Chapter 17: A new Begining

Chapter 17: A new Begining

A Chapter by Steven Ingels

Before six thirty on Monday Roscoe walked out of the house with a black t- shirt on and orange gym shorts and started running. He did this to clear his head to whatever he had on his mind. About two hours later Roscoe came back home dripping sweat. He grabbed a towel which he put out before he started running to wipe the sweat off.

                Walking into the house the first person he saw was his dad their relationship was very rocky, but roscoe wanted to smooth it out, “Hey dad did you catch the basketball game last night” Roscoe jumped pretending to shot the ball, “It was a close game.” “No I missed it” Mr. Rizzo said quickly, “Oh well I’m pretty sure there will be other games on, “said Roscoe. “Yeah” Mr. Rizzo sighed reaching into his pocket and taking out his keys, “see you later” Mr. Rizzo walked to the door, “hey when you get home tonight we should watch… “Roscoe” Mr. Rizzo interrupted, “what are you doing?”

                Roscoe shrugged, “Talking to you why?” Mr. Rizzo sighed scratching his head with his keys jingling in his hands, “no it seems like you want something expensive or you did something bad and you want me to rescue you again.” Roscoe threw up his hands, “I’m trying to make a clean slate is that such a problem.” Mr. Rizzo understood why Roscoe wanted to make a clean slate, but for Leonide a clean slate for his son just didn’t seem right at the time, “look you put me through hell. I almost lost my job because of you. The only way you’re going to make a clean slate with me if you put away all the bullshit aside” explained Mr. Rizzo, “Hope it works out for you” Leonide opened the door and walked out of the house closing the door behind him.

                Roscoe thought it was fair what his dad said. He walked up the stairs with his hand on his hips. Sidney and Camille already forgave Roscoe. Now it was just for Olivia, Tatiana, and Adrianna to do the same, but Roscoe thought if they weren’t going to do it soon he as might as well should himself. Karman was a different story.

                Roscoe knocked on Olivia’s door. The last time he and his sister actually came face to face was when he was getting chased by cops and he ran through the art studio destroying the paintings, the room, and broke the teacher’s leg. Olivia was dismissed from the class and she was pissed at her brother. The door quickly came up with Olivia smiling hoping it was one of her sisters, but it was Roscoe and her smile disappeared, “Oh it’s you.” Roscoe sighed dropping his head then looked back up, “I’m sorry.” Olivia turned her head to the side not understanding, “you’re sorry” Olivia folded her arms, “okay what do you want?” Roscoe threw his head back, ‘nothing I’m sorry for destroying your dream. That time in the art studio was my fault and I’m sorry. I miss talking to you and your weirdness.”

                Olivia smiled from ear to ear, “aw Roscoe that’s so sweet” Olivia paused for a moment, “if I accept your apology you have to do something for me.” Roscoe gave a nod, “anything.” Olivia clapped her hands, “Yay this is so much better than My Mother the Raven.” Roscoe smirked knowing what TV show she was talking about and it was pretty weird, “yeah so what do I have to do?” I’ll let you know Friday, later buddy” Olivia said closing the door. Roscoe thought that was the easy one, but now it was the younger siblings turn and he knew they wouldn’t be forgiving.

                Roscoe stood at the door looking at his younger sisters remembering they were just little kids now there eight. “Hey girls” Roscoe walked in feeling the heat from the girl’s eyes, “Want to play some monopoly.” Adrianna folded her arms, “what do you want?” “Well” Roscoe thought for a moment, “I wanted to apologize for all of what I did. I should have been the bigger brother role model and instead I’m the bad guy.” Adrianna rolled her eyes, “Uh hello were eight we’ve gone past bad guys. You’re more of a” thinking for a moment, “pest.” Roscoe smirked, “Whoa did not see that coming.

                Adrianna sighed, “What makes you think we will forgive you” Roscoe knew this would be a hard bargain, “I will help you with anything you need.” Anything” Tatiana said, “Anything” Roscoe repeated, “Can you help me with my plays and act them out” asked Tatiana. Roscoe gave a nod, “sure.” Oh please” Adrianna rolled her eyes, “you’re not actually believing that he’ll help you out are you?” Tatiana shrugged, “of course he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t want to apologize.” Roscoe licked his lips, “Yeah and if you need any help in whatever you do I’m here.”

                Adrianna shook her head, “I don’t need your help I don’t need anyone’s help” Adrianna grabbed her backpack off the bed, “just stay away from me” Stomping out of the room, “What’s wrong with her” Asked Roscoe. Tatiana shrugged, “I don’t know I guess she hasn’t been sleeping plus she get’s headaches like every other day. I think it’s too much extremeness. I’ll talk to her about it” Tatiana grabbed her bag and hugged her brother, “Ewe you stink” Plugging her nose she skipped out of the room. five out of three family members forgave Roscoe it was a good start for a new beginning, but Roscoe wanted to have some sign of forgiveness 

© 2013 Steven Ingels

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Added on July 11, 2013
Last Updated on July 11, 2013

Black and White - Bad to the bone


Steven Ingels
Steven Ingels

Little Rock, AR

Let's see my name Is Steven Ingels. Writing is a time for me to let my creativity wander I'm 21 years old white male more..
