The Shard

The Shard

A Chapter by SweetRainDrops

Learn some interesting things about Vio and Shadow. What is up with Vio and this glass shard?


We go upstairs to my sound proof room and do our homework. After we finish, I suggest "Hey, why don't we do our health project now? Then it will be done with." he's my partner for this assignment.

"Sure. Why not?" Shadow replys. So we sit at the oak table in my room(1).

I look at the first question as Shadow reads it out loud "Full name." He looks at me, expectantly. I blush in embarrassment. "Violet Leafly Tharious." Shadow writes it on his paper, then says "Shadow-Chan Fearless Darken." I quickly write it down.

This goes on for fifteen mintues. A buck of random stupid generic questions that we answer. Then I read question 25 out loud, "Are you still a virgin?" There's an akward pause, and I'm thinking 'Does a teacher have a right to ask this?' Then I speak up, my cheeks blazing with heat "I am." Those two words hung in the air for a long time, but then Shadow spoke "I'm not." I look up at him. I try to meet his eyes with mine, but he won't look at me. I figured he wouldn't be a virgin anyway, but for some reason it still hurt my heart. His Red eyes darken as he begins to speak "I am not a virgin physically, but I am emotionally and spiritually."

I must have looked flummoxed because he continued, "When I was ten years old, I got raped." A gasp escapes me before I can stop it. "So, your a virgin in the fact that you haven't given yourself away to anyone yet." I say. He nods slowly. A silence stretches between us.

I clear my throat after a while and read the next question aloud "Are you gay/bi/lesbian?" I open my mouth then close it, thinking. 'Seriously? Does the principal know about these personal questions?' I look up from the paper and at Shadow. He's leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. 'Awe, gosh! He's so darn cute!' I thought as I watched him. "Yeah." he says, breaking my trance. "What?" I ask confused. "Yes, I am gay." he says in that Duh! voice of his. "Oh... Me too." I say not looking at him.

"Vio! Shadow! Dinner!" my mom called, saving me from having to hear his response.


After we ate the pizza that my sister and her friends didn't eat (2), we stole the pint of death by chocolate ice-cream and the angel's choice ice-cream, and we went back upstairs. The angel's choice being of course for me since I absolutely love vanilla, and
the death by chocolate being for Shadow since he loves chocolate. I open my pint of icecream and dip my metal spoon in. I take a bite, watching Shadow. Even though he doesn't need human food to survive (3) he still likes it. He sits on my deep purple beanbag, and I sit next to him on the lilac purple one.

As we sit eating our delicious ice-cream, a question keeps bothering me till finally I just spit it out, "What did you mean back at school when you said I left you alone with you parents? Are they bad people? Embarrassing? Cold?"

He pauses mid-scoop to look at me. I cant read his expression. for a second I thought he wouldn't answer, but then Shadow said "Yeah. You could say my parents are
bad. Well, parent. I don't have a mom."

"Oh. Why? Are they divorced?" I ask.

"No. I don't have a mom. I've never had a mom. Only a dad."

"How is...?" I trail off as his crimson eyes meet my soft yet icy blue ones. "I was created from Link's -your- shadow. That's how come you don't have a shadow, but you already knew that." I nod, feeling stupid for asking something so dumb, especially since
I already know the answer. 'And I'm the smart one...' I thought as I stop eating the sugary treat.

I decide I'm finished and put the lid on. Shadow does the same thing. I take both of
the pints to my mini fridge and put them in. I suggest we get into pajamas and Shadow agrees. So I go over to my dresser and look inside the thrid drawer. I find a pair of deep purple pajama pants. I hand them to Shadow. He accepts them. I also get out my biggest white sleep tee I have, which isn't very big. He puts it on after undressing, and
let me tell ya. It makes him look so darn sexy! The way his muscles stretch the fabric since it's to small for him. I quickly avert my eyes, heat rushing into my cheeks.

