Oh Deer

Oh Deer

A Story by VirgoAvatar

Oh Deer (OD)

Stars: Nick & Joe Jonas

Nick: *Napping silently in a nice grassy meadow in the sun*

???:  *Exploring around nature & such*

Nick: *Ears perk up; smacks lips sleepily*

???: *Taking pictures with my camera*

Nick: *Eyes adjust to the bright sunlight; looks around to secure my surroundings. Then I spotted a guy not too far away from me, I froze*

???: *Adjusts my lens a little*

Nick: *Steady. Maybe he won't see me & he'll just move along. Don't move thats the key. Be invisible*

???: *Mutters to myself*

Nick: *Ears flip forward*

???: There. *Confirms* Much better. *Looks back up then, sees something then; eyes squint to see what it is*

Nick: *Stay still I repeated to myself*

???: *Eyes widen as I realized then what it was; gasps smiling big* Oh my gosh its a baby deer.

Nick: *Shoot he sees me now. Oh God, oh God, what do I do? What did mother say about coming in contact with people ... "run Nick, run as fast as you can & don't look back"*

???: *Moves closer to him gently stepping trying my best not to alarm he or she*

Nick: *Why wasn't I running? Why can't I move? Too much fear ... help, someone help*

???: *Kneels in front of him; smiles* Wow! Hello there, don't be afraid I'm not going to hurt you.

Nick: *Doesn't blink, doesn't move, doesn't do anything even though I hear him & understand him. Is that normal?*

???: My you're really just a baby.

Nick: *I am not a baby, I'm just small for my age*

???: You're so cute too. *Continues to smile in awe*

Nick: *Cute? I finally looked at him making eye contact & blinked*

???: Do you mind if I take a few pictures of you?

Nick: *He's asking permission from me? Why? Its not like I'm going to be able to answer back & he'll understand me. So deciding not best to respond in actual words or nodding I just stared at him*

???: *The young deer didn't move so I carefully picked up my camera & took some shots*

Nick: *He continued to take pictures of me & while I didn't mind, I guess for now, I was still worried about my safety even though this guy seemed nice. According to my parents when they were still alive, they'd warned me never to go near one & to stay far away from their kind & yet here I am sitting here in front of one all alone*

???: *After so many pictures, I just continued to grin after checking at how they'd come out* Wowie, you're really a beauty.

Nick: *Feels myself blush even though he can't see it. Thats something I'd never quite heard before, certainly not about me*

???: *Introduces myself then* Forgive my manners, I'm Joe Jonas, photographer & aspiring artist.

Nick: *I just titled my head curiously wondering why he was introducing himself to me ... just a baby deer according to him*

Joe: I know you can't understand me or talk, but its nice to meet you still. Well then, I best be moseying on along, sorry if I disturbed you. Be safe, little deer. *Stands up waving bye*

Nick: *I blinked again. He's so polite & nice. I blushed watching him go. Suddenly a gun sounded off & all pervious fears returned with full force scaring me greatly*

Joe: *Turns around hearing the sound clearly. It couldn't be too far away. I knew if I left the young deer alone it would be at risk to the hunters. I'd completely forgotten it was hunting season. I turned back & kneeled back in front of the deer* You've got to run back to your family, there's a hunter nearby & if there's one you can count on there being more than one.

Nick: *I have no family, no where to run. I'm too frightened, my eyes pleaded to him*

Joe: Please you've got to go.

