Anthro: Prologue

Anthro: Prologue

A Chapter by Nathan J. Wood

Just the prologue of my novel in the works. I will be posting the first five chapters of my story as well and wait for some reviews before releasing the next set of chapters. Enjoy!




Anthrosapians, an incredible race created by Geneatacell, a research and development institution of human and animal studies. Through the ability of splicing the genetic makeup of both humans and animals, the team of bio-scientists set to this task could create the final result of a humanoid appearance being imbued with characteristics of nearly any chosen land-based mammal, reptile, amphibian or avian. Those who formed this extraordinary race held one goal in mind, to make a race that was equal to most of the animal kingdom and humans alike. Each of associates of the project was assigned to develop a group of beings for the race and they each strove to meet this goal on a daily basis. Except for one.

     Dr. Howard V. Staul was often referred to, by his fellow colleagues, as the “rogue creator” of the project. His ideals constantly conflicted with the others and his plans were of using the Anthrosapian project as a weapon for the military due to a support grant he had agreed to. Except for the team of leading administrators, no one trusted Staul or his intentions. Staul's plans were extremely powerful but equally dangerous, but if his colleagues truly knew him, it would be the last thing he’d ever do at this company. He would fulfill them…or die trying.

One night, as the lab was locking up, Staul had pleaded the administrators for the permission to stay after hours to improve his creation a bit more, not being able to see his true intentions behind the mask, he was granted his request and presented with a key card to lock up afterward. When all the other bio-scientist left, Staul launched forth his sabotage. He removed the animal DNA samples from his colleague’s incomplete projects and began to connect them to his own creation; the being within the chamber slowly mutated into a monstrous fusion of human and animal with each DNA sample that Staul bonded.

     Unfortunately for Staul, a security alarm had been set up among one of the creations by a younger colleague as an extra precaution. He had overheard Staul’s request and had a bad feeling about the whole thing. Staul tripped the alarm and immediately sirens blared out in warning while the automated security system contacted the others. It would be impossible for Staul to worm his way out of this that much was clear. Therefore in an act of haste, Staul quickly began to insert the genetic DNA into needles and pumped them into his own bloodstream. If he couldn't finish his creation now, he would take the evidence with him to his grave.

     Within the hour, Staul's colleagues returned to the lab to find Staul sprawled upon the floor, shattered glass and used needles lay about him, Howard himself was writing madly in pain before his unfinished monstrous creation. After being treated to a state of recovery at the nearest hospital he was further sentenced to life in prison by court for mass killing of the unborn to Stammheim Prison, Germany. Five of the seventeen infant Anthrosapian beings attacked during the ordeal were revived through a process of DNA transfusion. In total over two hundred beings of the race were born without any defects to be found.

Derrick Gaustler, the young scientist who caught Howard V. Staul, for his valor and going beyond the call of others, was awarded for the actions by being assigned as the future president of an academy to be built and developed for the Anthrosapian race upon reaching proper age. Unfortunately, not long after the company completed their first series of the Anthrosapian breed, Geneatacell was forced to disband for claims of illegal human and animal testing by local animal and human right support groups. Human couples throughout the United States of America proudly adopted the Anthrosapian children as their own and the entire race was brought up into society as any normal child was. As the years passed and the children grew, the creation of Anthrosapians was lost in the pages of history and nearly forgotten, with the race itself as the sole reminder.

Several years later a number of the project’s scientist regrouped in secrecy led by Derrick Gaustler. In the process of eight years, they acquisitioned and reconstructed an abandoned university and campus, the outcome was the future academy strictly for the beings of the Anthrosapian race. The campus came to be known as PictBridge University.

This is the story of a sole being of this incredible race and the path she will form along with the many other beings of the Anthrosapian race. This is the story of Terra Cheltari.

© 2011 Nathan J. Wood

Author's Note

Nathan J. Wood
Corrections, advice, reviews and constructive criticism are welcome.

3/27/11 Update:
I'm pleased to see that I've received quite a few views on my story here but unfortunately still no reviews or criticisms. Again I would be most pleased to see someone even offer minor input of any kind! In hopes of getting this I will be adding another chapter to the list and see what comes of it. Please make an effort to review or say something so that I can further improve my work!

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Added on March 14, 2011
Last Updated on March 27, 2011
Tags: Anthro, Pictbridge, Terra, Staul, Howard V. Staul, Ashia, Shep, Lloyd, Gaustler, Sly, Skyler, Cindal, Loraine, Anthrosapian, Austin, college, college life, Ryan


Nathan J. Wood
Nathan J. Wood

Big Rapids, MI

I am a college student of 23 attending Ferris State University of Michigan. I have been passionate about writing since the 4th grade and I hope to one day get a book published. Currently I am working .. more..
