stupid.                                      
          Karlee looks down.                                               
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    I thought I could handle it alone.                     
          INT: IN FRONT OF BERTH’S CELL                                    
          Adam stands in front of Berth’s cell, a smirk on his face.       
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Thank you.                                             
          Berth growls and comes up to the bars.                           
                    I’ll rip your throat out.                              
                              ADAM :                                       
                    Like I said thank you. You helped                      
                    us stop the Blood Truth from                           
                    undoing all we have accomplished.                      
          Berth slinks back into the shadows.                              
          INT: LARGE OVAL OFFICE                                           
          Karlee once again back to perfect health, walks into Adams       
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    You wanted to see me.                                  
                    Adam stands up and glares up at                        
                              ADAM :                                       
                    You are on administrative leave.                       
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    What, I was cleared, Adam !                            
                              ADAM :                                       
                    So, you are going on leave because                     
                    I am pissed off at you...                              
                              KARLEE :                                     
                              ADAM :                                       
                    ...and either you turn around and                      
                    take this I’ll make it an unpaid                       
                    leave, you get me.                                     
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    Crystal, see you in two months,                        
                    I’ll be working...                                     
          Adam leans into the table.                                       
          CONTINUED:                                             37.       
                              ADAM :                                       
                    On nothing, do you hear me!                            
          Karlee smiles widely, turns around walks just over the           
          threshold, she turns her head to look at Adam.                   
                              KARLEE :                                     
                    ...on my tan!                                          

© 2011 Autumn Dawn Gorny

Author's Note

Autumn Dawn Gorny
Fixed the formatting and hopefully the spelling errors

Featured Review

I really throughly enjoyed your screen play
You know how to write one, well set it up.
You change your layouts to fit each scene.
Which i only mean by graphics you know to set the mood of each character.
Your characters are awesome as well. they each had their own attitude
which is grand.

This is dramatic, and has action it.
I liked the language you used it's comical really
The angression and cussing format.
I liked this, i thought it was well written
full imagery i must say, i could actually see this.

Very well written play.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A unique take on stories such as Buffy and Bewitched. I like the vivid Imagery, really helps to visualise it and I can just imagine what it would be like on the stage or as a t.v. show.

Nicely done.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

Fixed the font and should be able to be viewed

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

I wish this comment could be about how amazing your screenplay is. But before you freak and think it's bad...I can't read it. That's all. I didn't know how else I could alert you. I'm guilty of being new to this website. Anyhow...when I view it...the writing is all on top of each other.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

Mr. Riley has wax eyes. I love the self-inflicted nightmare.

A tight bun denotes lack of sexuality.
Should you want comeliness a French braid would do.

Surreal yet so 1000 years from now and visceral.
I see this done by an exceptional Poser artist.

Excellent! And a good screenplay forum.

p.s. my Tale of Sideshow Sue and the Coney Island Kid followed by Laura
might capture your interest.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

I really throughly enjoyed your screen play
You know how to write one, well set it up.
You change your layouts to fit each scene.
Which i only mean by graphics you know to set the mood of each character.
Your characters are awesome as well. they each had their own attitude
which is grand.

This is dramatic, and has action it.
I liked the language you used it's comical really
The angression and cussing format.
I liked this, i thought it was well written
full imagery i must say, i could actually see this.

Very well written play.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on October 15, 2009
Last Updated on May 28, 2011
Previous Versions


Autumn Dawn Gorny
Autumn Dawn Gorny

Cheyenne Wells, CO

Mother, writer all around lunatic more..