Nick: *I can't, I tried to tell him*

Joe: *Curses under my breath* Forgive me little deer, but I just don't want to see you get hurt. *Picks up the deer easily holding it in my arms; begins to run*

Nick: *He took hold of me then & I sure as heck wasn't going to move now he had a grip on me. I don't know why he was so concerned about me, but whatever the reason I felt warmth. He continued to run with me in his arms out of the meadow into the forest. I sure hope he knows where he's going was I could hope & think*

Joe: *Once I'd gotten through the forest, I ran over towards my small log cabin & went on inside with the deer. As soon as we were both in, I set down the deer on my bed & rushed back to lock my door & then put my camera on my desk nearby*

Nick: *In the rush of the moment I'd fallen out, so wherever I now was I had not the slightest clue. Hopefully its still close to that warmth from that guy ... what was his name ... oh yeah Joe*

An hour later

Nick: *When I woke back up, I glanced around to find myself in a cabin of some sorts. I recalled everything then, that guy ... this must be his home. I looked around for him only to find a fireplace creating plenty of heat to make it more cosy. Where could he be? I looked around again & down at the bed I was laying on. Hmm. I only see a kitchenette type thing (at least I think thats what its called), the bed I'm lying on, & a living room. Deciding that it might be good to have a better look around then from just being on the bed, I got up stretching me legs. I jumped on the bed landing on the floor softly. I walked around searching for Joe & also my savior expecting him to by nearby. His kitchenette was small it seemed, same as his living room. It all was one room including the fireplace. But surely he had to have an additional room, right? Making like a circle I found a small hallway leading to two different rooms. Okay one I was assuming a bathroom & the other perhaps a bedroom. Naturally though I couldn't open either of the doors to see if I was right. I sighed, what do I do now?*

Joe: *Comes out of the room then; looks down to see the baby deer fully awake now* Hey there. *I smiled kneeling down its level* I'm glad to see you're awake.

Nick: *I blushed at the closeness of him & just stared at him*

Joe: I figured after that whole ordeal it was best to let you sleep. I've been in this room here just downloading my pictures from today to my laptop. Wanna come see? *Stands back up; gestures for it to follow me*

Nick: *He was a strange one. He saves me, gives me shelter for the time being & now is inviting me to come see his photos? I followed him slowly into the room, which appeared to have a desk for him to sit at, followed by his laptop a printer & his camera from earlier. There was also a window letting in natural light making the room brighter. Other than that, there was also tons of pictures covering the walls, mostly of nature scenes & animals. I gazed around in awe, wow he's really good*

Joe: I see you like them. *Chuckles* They're all a mixture of the type of pictures I love taking, each is memory for me ... one I was able to capture & freeze time.

Nick: *He's very professional. I wish I could tell him just exactly how good they are*

Joe: *Brings over the pictures that I'd taken of the deer* See? Thats you, you who I have no idea if you're a boy or a girl.

Nick: *Looks at the ones he's taken of me. I wanted to smile big but he of course wouldn't be able to tell if I did. I wanted so badly to communicate with him, but it just wasn't possible*

Joe: But for the time being, I guess its cool not to know. So I bet you're hungry right?

Nick: *Yes I am*

Joe: In fact so am I. Follow me & I'll see what I can make. *Puts down the pictures; stands up; begins to leave*

Nick: *Follows him out of the photography studio I've decided to call, back towards the kitchenette*

Joe: *Looks through the fridge* Hmm okay, I have fish, potatoes, vegetables, yogurt, cheese, leftover mac & cheese & some kiwis, avocados, pears, apples ... I could make a nice fruit salad, tomatoes ... lets see what else ... mangos, even a pineapple, strawberries, raspberries & last but not least blueberries. *Picks up the blueberries showing them*

Nick: *Mmm, that will do. I nudged the berry's container*

Joe: Oh, you'd like have this one huh, good choice. *I opened them up & placed them down on the floor seeing if the deer would start eating them*

Nick: *I sniffed them & then began eating them one by one*

Joe: Wow, someone's hungrier than I thought.

Nick: *I finished them hungrily; makes a happy sound at the sweet taste*

Joe: Aww, well I can see someone has a favorite.

