Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Katherine

Jackson is missing! A strange woman and man appear to Spirit telling her strange things and Spirit has to leave her home!


I woke up suddenly, shaking all over. I placed my head in my hands as I tried forgetting the awful crimson red eyes of that creature.

"S**t..." I breathed, calming down slightly. "That...that dream..." I looked over at the closed window and noticed it was still night time. Walking over to the window, I seen the full moon high in the sky. "Just a stupid dream." I reassured myself, shaking my head to forget the dream.

I raised my right hand to look at my palm. It was fully healed. "The dark lords?" I spoke trying to recognize the name. A faint memory flashed through my mind, but before I could completely remember it was gone. I let out a tired yawn. As I was I turning away, a movement caught my eye. I focused on the large tree across from my window. On a large branch sat a young woman, looking straight at me. Before I could react, she vanished. I stared at the spot where she sat. "What the hell?" I said aloud, running my hand through my hair in confusion. "What’s going on?"

I took another glance outside, this time I seen nothing. The girl was defiantly gone. I didn’t see her clearly due to the night’s darkness.

I went over to my arm lord and pulled out a white shirt that buttoned down the collar and a tight brown leather skirt that was loose enough for combat. The skirt came just past my thighs and my white shirt was tucked into my skirt’s rim. I pulled my shin-high boots on and then sheathed a hidden dagger on the outside of my ankle.

Tucking the necklace’s locket, that stayed around my neck, into my shirt, I then headed out my bedroom door. I quietly checked on Gleana and Jackson. Gleana was sound asleep in her bed. The golden cross necklace was in her grasp, as she held it close to her. I formed a small smile as I pulled the quilt over her shoulders.

Leaving Gleana’s room, I headed toward Jackson’s room, who was across from hers. I quietly knocked, no response. I opened the door slightly and peeked in. Jackson was sprung out on the bed, deep asleep. The blankets were in the floor and the room was filled with junk. I shook my head and closed the door.

I checked each room in the building, everything seemed normal. I sat on the sofa and let out a tired sigh. I leaned over and placed my chin on my hands to think. "Tomorrow’s a different day." I said, easing my worries as I stood back up. Making a last trip through the hideout, I headed back to bed.

"Spirit! Spirit, wake up! We gotta problem!" Gleana’s high pitched voice screamed, startling me awake.

"What?! What’s wrong?" I asked sitting up and staring at the worried girl.

"I-It’s Jackson! He-He’s in trouble!"

"Gleana, calm down. Tell me what happened." I told her placing my hands on her shoulders to steady her.

"He went out on his usual business with the ShadowMen, but something went down. I don’t know what! He just returned back mad and bruised up. He said something like he’ll kill him, he’ll kill him. Then he left. Spirit, I’m so worried! Jackson-I never seen him like that!" Gleana broke into tears.

"It’s ok, I’ll find him. Do you know where he went?" I asked as I redressed in my previous outfit from last night.

"N-No!" she sobbed, wiping away the tears.

"Alright then. You stay here and wait. I’ll be back with Jackson." I finished equipping myself with weapons and then headed out. Gleana followed me to the front door. She had calmed down, but tears still remained. I smiled a soft smile to Gleana and went on.

I hurried toward Gorian’s Tavern thinking I might get a lead to where Jackson went. I approached the tavern door but stopped. "I wonder." I whispered thinking. Instead of going into the tavern, I headed to the spot where I fought Nevando.

"Jackson!" I yelled, hoping he would appear. I started to worry when he didn’t. "Jackson!" I yelled louder.

"You won’t find your friend here." said a voice behind me. I quickly turned to find a girl with short, dark brunette hair that curled down to her shoulders. Her eyes were amber and stared directly at me.

"What? Who are you?" I asked, alert.

"Your friend, he is not here." she said, her eyes scanning me.

"Who are you and how do you know that?" I asked getting a strange feeling from the girl.

"Dinna is my name and I’ve been watching over you."

"You’re the one I saw on the tree branch!" I realized.

"I was checking to see if you weren’t in danger."

"How long have you been watching over me?" I asked.

"Long enough." She answered. Her eyes were still focused on me.

"What does that mean?"

"Enough of these questions." Dinna turned around and took a few steps toward the spot Nevando stood the other day.

"Where’s Jackson?" I finally asked, watching her every move.

"I said enough questions." She said bending over checking the ground.

"No, I won’t stop with the questions. You tell me where my friend is now! I’m not in the mood for this!" I ordered.

"You’re lucky to be alive. That dagger could severely harmed you."

"What? What the hell are you talking about?" I asked caught off guard.

"Your battle with Nevando."