I pull off my shirt and turn to my dresser, but not before Shadow gasps at seeing my stomach. 'Oh crap! He's gonna ask questions!' I thought in a panic.

"What happened!!" Shadow asks. I turn and face him, exposing my stomach to him again, making his eyes go wider if that's even possible. I take a shaky breath, trying to
control my conflicted emotions while failing miserably. I open my mouth to speak, but I break down in tears instead. I fall to my knees, my hands covering my face as I cry.

I feel terrible horribly alone. A shudder runs down my spine at that thought. Then
suddenly a firm arm is pulling me into the owner's lap. I take my hands away from my face and look up into those charming blood red eyes which are now filled with concern and curiosity. After awhile my tears stop falling. Then, I feel Shadow's fingers just barely brush over the scarred tissue on my stomach to the right. A pleasure-filled shudder runs down my spine.

"How did you get this?" Shadow's voice like velvet whispered, his breath warm in my ear. My heart pounds as I open my mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a shattered breath. I try again by taking a deep breath and letting it out. "I-I d-d-did it myself." I tell him. Kind of glad I can't see his face, I feel his breath catch in shock.

I continue, "It was right after you... you... d-died.(4) When Green was joining us back together, no one was watching. So, at the last second I ran the four sword straight through whatever I could. It barely missed my heart and lungs. I felt unbelievable pain. My blood shot out of me, but then everything was gone. The blood. The pain. The feeling of dying. The feeling of living. That's when I knew I didn't exist anymore to the real world. Link had been reformed..."

Silence Spread throughout the room. After I couldn't take it any longer. I got up, facing away from Shadow and towards my closet door. "Don't hate me! Please. Please, don't hate me!" I found myself saying over and over and over again. A single tear trails down my already tear-stained cheeks. Then another. The another. Then suddenly my tears are coming out like waterfalls. The sobs raked through my body, making me shake violently with each one.

Shadow stands up silently, without my knowing, and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close and holding me there. With my head against his chest, I slowly start to calm down. Shadow whispers over and over and over again "Shh. I don't hate you, Vio. I could never hate you. Your my best friend, my closest friend, my personal tutor. I could never even think about thinking about hating you." As my crys stopped, I just stayed there, standing in his warm embrace, listening to his wild heart beat.

Reluctantly, I move out of his embrace and sit on my twin-sized bed. Shadow comes over and sits next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder, closing my now swollen eyes. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel the softest of touches as Shadow traces the scars on my wrists. "What are these from?"

"Well, when I was twelve," I pause as I hear just the faintest sound of his breath hitching up in his throat. I push it aside and continue, "I had decided I was ready to die. I wanted to die. I was so over-powered with guilt and regret that I wanted to be dead
with you." I swallow the lump that was in my throat. Shadow pulled me into his lap, trying to comfort me.

"So as I was taking a bath, I used a shard of the dark mirror to cut my wrists. As my blood was flowing out nice and slowly, my adoption mother walked in and screamed. She took the shard away!" I say in a cry of distress. "My only connection left to you, she took it and smashed it! She smashed it! My most prized possession!" I confound to talk, not
talking to anyone anymore, just trying to get all of this off my chest.

"Later, I took all the pieces I could find of it and laid them all on the top of my dresser." I walked over to my dresser and gestured for Shadow to see. My eyes go from the small shards of the Dark Mirror to my close friend. His red eyes are full of awe,
wonderment, and a hint of concern.

"It's grow together some. See. this one is about the size of the piece of the mirror I had on a piece of twine." I say, picking up the largest piece, the size of half a Hershey's chocolate bar. "It already has a perfect whole in it, but I don't have any twine or leather or fabric to put it on." I say, fingering the shard, finding comfort in the sharp edges and reflective surface. My eyes watching it.