Nick: *I looked back at him & then pushed the now empty container at him signaling more please*

Joe: Oh my, still hungry. I don't exactly have anymore, but how about some raspberries? *Brings it out & opens it up placing it in front of the still hungry deer*

Nick: *I sniffed the new berries finding their smell just as appealing as the blueberries ; eats every single raspberry*

Joe: *Chuckles a lot*

Nick: *Burps afterwards*

Joe: Aw, man. Guess that means you're full?

Nick: *Oh yeah & might I add that was so good*

Joe: *Smiles* Okay so guess now to find something for myself, hmm ... I'll think I'll just go for a mixture of things. *Begins pulling things out carrying them over towards the small table; sits down & begins preparing my food; re-gets up to get a plate & a fork*

Nick: *Watches him curiously go back & forth*

Joe: *Goes back to sit down; begins to eat* Got everything now.

Nick: *Chuckles to myself*

Joe: *Pats the seat next to mine thats empty* You can sit up here if you want to.

Nick: *Looks up at him*

Joe: Its okay or if you want t stay there its fine too, whichever you want.

Nick: *I decided to stay put on the floor; continues to watch him*

Joe: *Shrugs* Suit yourself little one.

Nick: *I pouted, I'm not little but I guess I kind of look that way to him. Shortly after watching Joe finish his meal & afterwards he cleaned up & retired to the sit over in his living room on the sofa curling up on it which was near to the fireplace. I sat with him over the on the couch too at the far end*

Joe: *Breathes* Nothing like a full stomach & a nice fireplace. *Yawns sleepily* Gosh its barely 4:45 PM & I'm falling asleep. But you know what little deer, I might just take a nap.

Nick: *Blinks at him*

Joe: *Lays down; shuts eyes*

Nick: *At first I didn't move when he stretched out to lay down, but then I moved off the couch & stood beside him*

Joe: *Murmurs sleepily* You can stay.

Nick: *I thought about it & as much as the thought made me blush, I found myself going back on the couch settling next to him laying next to him this time. I soon closed my eyes & fell asleep next to him soundly*

Christina: *Appears then landing next to the fireplace; smiles to myself. Aww, they're sleeping how sweet is that? Well looks like phase one is complete & now onto to phase two. I just chuckled waving my magical fan. Just call me a god fairy of baby deer Nick's, my names Queen Christina. I can't wait to see each of their reactions & then last but certainly not least phase three will be complete, ending my work. I watched with a giddy smile as the magic worked its way over towards Nick, circling all over him & his body. The next time he wakes or if Joe wakes first, there will be a major surprise. I love my job so much, beaming one last time I disappeared & just waited patiently for either of the two to rise*

Joe: *Shifts then, hands blindly searching for the little deer*

Nick: Mmm. *Feels a hand on me, just hums softly*

Joe: *Feels the soft skin, so flawless & so ... so ... wait ... deers don't have round butt cheeks ... what the heck? I sat up fast to seeing by my side instead of the baby deer, a completely naked boy with brown hair still sleeping next to me. I stared at him in shock, while I was just confused why he was here in my house & better yet was wondering how'd he gotten inside. I deserved some answers, so I poked the boy's shoulder trying to wake him up*

Nick: *Moans* Sleepy.

Joe: Wake up.

Nick: *Groans finally opening my eyes*

Joe: Who are you?

Nick: I'm just a deer- *Eyes widen in realization* Wait why are you staring at me?

Joe: Okay first whoever or whatever you are, you need to check yourself out. *Points to his nude form*

Nick: *Looks down; gasps* What the- What is this? W-what's going? Oh my! *Gets up only to fall on top of Joe; blushes*

Joe: Okay, okay, okay get a grip man. *Pushes him off me for the moment; trying my hardest not to look at him*

Nick: *Freaking out aloud, didn't even pay his words any mind* How is this possible? I'm h-human? And naked no less. Is this a dream? Am I dreaming? Why is this happening to me? I don't want to be human. I want to be myself again!

Joe: Little deer? *I gripped his shoulders calmly* You mean you are the deer I saved?