"Look, I don’t have time for this! I gotta find Jackson." I said leaving. Before I could take anymore steps, she appeared in front of me blocking my way.

"This is more important than a petty fight! You are going to listen to me."

"Get out of my way! My friend’s safety is the only thing I care about!" I growled, trying to get by her.

"You ignorant child. Do you know nothing of yourself?" she asked, her voice cold and eyes full of rage.

"I’m not ignorant! Who the hell are you to come here and harass me? Move or I’ll move you." I threatened, revealing my canine fangs.

"I am third-in-command of the protecting society, the Prophits. I came here to check up on you and protect you."

"The Prophits..." I said trying to remember.

"Yes, the Prophits. Now if you calm down and listen."

"Calm down? Hell no! What part of my friend’s in danger do you not get?" I yelled as I clenched my fists together again in frustration.

"I do not care for your friend. He’s not in life threatening danger, so you can calm down." Her voice was calm again.

"No matter what, you’re not going to leave me alone are you?"

"Not until the danger is completely gone." Dinna turned and walked back to where Nevando and I had fought. "You run and I’ll stop you."

"Look, I’ll listen to you, every word. But help me get Jackson out of danger first. You help me and I will listen." I said trying to compromise.

"This is more important." she responded, not glancing at me.

"Jackson is important to me!"

"I don’t care."

"I’ll make you care!" I growled, my fangs revealing themselves again. "I’m willing to compromise but if you refuse I’ll fight."

"You’re threats are just words. You won’t be able to harm me." She said, her voice still calm. She rose to her feet and finally looked over at me. "Shall we get started?"

"No, not a chance. All I know is Jackson is in danger and you want to chitchat about some nonsense that I probably won’t understand. If Jackson is severely wounded, you’ll regret it!" I told her, my voice stern and threatening. I flexed my fingers to calm my rising anger.

"Like I said, your threats are just words." Dinna broke the glare and walked over to the abandoned building where the skull dagger once was.

"Why won’t you tell me where he is?" I asked watching her touch the ground where I had kicked the dagger.

"It’s not important."

"Then what is? All you’re doing is focusing on the ground! If you’re going to tell me something then damn tell me!" I shouted as I became more frustrated by the minute.

"You’re existence. The reason behind your past. Do you not know anything?" she sighed as she stood back up and looked my way. "I guess that big oaf didn’t tell you anything then. He must have just sent you away to live as a thief. He was always a foolish man."

With lightning speed I rushed toward her, pinning her against the building’s wall. My hand was on her throat. "You ever insult Buddy again, you won’t live to regret it!" I threatened. My fangs were full length and my blue eyes filled with rage.

"Just words." she said, placing her hand over my grasp to release my grip around her neck. I let out a fierce growl as I slung her to the ground. Power rushed through me as my rage increased. Closing my eyes I calmed down for a few seconds, regaining control over my anger.

"You’re lucky I calm down easy. I could have damn injured you if I wanted. My threats are not words but actions that will take effect. You listen to me. Don’t ever, ever insult Buddy again! He is a great man who raised me when my parents died. He was always there for me, even when I was terrified to close my eyes ‘cause Nightmare would be waiting for me in my dreams. Don’t ever call him a fool or big oaf again! He sent me away to be happy! If you want to "protect" me, then start helping me!" I yelled trying to get through to her.

"So you do remember." Dinna rose back to her feet, rubbing her neck.

"Yeah...I do know some. I may not know every damn thing, but I’m not that ignorant." I took a step back, calming myself down more. I still held my eyes upon her.

"But you are. You are still unaware of the dangers upon you. They will find you."

"Who? Who’ll find me?" I asked.

"The Dark Lords."

"How? If they haven’t found me now then what makes then find me right now?" I took a pause and let out a irritated groan. "Look, I’m really agitated and if you forgotten Jackson is still in danger. I listened to your warnings, now let me go!"

"No! You are still ignorant to it all! Your friend must wait because this is much more important! The Dark lords will find you for you have made yourself visible!" she yelled.

Instead of asking more questions that wasted time, I bolted full speed away from Dinna. She tried to block my path as before, but I quickly sidestepped her and ran through the back-allies heading toward the upper ally-ways. I stopped at Gale’s Potions and leaned my back against the stone wall to catch my breath. I let out a low growl as I thought about my current situation.

"Jackson..." I whispered, worried to where he could be. I took a quick glance around the area. People were walking by and a couple of guards were patrolling. I seen a young guard standing a few feet from me. He was watching me. I caught his gaze and held it for a few seconds before heading off. I quickly stepped behind a building to hide. The young guard stopped and looked around, looking for me.

"Where she go?" I heard him ask.

