![]() AnswersA Story by Silencer![]() Part of the Training Program.![]() Answers This is my first book! I wrote it many, many years ago. I stitched 27 or 28 copies together by hand, and passed out all but two of them. It's a 'flip-book', where first you read the Question, and then turn the page, to see the Answer. It's more fun to read, if you try to answer the Questions yourself, before reading the Answers. After I re-published this, I noticed that I changed two of the Answers, while I was 'crazy'. (#42, and #99.) After reviewing the changes, I've decided to leave them. Update 2: I have changed my mind about Answer #14. The change, is at the end of this book.
This book is dedicated to the best friend I've ever had (after JESUS,) my cousin, Joel Matthew Summers. And to my parents Doug and Peggy, and to my brother, Andy.
1. How long did it take for GOD to create everything? 6 days. 2. Which scripture explains, how GOD created everything, in that time frame?
2 Peter 3:8.
3. If the Word tells us to do something, then it is right for us to tell others to do those good things also.
"Witchcraft." 4. According to scripture, define "worldliness": 1 John 2:15-16, 2 Timothy 3:2-7, etc. See also Romans 12:2.
5. JESUS told us to do many things.
Matthew 4:17.
6. According to scripture, what is "work"? To do the will of GOD. 7. Is it scripturally correct, (meaning right,) to "have a Plan B"? No. 8. Please provide any scripture(s) which support(s) your last answer: John 14:14, Matthew 7:7-11, etc.
9. Can a person who believes in JESUS, go to Hell? Yes. 10. Please provide any scripture(s) which support(s) your last answer: Matthew 7:21-23
11. Can a person who doesn't believe in JESUS, go to Heaven? Yes. 12. Please provide any scripture(s) which support(s) your last answer: Abraham is in Heaven, and he died before JESUS was born. Proof he's in Heaven, is in Luke 16:22-23, and elsewhere.
13. What does the Bible say more about, Money or Salvation? "Money", is talked about in the Bible four times as much as "salvation" is. 14. What does the Bible say about aliens, UFOs and crop circles? In short: There are no aliens. If you see one, you're seeing either a "demon", or a "deception."
15. What did JESUS warn us about in the last days? "Deception." 16. The generation that sees what, will see the return of JESUS? The rebirth of Israel. 17. How long is a generation, in the Bible? 40 to 100 years. 18. What is the root of all evil? "The love of money." 19. What is the "Rapture"? 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
20. Is the word "Rapture" in the Bible? No. 21. Does the Bible say the rapture will occur? Yes. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.)
22. How many prophecies are needed to be fulfilled, before the rapture of JESUS can occur? 0. 23. How many prophecies are left that could occur, before the rapture of JESUS? 1. (The rebuilding of the outer court on the temple mount.) 24. Approximately how many prophecies, did JESUS fulfill in HIS life (on Earth)? Over 300. (Perhaps over 1000, if you consider details.) 25. According to the science of probability, what are the odds of that occurring? 1 in a number so big it would take an encyclopedia set to write it down. 26. Which Old Testament scripture explains why the Jews do not believe in JESUS? Isaiah 29:10.
27. According to the science of probability, what are the odds of evolution occurring? 1 in a number so big it would take an encyclopedia set to write it down. 28. Is it a sin to be afraid, worried or concerned? Please elaborate: Yes. See 5, part C. (Fear is negative faith, or faith in the devil.) 29. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by what? "The Word of GOD." 30. What does "repent" mean? To turn away from sin; To think differently or afterwards; To reconsider; To change direction; To return to your highest level. 31. If you have $200, and someone asks you for $100, what does the Bible say you are to do? Give it to them. 32. What would you do, honestly: Give it to them. 33. Does the Bible support reincarnation? Yes. 34. If you answered "No", please explain Matthew 17:12-13: * Matthew 17:12-13: "'But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise the SON OF MAN is also about to suffer at their hands.' Then the disciples understood that HE spoke to them of John the Baptist." 35. Is it scripturally correct for a Christian to think of themselves, as "providing for themselves"? No. 36. Please elaborate: GOD is your Provider. 37. How did JESUS respond to temptation? HE cited scriptures. 38. Where is the Ark of the Covenant today? (This answer is not given.) 39. Does the Bible have a secret code in it? Yes. 40. What is JESUS' actual birthday, according to our current calendar? September 11, 3 BC. (The 1st of Tishri, in 3 BC.) 41. According to the Bible code, what forces did Einstein leave out of his grand unification theory? "Good and Evil." 42. What does the Bible code have to say about Benjamin Netanyahu? That he's to be "assassinated". And, that his assassination has been "rescinded". 43. Is most of the information that is available about the Bible code, true or false? False. 44. Scripturally, are you presently in a "war"? Yes. 45. Man is a ______, who possesses a ____, and lives in a ____. "Spirit."