Nick: *Freezes at this contact*

Joe: Just relax, its okay I'm not going to hurt you.

Nick: *Nods answering him; makes eye contact* Okay & yes, but I don't know how this happened. We were just sleeping & I was next to you & now I wake up to this. *Blushes remembering I'm naked* U-um could you please get me some c-clothes please, I don't really feel comfortable talking like this.

Joe: Right, yeah of course. I'll just ... *Stands up almost trips as I was still staring at the boy* Um, I'll be right back okay & we'll talk.

Nick: *Nods; trying my best to cover myself with my hands. This is so weird*

Joe: *Returns a few minutes later with a pair of boxers, a long-sleeve shirt cause after all its the end of fall right now & sweet pants; hands the clothes to him*

Nick: *Blush deepens as he set the clothes next to me on the couch; clears throat*

Joe: *Reluctantly turns my back to him*

Nick: *Clears throat again awkwardly*

Joe: Do you want me to close my eyes too?

Nick: Yes, please.

Joe: *Chuckles & just does so*

Nick: *Gets dressed first in the boxers & then I pulled over the sweet pants & lastly the long-sleeve shirt. I looked back up at Joe* Okay you can open your eyes & turn around now.

Joe: Good, glad I can finally look at something besides my hands. *Turns back around noticing his fully clothed-self now. Everything seemed a little baggy on him, but still it fit*

Nick: *Blushes* What are you staring at now? I'm no longer naked.

Joe: A shame, I was just starting to notice how hot you look.

Nick: Wha-w-what?

Joe: *Shrugs* Its not everyday I get a deer/human in my house you know.

Nick: Focus, Joe. We still don't even have the slightest clue why I was changed.

Christina: *Smiles. Oh but I do*

Joe: Okay, so first things first what's your name little baby deer?

Nick: *Frowns a little* I'm not a baby firstly, yes I'm small but not a baby & my name is Nick.

Joe: Cool, its nice to meet you Nick.

Nick: Nice to meet you too. *Sighs; tries to stand up only to fall back on the couch, butt first; pouts*

Joe: *Chuckles* Need a little help mastering two legs?

Nick: No, thanks I'll be fine.

Joe: Okay, suit yourself.

Nick: *Tries to stand again this time, my legs just shook & I was able to stand for a few seconds before I fell back down once again*

Joe: You sure you got it?

Nick: Don't mock me, I'm just new to this ... a lot.

Joe: I see that. *Grins*

Nick: *Stands again this time trying not to fall again*

Joe: *Watches him stand successfully then; claps hands* Bravo Nick. So you think you can handle walking now?

Nick: *Groans* I just learned how to stand.

Joe: I can help you this time, if you let me.

Nick: *Mumbles something*

Joe: What was that?

Nick: I'm not a baby, I can do myself & I'll prove it.

Joe: *Smiles* Then by all means then go for it.

Nick: Why?

Joe: I beg your pardon?

Nick: Why do you think I need help? Why do you think I'm a baby? *Looks at him to see he had come closer; whispers* Why'd you save me? I'm just a deer.

Joe: Okay you've got questions? Well so do I, why shouldn't I help a deer thats just gotten himself turned into a human, huh? It just happens all the time doesn't it? And forgive me for seeing a small little innocent creature in trouble & all alone, so naturally I assume your a baby. And *Hugs him then bringing him even closer* I couldn't just leave you, I care about you.

Nick: *I'd heard him, but what stood out to me was the ending statement* You do?

Joe: I do.

Nick: But you don't even know me.

Joe: I don't have to, I still care.

Nick: *Finally hugs him back* Thank you Joe, for caring, for saving me for ... being so nice to me. You didn't have to do anything for me, but yet you did.

Joe: Your very welcome, Nick. So where are your parents or family anyways?

Nick: Gone, I've been on my own.

Joe: You're an orphan?

Nick: Yeah.

Joe: Want to know something?

Nick: What's that?

Joe: I'm one too, its only me.