"Lenzo, why aren’t you at your post?" Asked another guard walking up to him.

"I saw a suspicious girl, but I lost her." he answered.

"Don’t worry ‘bout it right now. She’ll turn up. They always do." The older guard said as he patted the younger guard on the back.

"Yeah...I guess." the two guards began to walk back to their posts. I continued my walk to the lower alleyways.

"S**t...where the hell would he be?" I asked aloud, getting more and more agitated.

"You won’t find him here." said a raspy voice behind me. Turning around I seen a old man wearing peasant clothing and a long brown cloak.

"Who are you? What do you mean he’s not here?" I ordered.

"Your friend is being held captive in the ShadowMen’s domain. You won’t find him due to the domain is not in this town." The elderly man explained calmly. His eyes were hidden under his cloak’s hood, but something in his voice seemed trustworthy.

"Then where is it?" I asked, my voice calm.

"The town of Trondor. They are hidden in the shadows." The man turned and began to walk off.

"Hey wait! Who are you and how do you know this?" I called after him.

"I know everything, young Spirit. I’m just a old peasant that you shall encounter on your quest." He turned and formed a smile. His eyes gleamed through the shadows of his hood. Before I could speak another word, he vanished in thin air.

"W-What?" I stood in confusion, staring at where the mysterious man had vanished. "Trondor...where is that?" I asked aloud. I headed home with unanswered questions that formed in my mind.

I rested my palm on the doorknob of my hideout as I thought what to tell Gleana. Letting out a sigh I turned the knob and headed inside. Gleana was sitting in the kitchen chair, looking at the floor. Her green eyes were red from much crying. She looked up as I walked in.

"D-Did you find him?! Wh-Where is he? Is he safe?" she rushed from her chair to my side.

"I...I didn’t find him." I said sadly, avoiding her eager stare. "However I might know where he is." I looked back down at her. Her eyes filled with hope again.

"Then where is he?" her voice was small, but still held the high pitched sound.

"In the town of Trondor." I answered, heading into to the den.

"Where’s that? Why’s he there?" she asked following right behind.

"The ShadowMen have him, but I don’t know where it is." I sat on the sofa and began rubbing my temples, thinking what I should do. I felt Gleana sit next to me, her eyes watching me. She let out a whimper as she hugged her knees.

"The last word I said to him was calling him an idiot." she said looking down.

"He is an idiot. He works with bandits that want him dead. He knew that but still he worked with them. That’s why he’s in this mess." I said sitting straight. My eyes stared directly at the wall in front of me. I was still thinking.

"But-But wh-what if he-he’s...he’s-" she couldn’t finish her sentence from her sobs.

"He’s not dead. I know he’s not. We call him an idiot all the time, he knows we care for him. It’ll be ok, I’ll bring him back." I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. Her small body clung to me, crying.

Minutes passed and she fell asleep in my arms. Picking her up, I carried her to her room. I felt a rage toward the ShadowMen as I thought what they have done to us. I took a glance down at Gleana and felt a rush of sympathy. She rarely cries. When she does, you know it’s something truly wrong. Laying her on her bed, I stared at her child-like face. Her cheeks were flushed from her tears and her blonde, wavy hair was tangled.

"I promise I’ll bring him back." I whispered to her. I pulled the door softly shut behind me and headed downstairs. I let out a sigh and flexed my fingers. "It can’t be far... " I assumed thinking about Trondor’s location. "Hmm...let’s try the bar." I said aloud walking for the door.

I made my way to Gorion’s Tavern and went inside. The crowd seemed to be thinned out but still it was packed. I pushed through people towards the bar counter. Sitting on the bar stool, I waited for the bartender to approach.

As I was waiting a girl sat next to me. I glanced over and noticed it was the girl who fought the bandits and was the suspect for the Mayor’s robbery. She leaned on the counter, waiting.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked approaching us.

"Alcohol please!" the girl said, putting her fist down on the counter as she smiled.

"And you?" he asked staring at me.

"Information." I said, "On the ShadowMen and Trondor."

"What kind of Alcohol?" he asked looking back at the girl.

"Surprise me." she leaned back, crossing her legs. The bartender took a last glance at both of us before getting her drink. I began to tap my fingers on the wood counter as I waited.

"Here, your drink." The bartender returned with a bottle of Ale. "Information costs money, girl." He said turning to me.

"Then tell me everything you know." I said sliding a small pouch of coins toward him. He untied the strings of the pouch and poured the coins into his palm. His eyes went wide as he counted the coins.

"OK!" He said tucking the coins in his pocket. "What do you want to know?"