46. According to the Bible, if Israel possesses the Ark of the Covenant, could they lose a war? No. 47. Who authored the Bible? GOD. 48. With GOD, ___ things are possible? "All." 49. ____ without ceasing? "Pray." 50. The just shall live by _____? "Faith." 51. What day is "the Sabbath day"? Saturday. The Sabbath is from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. (Incidentally, it is believed that the days of the week have never changed.) 52. Where is GOD's Throne physically located? (You have to have a very advanced understanding, to accept the true specific answer to this question. So I'm leaving it out.)
Earth's Location in the Universe. 53. Is it wrong to do work on the Sabbath? No. But it is wrong to do "regular" work on the Sabbath. 54. Before a person who died can go to Hell, they have to be sentenced. Where do they wait to be sentenced? "Hades." Which is like Hell. 55. Where is this place physically located? The center of the Earth. 56. Is purgatory supported by scripture? No. 57. The power of life and death is in ___ ______? "The tongue." 58. How many books are in the Bible? 66 59. Suppose you had known Noah, (the guy who built the Ark for all the animals.) Would it be right or wrong, for you to tell him what he should be doing with his time? Wrong. 60. Would this principle apply to everyone, or just Noah? Everyone. 61. Have you violated this principle? Most likely. 62. A wedding party, ran out of wine. Then Mary told JESUS about it. Then she said something to her servants. What did she say to her servants? "Do whatever HE tells you." 63. To be the greatest of all, be the _______ of all? "Servant." 64. You shall be _______, even as your HEAVENLY FATHER is _______? "Perfect." 65. How does the Bible say to be perfect? James 3:2.
66. Only GOD is ____? "Good." 67. Can you succeed in life without GOD? Not really. (Notice how I said that, instead of just "No.") 68. What does the devil want from GOD, and also, what does the devil want for you? HIS Throne.
69. What is the primary difference, between a New Age book, and the Bible? "JESUS." 70. JESUS has paid for your past sins. Has HE paid for your current and future ones? Yes. 71. GOD is ____? "LOVE." 72. Does GOD currently Rule this world? Yes, with a caveat: Technically, the devil currently has rulership of this world, (given to him by Adam, taken back by JESUS.) However, he has no authority over believers, and he's basically just a limited tool, mostly used by GOD. 73. Is it a sin to drink alcohol? No. But "drunkenness" is. (JESUS' first public miracle was turning water into wine.) 74. Is it a sin to smoke cigarettes? All chemical abuse is "sorcery". 75. Is it a sin to cuss? Yes. Because, the Bible says, "Put away all manner of foul language." Otherwise, it wouldn't be. (There would be no foul language, if the Bible didn't say there was.) 76. Do all suicide bombers go to Hell? No. But the vast majority do. Examples include, two retarded women, who were recently used. 77. Can a murderer go to Heaven? Yes, although it is either harder, or less likely. (As is also the case for "rich men.") One of the two murderers hung with JESUS, went to Heaven. 78. What is the most important thing for you to do in life? "Love GOD." 79. What is the second most? "Love your neighbor, as yourself." This is the root of 'The Golden Rule', which is "Do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you." 80. What is the greatest tragedy? That people and angels are going to Hell. (I must also mention, the price GOD paid for us. However, that is also joyful, because it makes it so that we can be with HIM.) 81. Do animals go to Heaven? Yes. Pets go to Heaven, and if a believer says, "All animals are my pets," then guess what? 82. Is there another chance, for people who go to Hell? Answer removed in this version. 83. Is killing in war, the same as murder? Not if you're attacking militants. 84. Is capital punishment (putting someone to death) the same as murder? Not if the person's guilty. (And the punishment fits the crime.) 85. There is a saying: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." According to scripture, is this true or false? True. "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." However, it should also be noted that, "Apart from GOD, you can do nothing." 86. Why did GOD create man? To have friends. 87. Why did GOD create women? "It is not good for man to be alone." 