Nick: Really?

Joe: Yeah, its been that way for awhile now. What about you?

Nick: I remember them telling me to run & to not look back. I still don't know what happened to them so I can only assume it was hunters.

Joe: I'm so sorry.

Nick: *Nods* Thank you.

Joe: And you've survived on your own all this time?

Nick: Yes, but if it wasn't for you I might not have this time.

Joe: I'm glad you're safe & you're here now.

Nick: Me too. *Blushes as he was still hugging me* And I'm sorry for being a burden.

Joe: You're not at all, its great having company. Its been a while you can say.

Nick: *Pulls back with him, but his hands hadn't let go of my waist; looks into his eyes* You're still holding me.

Joe: I am, yes.

Nick: *Stutters* W-why?

Joe: You ask a lot of questions little one. *Teases*

Nick: Well I'm a curious one.

Joe: Hm, a cute one.

Nick: *Shyly smiles*

Joe: So care to try a walking?

Nick: *Nods*

Joe: I'll help you. *Pulls back but keeps one arm swung around his waist* We'll take it step by step, okay?

Nick: Okay & sounds good. *I smiled*

Joe: *And just like I'd said I helped him walk around in circles, till he no longer needed me as a crutch* There you go, whoo. *Whoops*

Nick: *Chuckles* Reminds when I learned to stand up & walk on all fours.

Joe: Just like it?

Nick: Its different with just two, but its similar.

Joe: Mm, I can imagine but you've caught on, well done.

Nick: I guess I have. *Stomach growls loudly*

Joe: Ooh, looks like someone's hungry again.

Nick: But I just ate.

Joe: You're still growing, plus you do look a little thin even in this new form.

Nick: *Raises an eyebrow* You calling me skinny?

Joe: Yes, but I can help with that. Maybe you can try some new food?

Nick: Hmm. I don't know about that.

Joe: Sensitive stomach?

Nick: Sorry?

Joe: Do you have a sensitive stomach?

Nick: Well ... yes, I mostly eat leaves, grass, & fruit.

Joe: At least I had the fruit part right for you. Why don't I cook something like a pasta?

Nick: It sounds good.

Joe: Trust me it is.

Nick: Sure, okay why not. Can I help?

Joe: Well your the guest, so I can make it.

Nick: *Pouts*

Joe: But with a cute pout like that, I might just be swayed to say yes.

Nick: I may not know how to cook, but if you tell me what you need ... I can help get it all.

Joe: Alright, follow me student.

Nick: Student?

Joe: Yes.

Nick: So that makes you the teacher?

Joe: For now yes.

Nick: Well Mr. Joe, before we begin I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back.

Joe: *Chuckles* So polite, go ahead Nick.

Nick: *Blushes; walks down the hall to the bathroom which was the door on the left like I'd thought it was. I was able to open it up thanks to having hands to turn the door knob. Once inside, I closed the door & took case of my business. Afterwards I washed my hands & looked at myself in the mirror for the first time. I had short brown hair, that just a little too short for my taste. My eyes were the same brown  & as were my eyebrows. My ears seemed a little pinked in color & even more so were my lips. I also had little freckles on the right side of my face & one on my nose. In a way they reminded me of my white spots I had on my fur. I blinked at myself. Hot? Cute? He had called me both, but I guess I just didn't see it. If anything to me, I looked to different. It just didn't look like me. I turned my face side-to-side seeing myself at different angles. I wiggled my eyebrows testing them. Then I tried doing the same with my ears which was a little harder than when I normally did this, but it worked only a little. And then I moved my nose from side-to-side as well, sniffing smelling mostly the air around me. Next I gritted my teeth making probably some of the silliest faces ever, but I just had to see myself. I smiled, maybe too wide & also stuck my tongue out which was still pink.  I closed my mouth then just frowning then just trying to smile without showing teeth*

Joe: *Knocks on the door then* Everything okay in there?