"First the ShadowMen. Tell me everything you know about them. Their plans, whereabouts, members, everything." I kept my voice low enough where only the people next to me can hear.

"Uh, well...the last I heard the top members deported back to their main hideout. They had some important business to discuss. That’s all I know." he explained, crossing his arms as to wait.

"What about Trondor?"

"It’s a filthy town."

"But where is it and how do I get there?"

"It’s miles from here....head west toward Nimour and then head North. Beware, scum bags and killers roam the streets."

"Ok, thank you." I said before the bartender walked away toward another costumer.

"Trondor? I know where that is." the girl said after gulping down her Ale.

"You do?" I looked over at her.

"Yeah, I’ve been there. A fun town that keeps you on your feet. Lots of thieves go there to gain loads of merchandise or gold." she said finishing the last drop of her drink.

"Exactly how far is it?"

"Pretty far." She began waving the mug in the air at the bartender. "Another please!" she yelled. The bartender sighed and grabbed a bottle of Ale as he approached.

"Here, just take it." He set the bottle in front of her before walking away.

"Ah, yes! The soothing taste of a good ale." she let out a sigh of delight. "The name is Katana Zuma Himura." She extended her hand towards me. I extended mine to shake.

"Uh, Spirit." I said as we ended the handshake.

"Nice to meetcha" she smiled and took another gulp of ale.

"Like wise. Umm...If you don’t mind me asking, you’re not from around here are you?"

"Nope. I’m just travelin’ around, lookin’ for adventure." She responded after finishing her swallow.

"You said you’ve been to Trondor..." I paused to think how I was going to ask my question.

"I’ll take you." she said a second after my pause.

"Uh, are you sure?" I asked, surprised to her reply.

"Yeah, I gotta head back there anyway. So it’s all good." She finished her drink and began to stand. She stretched and placed a few coins on the counter.

"Thank you. I’ll pay you!" I also stood up.

"No need. Lets just leave it as helping a fellow thief."

"Thanks, Katana Zuma Him-"

"Just call me Katana. I’ll meet you here tomorrow evening." she waved back as she headed out.

"Ok..." I stood there, watching her leave. "Jackson, when I find you, you’re in trouble." I said low, thinking about him and how far it is to travel to save him.

Leaving a few coins myself I headed out. The sun hid behind a couple of gray clouds, making the sky seem darker.

"It’s going to rain." I stated as I looked up at the clouds. I then took a quick glance around the area, scanning for any danger. Seeing none, I went on home.

"Gleana?" I called as I closed the kitchen’s door behind me. "Must be still asleep." I made my way upstairs and gently opened her door to peek in. The light was off and she still lay sound asleep on the Twin bed. I smiled watching her sleep. I walked over to her bed and sat on the side.

"Gleana, Gleana," I softly said while gently shaking her awake.

"Huh?" she rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Spirit?"

"I have some good news."

"What? Did you find Jackson? Is he fine? Do the ShadowMen still have ‘em?"

"Whoa! Hold on." I raised my hand to silence her many questions.

"I’m going to head for Trondor tomorrow evening. I’m going to bring Jackson home."

"You’re not taking me with you, are you?" she asked, her eyes staring down again.

"It’s dangerous. I’m sorry, but you are safer here."

"I...I understand." Her voice was low.

"Gleana, I need you to be strong. I have no clue when I’ll be back. It could be weeks or maybe longer. I don’t know. You’ve been on your own before. Gleana-"

"I’ll be ok. I spend four years of my life on the streets and I know what not to do. I’ll miss you so much." Her voice began to break. She still stared down, staring at her hands.

"We’ll come back, I promise. I’ll bring him back!" I hugged her as we both broke down and cried.

"Spirit be careful!" she said through her sobs.

"You too, Gleana. Keep to the upper alleys and stay away from guards." I wiped at my eyes, getting rid of the tears. I sat up, breaking the hug. "I’m leaving you with some gold, please use it wisely."

"I will." she made a small smile as she looked up at me.

"Come lets eat. I’ll cook us up something." I raised up from the bed and began to head downstairs.

I fried us some eggs and we ate in silence. Afterwards I tucked Gleana back into bed. I then headed to bed myself.

© 2009 Katherine

Author's Note

Yay! Chapter 3! Agian if anyone sees any errors let me know, ok? What does everyone think?

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I didn't see any errors, but I only read through once. Good job though, I really like this chapter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Added on August 19, 2009



Henry, VA

Umm...Hi I'm Katherine Sessor and here is some facts about me. 1. I'm quiet and friendly 2. I'm a girl and I'm currently 19 years old 3. I love to read, write and draw 4. My favortie animal is the.. more..

How Can I? How Can I?

A Poem by Katherine