Shadow's been quiet for awhile so I turn around, away from the dresser, to face him. He's eyes are full of an emotion I can't quite identify. Then my mind clicks the last piece into place. Hurt. Hurt is the emotion in his eyes. My eyes filled with confusion, but before I could speak. Shadow asked "Why? Why do you still have them if I'm back and not dead?"

He looked so alone, sad. I wanted to just drop the shard and let it shatter while I comfort Shadow, but something made me hold back and be protective of the Dark Mirror piece (5). I'm at a loss for words. Then suddenly Shadow walks over to the dresser I had left to stand next to him, and he grabbed a handful of the dark magic glass. Then
before I could speak, move, or respond he smashed them all on the wood goofing of my room.

I yell. "NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! What are you doing?! Those are mine! They're special!" The Dark Mirror shard in my hand seemed to yell in agony, but then I realized it was me! The Mirror's using me with its dark magic to rebuild it! It's possessing me. I try to fight it but can't. I feel my body fall to its knees, hands clamped firmly over my pointed ears. My mouth continues to scream, and I look up at Shadow, my eyes silently begging, pleading for help.

I am able to regain some control over my body, just enough to remove my hands from my ears. I try to let go of the shard, but fingers won't uncurl. All of a sudden, I feel this rush of heat go through my insides.


The moment Vio looks at me with pleading eyes, begging for help, I realize that he's being possessed by the Dark Mirror. I summon my dark powers and send a cloud of dark magic into the smaller teen. I close my eyes and lead the magic as it attacks the Mirror's magic. Sweat breaks out on my forehead, and I can feel Vio shaking violently as
he lays curled up on the floor, his body fighting both dark magics.

'If he contiues to fight my magic AND the Mirror's he'll surely die!' I thought as I continued to fight. I manage to say through clenched teeth "Vio! Please stop fighting my magic! It will kill you! Don't fight. Let it take you! I can fight it!" I feel Vio nod, and I send even more of my magic into him. Vio gasps in pain and surprise, but finally I feel him give in and stop fighting. "Good. Good, Vio." I say, still clenching my teeth and still have my eyes closed.

After five more mintues, I am slammed back with the force of the magic shooting out of Vio's body. The Mirror's dark magic returned to the shard that Vio still held. I won. Exhsausted, I collaspe next to Vio, breathing very heavily. Vio's still kind of shaking. His eyes are filled with such strong emotion. An emotion I have never, never in all my life, seen him show. Fear. Fear was in those beautiful icy blue eyes of his. I crawl over to him and took hold of his left hand, gently.

I slowly open his hand to reveal the last shard of the dark mirror. Vio whimpers when his eyes land on it. He closes his eyes and quickly turns his head away from it. I take the bloody piece of glass. I pick it up and smash it on the ground, and it, like the rest of it did, turned into dust and disappeared.

Both of us agreeing we are tired, we climb into Vio's twin bed and lay down. I help the now very weak Vio to pull the covers up and around us. I wrap my arms around him, holding him close, hoping to be of some comfort to him. The boy immediately relaxes in my arms. His breathing slows. His head rest against my chest. His hands are resting on my chest too. Vio's asleep already. I close my eyes and try to. Slowly I do fall asleep.

© 2011 SweetRainDrops

Author's Note

(1) yeah... Vio's rich. Oh, and I made up the last name Tharious. Pronouced Th-air-us.
(2) It's Rosá birthday and she has a bunch of friends over.
(3) he needs the Dark mirror to stay unbroken. Plus blood helps alot!
(4) read the legend of Zelda: four swords manga. P.s. Vio was ten when that happened.
Well I think they are ten anyway... :/
(5) duh! The dark mirror piece did!

Okay. The ages are:

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Added on August 18, 2011
Last Updated on August 19, 2011
Tags: Vio, shadow, homework, being_possessed, Dark_Mirror
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Wylie, TX

My favorite quotes: "The best things in life aren't even things at all" "Love makes everything grow" more..

Prolodge Prolodge

A Chapter by SweetRainDrops