Nick: Y-yeah fine.

Joe: You sure?

Nick: Well ...

Joe: *Guesses* Admiring yourself then?

Nick; *Blushes; shakes head* N-no.

Joe: You so are.

Nick: How do you know?

Joe: One your stuttering & two I figured that was what you were doing, unless of course you had a little trouble with the toilet thing?

Nick: I'm not & no!

Joe: *Smirking & grinning* Well if I was you, I'd be checking myself out too. Can I come in?

Nick: If you want too *Looks down*

Joe: *Comes in; asks him* What's wrong?

Nick: I look weird like this.

Joe: Hey. *Tips his chin up*

Nick: *Looks at him*

Joe: You're far from being weird, I think if anything you look sexy.

Nick: *Fidgets* I don't think I share your same views.

Joe: Hmm, maybe not now, but I can always convince you otherwise.

Nick: H-how? *My stutter returned*

Joe: *Steps behind him in the small bathroom; turns his body to look at the mirror* I'll explain.

Nick: *Nods letting him move me*

Joe: Do you know what I see?

Nick: *Shakes head no*

Joe: I see perfection & beautiful features starting with your face. Your eyes shine, still giving you that look of being your deer-self, like a doe-eyed look. And then there is those adorable freckles that look pretty similar to the little dipper constellation. Onto your nose, its equally adorable. *Pokes his nose gently* Boop.

Nick: *Chuckles laughing at the touch*

Joe: Next your lips form an amazing smile that just lights up the room.

Nick: *Smiles for him*

Joe: See? Thats the one. So beautiful.

Nick: *Blushes a lot*

Joe: *Gently kisses his nose & then pecks his lips* Nick you're beautiful.

Nick: *Closes eyes, falls into him*

Joe: *Repeatedly pecks his lips*

Nick: J-Joe?

Joe: Yes? *Pulls back*

Nick: *Shyly smiles* A-as much I'm enjoying this, I'm still ...

Joe: Hungry?

Nick: Yeah.

Joe: Well then, that won't do, will it? *Bends down to take him into my arms bridal style carrying him out of the bathroom back towards my kitchenette*

Nick: Thanks.

Joe: Anything for my little deer.

Nick: *Pecks his cheek* Thank you my savior.

Joe: *Smiles* Your welcome. *Sets him down in one of the chairs in front of the dining table; holds up one finger* I'll be right back with the food.

Nick: Awesome, can't wait.

Joe: You're going to love it. *Promises*

Nick: I'm sure I will, from what I'm detecting right now *Breathes in the smell* mm-nn it smells so good.

Joe: *Feels my pants slightly tighten from the soft moan he spilled out*

Nick: I'm starved now.

Joe: *Forces myself to walk over to him trying to ignore the growing hardness beneath my boxers; sets his plate & fork in front of him* Enjoy. *Sits down across from him*

Nick: *Tilts my head to the side* Aren't you going to eat too?

Joe: Um ... probably not, still full from earlier, you go ahead though.

Christina: *Chuckles; tsk tsk tsk. He's not hungry for food, he's hungry for you Nick, mm-hmm*

Nick: You sure?

Joe: Yeah.

Nick: Okay ... *Picks up the fork to try a taste of the pasta*

Joe: Like it?

Nick: *Moans appreciatively* Mm-hmm! *Begins eating more*

Joe: *Laughs* I told you so, eat up.

Nick: *Nods continuing to eat; chewing it good before shallowing getting a good taste of everything*

Joe: *Watches him. Seeing him down the food softly was a treat to watch honestly just cause he looked so adorable. He seemed to enjoy its warmth & kept on mumbling how good it was*

Nick: *Finishes the last bit of food* Mm-mm-mm.

Joe: Want more?

Nick: *Burps loudly*

Joe: *Chuckles*

Nick: N-no, *Shyly wipes my mouth with a napkin* I'm so full now. *Pats my stomach* I haven't been that full in a long time.