88. Suppose you're married to one person of the opposite sex, and you only have sex with them. What does GOD think about your sex life? "The bed is undefiled." 89. Is it better to be single, or married? "Single, if you can bear it." Otherwise, married. 90. Is it true that GOD cannot lie? Yes, however, HE has lied by proxy. In the old testament there is a story about a foreign army attacking Israel, which GOD blinded, using a sandstorm. GOD then told someone, to lead that army to a certain place, and lie, about where he was leading them. 91. Is it true that the devil always lies? Yes. He is incapable of speaking exactly accurate truth. Every single thing he says, is 'technically' a lie, (in some little detail, usually.) However, if you accept, believe and repeat (say) his words, you can make many of his lies, true. 92. Where do your thoughts come from? Heaven, Hell and you. Just like in the old cartoons, with the little angel on one shoulder, and the little devil on the other. That's what it's really like. 93. Is patience a virtue? Yes. But it isn't always the right way to go. On one hand, the Bible says "Possess your soul with patience." On the other, look at what JESUS did with the whip in the temple. 94. How does one "believe" in JESUS? The same way you believe anything, with facts and evidence. Unlike all other books, the Words of the Bible can prove themselves, with study. Prophecy doesn't hurt either. 95. Why is there so much confusion in the world? "Confusion is of the devil." 96. Should we obey the government? Yes, unless they tell you to do something contrary to what GOD has told you. 97. What's the deal with 'faith healing'? Is it real? Yes. 98. Who will win the war on terror? JESUS. 99. How will the world end? It won't. But if you mean the world 'as we know it': Decrypt for perfection. JESUS will then rule the world from HIS Throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years. Then later, more stuff happens. 100. (Considering James 3:2.) If when you wake up in the morning, a voice pops in your head and asks, "Do you want to live?", what is the scripturally correct response:
C. Other. The scripturally correct response, is scripture itself. Such as: "The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Notice the Word "want" in both the question and the answer. You could also preface this with "No," making B. acceptable, if this is where you're coming from in your heart. Because we don't "want" for anything, get it? But answering "No," could also be taken as meaning that you actually don't want to live. So per James 3:2, I wouldn't say "No." A. Yes, can also be an acceptable answer, per: "I have set before you life and death, and good and evil. Choose life." But answering "Yes," is admitting (confessing) that you "want" life, implying that you don't have it, and that you "want" for it. 101. What is the most powerful scripture in the Bible? Matthew 4:17. Notice that there are three confusing phrases in that single scripture. Decipher it. 102. What is the meaning of life? See 86. 103. Describe angels: Angels are like people, except: They are holy, without sin (except fallen angels,) and are therefore very powerful. They have wings and can fly. They are normally invisible, but they can reveal themselves to people, even appearing as a regular person. 104. Should you talk to your angels? Not unless they're in the flesh. But you may by proxy, through GOD. However, about all you have to say to them is: " Thank-you for your help, and I'm sorry I make you work overtime." 105. Should you talk to your loved one who's passed away? Sure, but you must do it through GOD. (It is a sin to talk with the "dead", but people in Heaven are not "dead", they are "alive".) To do this, simply say something like: "GOD, would you please let (insert name here) hear what I'm about to say? Thank-you!" And then say what you want. Bypassing GOD here though, would make it a 'technical' sin. 106. How can you discern if a spiritual leader is trying to mis-lead you? "JESUS is LORD." If the leader boldly proclaims those three Words, and doesn't shy away from them, then they are not trying to mis-lead you. (They might be mis-leading you, but they aren't trying to.) One who shies away from those Words, is evil.
107. Have you learned anything of value? Yes. GOD bless you and yours. 108. What is the number of perfection? 7. 109. What is the number of the Earth? |