

A Story by Red

I wrote this in about an hour of two. It's short, "sweet", and simple.



                Nobody could have ever predicted his actions. In fact, everyone thought he was dead after he was left in that ditch to rot when he received a bullet in the back. The man who was shot can only be described as determined, hell-bent, and possibly inhuman. But when he was still working for his previous employer, he was known simply as Chase.

                It was a late Monday afternoon near four o’clock when Chase was double crossed by his boss. In his early years, he was working for a man called Antonio. He was Chase’s boss. He was the son of a b***h who shot him and left him to die.

                Some claim there is more to the story than that. People have said that it was because of a woman while others argue that it was over money. There are so many theories of why Antonio shot Chase that no one really knows what actually happened.  However, what can’t be argued about is what happened the month after he was shot. That’s where the real story took place.


                It was a nice sunny day with Antonio’s goons sitting in his rather large home, watching television and talking about what goons typically talk about.  One was sitting on the couch while the other was standing with his back leaned up against the wall.

                “I still don’t get why it’s called toast.” The one sitting on the couch said as the commercials continued to play. The one leaned up against the wall rolled his eyes. They had had this conversation more than once and it was beginning to get on his nerves.

                “First of all,” the goon up against the wall said with his hands in his pocket. “Nobody gives a s**t what it’s called. Second, it’s because it’s-“

                “Toasted,” the other interrupted. “I know, I know. But I just think it’s lazy. Why can’t toast have a fancier name?”

                The goon up against the wall sighed. They had been talking about the naming of cooked bread for almost an hour. It was an understatement to say he was starting to get irritated.

                “Seriously,” he said with his fingers pinched over his forehead due to frustration, “Who the hell cares? S**t, do you talk about this stuff with your girl?”

                “Heck no,” the goon on the couch grumbled. “She hasn’t even called me since the day before yesterday. I can’t understand why she’s still pissed.”

                “Maybe cause you called her a cow, you dick.”

                “Blow me.” The goon on the couch sneered.

                There was a knock at the door. The goon who was leaning up against the wall moved towards the door to answer it assuming it was one of the other women Antonio had hired for “company.” As much as he didn’t like to admit it, Antonio wasn’t as much of a stud as he told everyone he was, saying he actually met those ladies at night clubs. Everyone knew it was bullshit, but kept their mouths shut.

The goon didn’t have a chance to say anything to Chase who stood outside with a cocked shotgun in his hands.

                Instead of a “Hello there” or a “Surprised I’m not dead?” comment, Chase pulled the trigger of his shotgun, sending the goon flying backwards back into the living room with blood splattering on the surrounding walls with a crimson shower hitting the floor.

                Cocking his gun once again, Chase charged into Antonio’s home to find a totally caught off guard sitting on a couch before him.  Without a second thought, Chase shot the goons head in with buckshot destroying what used to have been his face.

                Rushing down there stairs of the large home came another goon who had heard the loud shots. In his hands was a fully loaded revolver. As soon as Chase came in sight, he began firing his gun in his direction, only to end up hitting the couch. With little other choice, Chase dove behind the coffee table that rested in front of the couch and flipped it on its side in an attempt of cover.

                The bullets could be heard hitting into the thick table as Chase cocked his shotgun for a second time since he had entered. Wisely counting the shots, he kept his head down until the sixth, followed by a click. The goon with the revolver had seemed to forgotten how many times he had wasted his shots. With the sound of a click, he swore, but never finished in time before Chase blew off his arm.

                Letting out a horrid scream and flailing around with blood shooting out of what used to be his arm, the goon fell to the floor screaming. Chase jumped over the table, cocking and firing another shot into his chest, killing him on impact as his body hit the blood-stained carpet. Chase rushed up the stairs, cocking his shotgun with one hand as he ran up them with his pulse racing and his heart lusting for revenge on the b*****d who left him for dead.

                Kicking in the door to Antonio’s room, he found his target lying in a bed with a naked woman. Instinctively, Antonio hopped out of bed with the woman by the throat, using her as a human shield. The look in his eyes could only be described as total shock and horror. The woman panicked, grabbing the arm around her neck. Chase bared his teeth.

                “Good to see you haven’t changed.” Chase said with his shotgun pointed at the two of them. The woman let out a cry, but was hit over the head by Antonio, becoming dazed. She limply hung in his arms in front of him.

                “You’re alive?” he said still stunned by Chase’s presence. “You’re not dead?”

                “Not quite.” Chase said with a snarl. “Put the girl down and let’s finish this like men.”

                “I don’t think so,” Antonio said coldly with the woman practically dangling in his arms. “Then I’d have nothing to stop you from shooting me.”

                As if not even caring, Chase tossed the shotgun on the bed. It didn’t take long for Antonio to try and take advantage of the moment.

                Throwing the girl to the ground, Antonio reached for the shotgun, but was kicked in the face by Chase before he could lay a single finger on it. Antonio tripped over the girl and stumbled a little, but managed to stay on his feet. He raised his fists to fight, but ended up being grappled by Chase who charged at him at an incredible speed and force.

                Perhaps misjudging his rage, Chase had smashed through the bedroom window of Antonio’s home with Antonio himself being taken with him. The two of them hit the slanted roof, rolling over each other as they steadily came down the tiles of the house and onto the awning of the backyard.

                With gravity and inertia tossing them off the awning as they continued to spiral downward, they both splashed into the pool in the back yard.  Chase at that point had accidently let go and was now gasping for air as he came up from the water. With little warning, he felt Antonio’s hands drag him back under.

                Fighting with each other under the water, the two of them clawed and kicked at each other with no mercy or remorse. Chase came back up for air once again with Antonio joining him with his right fist greeting Chase’s mouth. The blood from his mouth mixed with the pool, but only made Chase even more determined to take him down.

                With a strong thrust of his forearm, Chase punched Antonio in the nose and proceeded to deck him across the face with a left hook. With rage bottled up inside him, Chase grabbed onto his neck with a tight grip and refused to let go for any reason. In retaliation, Antonio flung around the water and slipped under once more with Chase joining him.

                Bubbles left Antonio as he gritted his teeth in pain. Chase could still practically feel the burning of the bullet that Antonio had shot him with in her upper back. With a quick thrust, he snapped his neck with Antonio finally not moving or fighting back. Chase let go and come back up for air, panting from exhaustion from the struggle.

                Pulling himself out from the pool with his clothes now soaked and smelling like chlorine, Chase painfully reentered the house and hobbled upstairs to check on the girl that Antonio had hit on the head. He entered the room, finding her still on the floor, just as naked as she was before.

                Chase picked her up as she let out a soft moan in pain. He put a nearby robe over her as she rubbed her head in pain. She opened one of her eyes, examining him.

                “Antonio always was a prick.” She said upset. Chase helped her up and put her arm over his shoulders. “I never expected him to use me as a shield though.”

                “Yeah,” Chase said with a grumble, “And I didn’t expect to get shot in the back by that a*****e.”

                The two of them went down the stairs with the woman examining Chase still.

                “I could use a drink.” She said. “You feel like buying?”

© 2012 Red

Author's Note

Again, I wrote this in about an hour or two due to feeling like stretching my fingers a bit and to post something new. Feel free to critize (constuctivly, of course).

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Added on October 13, 2012
Last Updated on October 13, 2012
Tags: revenge is a dish best served co



Portland, OR

Well, I'm not sure what you want to know about me or if you even want to in the first place. If somebody does decide to read this then I guess I better say something. I was born in Washington (no, .. more..

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