Joe: *Gives him a remorseful look* Well from now on ... if you'd like to that is ... you can stay here with me.

Nick: You want me to s-stay?

Joe: Of course I do.

Nick: B-but I wouldn't want to impose.

Joe: You're not, your welcome to stay or not, the choice is yours. Although my own personal preference would be you staying.

Nick: I want to stay.

Joe: Positive?

Nick: Yes, I feel safe here ... w-wtih you.

Joe: *Grins; gets up clearing his plate & fork away* Do you want anything to drink?

Nick: Some water please.

Joe: You got it.

Nick: *Sighs dreamily*

Christina: *Awww, can it get any sweeter?! Its exactly the sort of romance I was hoping for them, but since they're both past being teenagers & are both young adult guys ... both into each other, I'm still hoping for that passionate kiss or something. Call me crazy, but I just think Joe & Nick make such great couple*

Joe: *Gets the glass of water; brings it back to him*

Nick: Thank you. *Takes the glass sipping it till it was empty* Ah.

Joe: *Smiles big* You want another?

Nick: No, I'm good now.

Joe: Want to ...

Nick: K-kiss? *Blushes*

Joe: I was going to say watch TV, but I like your idea way better.

Nick: I-I ... u-um ...

Joe: Do you still want to?

Nick: Yes. *Whispers*

Joe: *Grins goes over to lift him back into my arms taking him over to my bed; lays him down climbs on top of him; just stares at him before making any movement*

Nick: *Squeals happily as he lifted me easily into his arms once again. I felt the familiar soft feel of his bed, looking at him eye to eye, I just smiled* W-what?

Joe: I'm admiring you.

Nick: *Beams*

Joe: Baby you are so cute. *Kisses his forehead*

Nick: Mmmm. And you are so handsome.

Joe: *Lowers my weight onto him gently*

Nick: *Eyes bulge*

Joe: I'm not hurting you am I?

Nick: No, I'm fine. *Leans into to peck his lips* You're so fine.

Joe: *Chuckles*

Nick: *Fingers trail down down his chest; starts to unbutton his shirt*

Joe: You want to go that far?

Nick: *Nods* I want to feel your skin on mine.

Joe: I want to feel yours too, from what I've felt so far ... its so soft. *Touches his cheek*

Nick: *Gets a warm tingly feeling rush through me then; takes Joe's shirt off*

Joe: *Does the same to Nick's long-sleeve shirt; runs my fingers on his chest*

Nick: O-oh. *I shivered*

Joe: So soft, its incredible.

Nick: Mm-nn.

Joe: Sexy.

Nick: You f-feel good too.

Joe: Mm. *Groans softly*

Nick: I like your chest hairs. *Plays with them* They're so fuzzy.

Joe: *Chuckles* I love your smoothness, its turning me on so much.

Nick: *Moans* T-that would explain your lower region poking me.

Joe: Believe its called an erection sweet little deer. *Smirks with a devilish glint*

Nick: *Blushes* Y-you want me?

Joe: Like there's no tomorrow, yes.

Nick: *Kisses his lips* Mmm, Joe-e. *Pulls down his jeans*

Joe: *Kisses him back making it a more passionate one, while my hands found the lining of the sweats pulling them down his small hips down his thighs, past his knees & finally off his legs as he too got my own jeans off of me. Now both in only boxers, we made out passionately, touching each other every chance we got*

Christina: *Looks like my works done here, best leave them be besides intimate moments like this are between them; leaves the house*

Nick: *Feels him thrust against me* Uhh.

Joe: *Pulls off his boxers then; pulling back from our kiss; admires him* Man you're so hot, adorable & beautiful all in one, Nick.

Nick: T-hank you. *Slides his boxers down too; looks down; gulps softly*

Joe: *Smiles; pecks his kiss swollen lips* We'll get there all in time.

Nick: B-but I-I need y-you now.

Joe: I do too, ssh. I'll take care of you first.

Nick: Please hurry.

Joe: Its best not to rush these things, patience my little one.

Nick: Want you Joe. *Whispers huskily into his ear*

Joe: Want you so much Nick. *Gets up off of him*

Nick: W-where are you going?

Joe: To get something to prepare you, be right back baby.

Nick: *Nods getting what he means; watches him run off; lies back against the bed calming myself. I smiled big giggling*

Joe: *Comes back to Nick fast; gets back on top of him*

Nick: Ooh, you're c-cold. *Squeaks*

Joe: Sorry baby, that change very soon. *Squeezes the lube on my fingers, shortly trailing them to his entrance*

Nick: *Nods for him to go on*

Joe: *Slips one finger inside of him*

Nick: *Groans in pain* O-ow.

Joe: *Kisses both of his eyes* I'm sorry.

Nick: Its okay-y keep going, just wait to add another finger.

Joe: Have you ever-

Nick: No never.

Joe: Then how-

Nick: I don't know I'm just acting on impulse & instinct.

Joe: *Stretches him with one finger, waiting till he signaled it was okay to follow-up with a second one & finally a third making him moan loudly & press against my fingers*

Nick: J-Joe please! *Begs*

Joe: *Kisses him; removes my fingers replacing them with my erection; slowly pushes inside of him*

Nick: Ah ...

Joe: I know, I'm sorry.

Nick: Its okay, it'll fade ... I h-hope.

Joe: It will, just breathe baby.

Nick: *Relaxes in time as he pushed himself fully into me* Oo-oh move-e Joe.

Joe: You sure-

Nick: Yes!

Joe: *Thrusts into him*

Nick: O-oh.

Joe: *Lifts his legs to rest of my shoulders; keeping a light grip on his thighs*

Nick: Ohh! Gasps loudly*

Joe: *Groans thrusting in & out of him; groans* Nick.

Nick: Joe. *Grabs on to his hair*

Joe: *Moves faster*

Nick: Yessss.

Joe: *Kisses him on the lips*

Nick: Kisses back; lets out a cry of pleasure*

Joe: *Makes love to him*

Nick: *Meets his every thrust, every kiss; moans even more*

Joe: Baby. *Groans loudly*

Nick: Uh-ooh-h. *Eyes scrunching*

Joe: N-Nick.

Nick: Oh my God-d, ahh.

Joe: Baby mm-nn. *Speeds up*

Nick: *Comes; cries out* Joe!

Joe: *Sees him come undone watching him ride out his orgasm; a few seconds later tumbles after him spilling into him; collapses onto his now fully sweating body; breathing heavily with him; kisses him*

Nick: *Breathing heavily too; kisses him back*

Joe: I love you. *I whispered to him before his eyes started to close*

Nick: *Smiles & whispers back before falling out* I love you too.

Joe: *Watches him fall sleep completely spent. I just smiled watching him. I covered our bodies with my blanket & pulled him closer to my chest, massaging his head happily till eventually I feel asleep too*

Nick: *The following morning I woke back up to find myself next to Joe. I recalled everything & the memory just made me smile. Just as I was about to touch his cheek, I found instead of hands & arms, my scrawny legs as in my deer legs, I was back to being deer. I sighed not getting why I'd changed back. Could the change only have been a one time thing? I didn't want it to be over, it just couldn't* Oh deer. *I whispered* Please. *I begged*

Nick: *The days went on & every mid-day I became human again & it got to be a regular pattern. Joe & I didn't have a clue why it was this way, but neither of us could complain. I was still glad to be myself, but still also to be human. Joe & I were I guess I couple & we were deeply in love. I resided with Joe everywhere he went. It was perfect. I still can't believe all thats happened, whatever the reason I'm where I belong now. I'm safe & in love*


Special guest: Christina Aguilera

© 2012 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 29, 2012
Last Updated on November 29, 2012
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



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